ENTP 八維向分析
原作者:personalitycafe SimulatedWorld(ENTP)
「我需要儘可能地一直找點有趣的事做。我需要各種刺激,傾向於很快地對那些重複的、簡單的事情失去興趣。我真的很喜歡找尋屬於自己的做事方式、通過n親自實驗 與 嘗試不同的排列組合直到造出新奇的或有意義的東西 等方法來了解事物怎麼運作。我能在很多別人體察不到的地方發現笑點,也喜歡用我的智商和才華調戲眾人。我認為,我最擅長那些需要開闊思路、有不同可能性、要聯結不同想法的任務。有時我會因沉迷於不同的想法中而暫時脫離現實——我很容易突然靈魂出竅而忽視了周圍的人,儘管我真的在乎我的家人與朋友,比我有時所表現出來的要更在乎。我一不小心就會跑毛,因為於我而言最一顆賽艇的事是一直有有趣的事情在我眼前展開。當人們行事保守或死扣那些在我看來根本沒求意義的規則的時候我簡直要抓狂。偶爾我會無意地惹毛一些人——有時我不能理解有些人為毛這麼開不起玩笑。如果我覺著有的東西明明能在我的調教下變得更好,當前卻仍保持著原狀,我就情不自禁地想搞它們。當明明有更有趣的活法時為毛要接受平庸?」
輔助位的Ti最重要的功能是:為Ne對未知事物不知滿足的追求提供一個主觀的穩定的落腳點。Ti使得ENTP能定義併合理化自己無意間推導出來的玩意、能為ta所追求的東西設立一系列做決策時的原則。當Ti發展出它的一套方法與對不斷收入的信息的分類與系統化的方式時,Ne的探索就變得有意義起來,開始內化所追尋事物的因果關係和潛在含義。(從這裡開始我就懶得翻譯了). Development of Ti is crucialnto the ENTP』s true self-actualization: though they may appear wildly confidentn(even overconfident) to outsiders, ENTPs develop most of their truenself-confidence through Ti. It adds a sense of appreciation for grasping andnfully categorizing the nature of self, creating an overarching sense of thenreasoning and integrity of ideas and structural concepts. While it can suffernstubbornness when of its principles is violated, Ti serves the importantnpurpose of reminding the ENTP that she can』t always find every answer withnanother experiment. Continual analysis and correction of the 「internal model」nwill occur as the ENTP gains more experience with an ever-growing number of newnideas and conceptual associations. Ti functions as an internal litmus test fornthe validity (and by extension, virtue) of any idea, person, design, ornconcept. Without it, the ENTP is utterly at the mercy of the opinions andnperceptions of everyone on whom he depends for validation. He may cyclenendlessly through different changes of environment only to find that the realnchange needed to come from within. With the development of Ti, the ENTP willndevelop a set of personal principles that, for once, do not depend onngenerating a reaction or response from the external environment. She will learnnto do things for her own reasons instead of continually shifting with the tidesnof the approval and adulation of others.
On the downside,nif auxiliary Ti is overapplied, the ENTP may begin to resemble a more outgoingnand inflexible INTP, insisting on the correctness of his own reasoning andnevaluation, but lacking the level of discernment and introspection that makesnTi a viable dominant function for INTPs. ENTPs who overestimate the objectivitynof their own sense of logic may often find themselves alienating potentialnsocial contacts with an overwhelming sense of self-righteous insistence on thenvalidity of their own values and reasoning. Their insistence on deriving causalnprinciples from individual experience instead of objectively validatednmethodology is something of a double-edged sword: while they may avoid errorsnin framework-oriented reasoning derived from group-think, they sometimes end upnspending tremendous amounts of time and resources exploring methods and formsnof reasoning that, for good reason, have already been explored and dismissed bynthe greater community. The desire to form an unorthodox method derives as muchnfrom Ne』s need to be viewed by others as unique and creative as it does fromnTi』s need to formulate frameworks of structural reasoning from annindividualized perspective. Ironically, the harder he works to create thenimpression that his style is unique and unexpected (Ne), the more he shuts outnestablished convention (Ti) in an effort to generate a perspective and approachnwhich stands out from the crowd (Ne). Ideally, these two primary functionsnshould inspire each other toward a balanced form of personalized developmentalnprogress: Ne casts a net to find as much new information as possible, Tinarranges and organizes this data into meaningful blocks which follow itsnprinciples, and then Ne goes to work building new formations of the mostnrecently created data blocks. Mastering the balance between these two processesnis a vital component of the ENTP』s fully actualized personality.
When developed inna productive way, tertiary Fe allows ENTPs to begin learning to relate tonothers in terms of externalized moral judgment instead of simply in terms ofncreating interesting impressions and experimenting on others for reactions. Withnthe development of Fe, the ENTP』s characteristic blunt insensitivity willngradually give way to a more significant sense of familial and culturalnresponsibility. The people on whom the ENTP has depended for validation andnfeedback her entire life (often without realizing the extent of theirnimportance) may suddenly strike her as far more meaningful and worthy ofnrespect and admiration. Childish insistence on always being right andnconstantly seeking novelty will move aside in favor of a more realistic sensenof the responsibilities of adult life as the needs, desires, and culturalnbeliefs of important people in the ENTP』s life begin to strike him as genuinelynmeaningful and worthwhile. With Ti and Fe in place, a balance can be reachednbetween living up to individual principles and fulfilling real-worldnexpectations and obligations. The Fe-savvy ENTP understands how to integrateninto the social and moral fabric of the people he values most–thoughnreconciling his personal desires with the needs of others when he finds theirnbeliefs unreasonable may be one of life』s more difficult challenges.
Ideally, Fendevelopment should occur once Ti recognizes that there is a valid andninherently consistent reason for collectivized moral judgment to arise andnguide the structure of interpersonal relationships. Earlier in life, it』s allntoo common for ENTPs to expect continual validation, encouragement, andnattention from the people they find interesting, but without the balancingninfluence of Fe, they rarely recognize the imbalance between how much they takenand how much they give to the people closest to them. When confronted with thisndisparity, it』s not uncommon for tertiary Fe to spring into action and promotenfeelings of guilt and self-criticism, but the process of learning to correctnthis disparity is a vital part of developing adult relationships where ENTPsnare willing and able to give as much as they often unconsciously take. Givingnup the logical high ground may prove difficult for the young ENTP』s ego tonswallow, but it』s a vital step toward personal balance that』s responsible for angreat deal of the gradual movement from pure hedonistic exploration toward anmore well-rounded outlook and a serious understanding of and respect for thenneeds and sentiments of those close to them. Though they do tend to maturenslowly in general, it』s not uncommon to see abrupt and unexpected leaps innperspective in this area, especially when the ENTP admires or strives tonemulate a close friend or family member with strong Fe. While most ENTPs tendnto idolize other NPs in their search for identity, it』s often useful for youngnadult ENTPs to develop close relationships with xxFJ types, as a number ofnimportant and growth-inspiring perspectives and interpersonal strategies can bengarnered from this sort of interaction.
The emergence ofntertiary Fe occurs at a pretty young age for most ENTPs; however, without thenbalancing influence of Ti (which may come much later for many), it tends tonresult in mostly negative applications. The NeFe loop ENTP exudes tremendousnfalse confidence, but in reality has very few internal principles by which toncheck the opinions and perceptions of others against his own value system. Hendoes lip service to a philosophy of integrity of independent thought, but in realitynis a slave to the perceptions and expectations of others. He appears confidentnbecause he recognizes that confidence tends to favorably color the perceptionsnof others–or at the very least, provoke some sort of reaction, which willnprovide some form of feedback. This desire for novel reactions often combinesnwith weak Fe』s rudimentary awareness of what sorts of approaches will upset ornoffend people: the drive to experiment with people』s reactions is there, but itnlacks the nuance to grasp the real implications of what it』s doing. The resultnis the classic ENTP question: 「Why does everyone get upset so easily?」 Innreality, this is only partially true: often, it is the ENTP』s own Fe mistakesnthat result in her interpersonal difficulties.
Of course, youngnENTPs may also overestimate their own ability to avoid emotional influence, asnis typical for many T types. Poor Fe may often result in the distortion ofnreasoning that occurs when someone the ENTP respects and admires comes intonconflict with someone she doesn』t: suddenly, unconscious interpersonalnloyalties may override Ti』s better judgment, resulting in a form of conformitynthe ENTP may not realize is intended to uphold her positive image with peoplenshe finds interesting and worthwhile. In many ways, Fe can contribute bothnpositively and negatively to Ne』s dependence on the approval of others. Whennapplied in excess, this can undermine any sense of legitimate self-confidence;nwhen applied in the right proportion, it grounds the ENTP with a much-needed awarenessnof interpersonal, moral, and social norms and standards.
A peculiarnrelationship seems to occur between ENTPs and their inferior attitude ofnintroverted sensation. Si appears quite often during stressful periods andndepressed burnouts, both brief and lengthy. As its attitude appears on thensurface to completely contradict the doctrine of Ne, its insistence onnpreparedness and its dislike for unexpected surprises seem quite at odds withnthe way most ENTPs prefer to lead their lives. The idea that one shouldnrestrain oneself for the purpose of avoiding unexpected negative effects ofnchange and experimentation strikes young ENTPs as bizarre and confusing. Thenwisdom in the phrase, 「If it ain』t broke, don』t fix it」 may take years to occurnto the ENTP, who makes it his business to 「fix」 everything just to create morenopportunities to discover something different, broken or not. The practicalnvalue in generating more certainty and focusing on more complete and specificnsensory internalization can feel so repetitive and uninteresting that itsnactual value can seem nearly incomprehensible.
As with all types,nthe inferior function is most typically unconscious, poorly developed, andnunable to operate on a competent adult level in most situations. One commonnmanifestation involves the dreaded Ne dominant burnout: when too muchnexploration too fast results in a string of difficult failures, inferior Si maynactually develop a painful aversion to dominant Ne』s treasured sense ofnexploratory freedom. By overextending in too many different directions at once,nthe inferior function can actually step in as a defense mechanism against thennegative experiences of trying new things and failing too many times in a rownwith not enough reassuring successes (note the general dependence on externalnvalidation) to balance it out. The effects on the depressed ENTP』s worldviewncan be catastrophic: frozen in place by fear of failure, Si may push his entirenlifestyle into a risk-averse and sedentary mindset that shuts off the area ofncognition which makes him feel most fulfilled. Blocking out new externalninformation as a result, so-called 「blow-ups」 of inferior Si may lead the ENTPnto retreat into familiar experiences where she can avoid the sting of failurenby dumbing down the external challenge until she knows it will fit within herndrastically reduced comfort zone. It』s not uncommon to see ENTPs engaging innrepetitive and simplistic problem-solving of issues they』ve mastered yearsnbefore: when the stress of consistent failure overwhelms Ne』s desire for morenexperimentation, Si takes over and temporarily forces a return to the known andnestablished, the consistency of certainty.
In other cases,ninferior Si may undermine dominant Ne by gripping the ENTP with an overwhelmingnfear that his situation will become permanently and irreversibly static. If notnenough opportunites for innovation and external stimulation are provided, Ne』snpredictive ability and eye for forward trends can sabotage themselves:nsuddenly, the worst case scenario–total absence of change andnstimulation–becomes an impending fear. Ne』s worst fear, of course, is simplynthe loss of creative freedom, of forced adherence to a repetitive andnpredictable set of non-stimulating information. The more the ENTP fails toncreate new and challenging situations for herself, the more she becomes boundnto her own self-fulfilling prophecy of repetitive failure to progress, doomingnherself to a life of mundanity and destroying the spontaneous inspiration undernwhich she feels most fulfilled.
On the positivenside, however, Si should eventually fall into place as a safe anchor for Ne』snlimitless explorations. It takes a long time for most ENTPs to accept their ownnlimitations and find their niche in life, but when this occurs, it』s almostncertainly related to the difficult but important development of the inferiornattitude. As cognition gradually centers around a coherent identity, the ENTPnshould eventually recognize that, somewhat counterintuitively, working tonestablish more permanance and predictability can actually help appease hisndesire for constant change and stimulation. Once he recognizes that his desirenfor constant change can actually be interpreted as a need for a consistent formnof experience, he can begin to appreciate Si』s role as a practicalncounterweight to the wild unpredictability of Ne as a constant lifestyle. Ifnone fails to establish any predictable level of permanency in life, practicalnconcerns ultimately circumvent Ne』s ability to achieve the level of novelncreation it most deeply desires: without at least some rudimentary attention tonthe world of consistent expectations and comfort in repetition, the ENTPnsabotages his own ability to maintain the high-stimulation lifestyle in whichnhe feels most at home. With a little more attention paid to preserving the goodnthings about the experiences they』re accustomed to, ENTPs will finally gain thenone thing they need most: appreciation for the little things they take forngranted, and all the genuine satisfaction and self-confidence that accompaniesnit.
TAG:迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标MBTI | ENTP |