
大學在澳洲悉尼University of New South Wales,對什麼都挺感興趣的,起初對化工也比較感興趣。剛回來實習了一個月現在真是不太喜歡待在化工廠或者煉油廠



Hi there, my friend. Its a very common question that have been asked by our scholars for so many times, really want to help you out, so here we will give you two tips of choosing another major in your further study.

NO.1 Follow your smile

At Dyad, Greg, our CEO, always keeps its the golden rule for himself which drove him all the way to China and build his leadership in China. However, back in 2008 when he was still a student at U Chicago majored in Political Science, he started to follow his smile - do sth. that makes him happy: joining a club, go climbing, do the debating. And these seemingly little trivial things helps him build his skills in critical thinking and leadership and problem solving. At that time Greg was studying Political Science which has nothing to do with his future major "MBA" in Cambridge University. However, because of his skills and because of his major, he managed to apply for MBA program at Cambridge which makes him unique among all the applicants around his age.

So back to your situation, it could be the chance to make the whole thing different. Since you majored in Chemistry, definitely, there are something its been missing. So please dont baffling yourself with questions like:" which major should I choose?" or " Will I get a job after graduate?" or" What if I dont like it" these questions will do no good for you but make you feel uncertain about your own future. However only you take a first step can you truly discover yourself and there is nothing to worry about. But rather ask yourself: what is so unique about my major? What did I learn in Chemistry? And what did Chemistry teach me in choosing another major?

NO.2 Do Sth. Different

When Greg was applying to Cambridge Business School and unexpectedly got a full Gates Scholarship, he really did something different because no one would expect that a student who majored in Political Science should study Business and should get an internship on Wall Street. And no one would expect that what he learned during his first internship should help him build knowledge on Management. It is rather a unrelated work to business: writing analysis on Oil Supply in Nigeria and writing essays on how Russia effect their Oil Supply, but actually this helped the company to make a better decision on future investment, so really thanks to his knowledge he learned from his initial major: Political Science, which taught him how to communicate how to develop critical thinking and how to improve his research skills.

And we believe you can do that too. With all the same application letters saying I did the internship in those big firms or consulting industry, here is the thing: say sth. you learned from your previous major that help you to find your goals in the future.

NO.3 Find Your Mentor

We all need a mentor in life, no matter where are from or how old are they, because they are the ones whove been there and always have the experience you dont have. These people could be your mentor to help you and guide you through the darkest time. And at Dyad, we have a strong team with over 200 mentors who are from the worlds top universities and worlds highest professions willing to help our scholars to discover themselves and achieve their destiny.

And we hope you will soon find yours;)

Dont worry its gonna be OK...

If you have further question,

feel free to ask us on WeChat:

Team Dyad











我也是化工的,化工這個行業真的是很無聊 不溫不火,如果有機會我強烈建議你轉互聯網,計算機。現在這個信息產業太發達了,這個才是改變未來的行業。


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TAG:化工 | 轉專業 | 個人生活諮詢 |