連線 Skype 聯合創始人 - Wire 來了…

前不久,Skype 聯合創始人賈納斯·弗里斯(Janus Friis)攜手多位在技術行業浸潤多年的老手共同推出了一款全新的社交應用——Wire,它提供了 iOS、Android 和 OS X 客戶端,允許用戶同步聊天記錄、呼叫他人、支持點對點或群發消息、以及分享 SoundCloud 音樂等。

這款 App 被報道之後便引起大量用戶和業內人士的關注,其背後團隊更是一個精英組合,基本都是曾在蘋果、諾基亞、微軟、 Skype 等工作過的技術和產品人員。在這一期的連線欄目中,我們也有幸採訪到了 Wire 的開發團隊,請看愛屁屁對 Skype 聯合創始人的訪問。

[Wire 截圖]查看評測

▎感謝您參與愛屁屁連線欄目,首先請先介紹下你和你的團隊?作為 Skype 的聯合創始人,你覺得 Skype 現在的狀況怎麼樣 ?

Wire 項目是在 2012 年秋創立的,身為創始人的 Alan Duric, Jonathan Christensen, 和 Priidu Zilmer 他們三人認為通訊體驗還可以擁有更多創新和進步的空間。Skype 當然很棒啦~ 他們可是先驅呢 ~ 然而,我們使用的設備中依然擁有許多創新和創造現代應用程序的技術。

▎是什麼原因使你們創造了這款如此出色的 App,您的團隊是如何走在一起的,這背後有哪些有趣的故事?

我們利用我們的經驗和專業背景,徹底地研究了溝通這個問題。利用 Wire,我們最終解決了許多問題因而可以提供更好的,更加持續的通訊體驗,我們著力於三個地方。

1. 精密-溝通是一件寶貴而且不可或缺的事情。我們認為這種精密需要全方位的展現在用戶面前。Wire 可以在最新的設備上,包括 iPhone6,具有 Retina 顯示屏的 iPad 以及最新款的 Android 設備。你在 Wire 中分享的照片會在對話列中以高清晰度靚麗的展現。而來自 Soudcloud 的音樂以及 YouTube 的視頻可以很完美的與文字和圖片融合在對話列中。

2. 方式-Wire允許用戶可以輕鬆的切換文字和圖片以及高清通話這兩種方式。我們的通話系統,使用的最先進的網路通訊技術可以帶來清晰的通話體驗。就像通話的對象就在你身旁,與你同在。Wire 將優質高效的溝通方法帶到了你面前=這是我們用心刻畫出來的交互設計!

3. 平台-我們創造了原生的,高效的應用。現在,Wire 在 App Store 和 Google Play 都提供下載。 而網頁版也將問世。 Wire 的雲端同步功能保證了設備之間的轉換和無縫連接體驗。


這個還是不能說啦,但是我們可以說的是在軟體發布的第二天我們就登錄了美國區 Mac App Store 第二名哦,就在 Yosemite之後啦!

▎為什麼你認為用戶會使用你們的 App 而不是 Facebook、Massager、Line、Wechat、Skype 或是其它?Wire 目前在什麼階段中,您又是怎麼看待中國市場的呢?

Wire 是一個現代的網路通訊工具,是受到了最新的硬體產品的啟發也是為他們而開發的。在 Wire 中,文字、語音、圖片、視像華麗的交融在一起。Wire就是獨一無二的溝通體驗!我們換個角度看。我們希望用戶喜歡我們做事的方式-將文字、語音、圖片、視像可以在華麗的通訊工具中交織在一起。你有曾想過將電話號碼作為識別朋友的方式么。為什麼你只將名字和電子郵件作為識別符。如果有相同的名字呢?

Wire 的字典功能會自動匹配你的聯繫人。不像其他的移動應用,Wire 並不需要你的電話號碼進行驗證,也不依靠電話號碼作為設備激活之用。取而代之的是,我們使用了全新的認證和匹配方法。我們使用了電子郵件,這個擁有唯一性的東西,對你進行驗證。最終,你的朋友將更加容易被發現,而設備之間的切換也會變得更加無縫。當然,也會鮮少擁有騷擾信息。

因為我們只運營了一周,所以我們依然在進行 Bug 修復以開發出更好的wire。現在你可以在 iOS,OS X 以及安卓設備上使用 Wire。而完整功能的 Windows 版本也將會很快放出。可以通過關注我們的 Twitter 看到最新消息。

▎Wire 的下一階段你有什麼構思?後期會為用戶帶來哪些驚喜?

我們深知無效溝通是怎樣的境況,也清楚的知道那是什麼感受。所以現在我們很高興的介紹wire,以及他的所有的功能和特性,而且也希望知道用戶的體驗到底如何。我們計劃接下來會開發新的功能,那些我們覺得對於現代溝通很需要的功能。首當其衝的就是網頁版本。這樣用戶就可以在所有的平台上使用 Wire了。我們同時也致力於更加優質的外觀,更好的媒體管理系統以及其他的功能。我們已經積壓了看起來需要5年才可以完成的工作。有太多太多的東西可以用來增強以及增進 Wire 的功能了。


Wire 就代表著優秀的溝通體驗,Wire 最值得關注的並不是他的某一項功能,而是他如何將這些功能聚合在一塊。 我們希望全世界的用戶都可以享受 Wire。

- – 特別感謝愛屁屁金牌作者@ 譚子旻 翻譯,以下是採訪原文 – -

▎Thank you for your interview with appnz.com, could you please introduce yourself and your team?

Wire was founded in the fall of 2012. Wire was founded by Alan Duric, Jonathan Christensen, and Priidu Zilmer who built Wire on the premise that there is still plenty of room to innovate and evolve the communications experience.

▎Could you tell me the reason why you make this amazing app?How did your team be together? Is there something funny happened?

We』ve taken our collective experience and expertise, to look at communications holistically. With Wire, we』ve reimagined communications by solving a number of problems ultimately providing a consistent, richer communications experience for people. We focus on three areas:

1. Fidelity – Conversations are valuable, memorable and indispensable. And we believe this fidelity should be preserved and presented in an immersive way. We engineered Wire for the latest devices, including the iPhone 6, retina iPads, and latest Android phones. Photos you share in Wire conversations display beautifully inline, with high resolution. Music from SoundCloud and videos from YouTube blend nicely with text and pictures.

2. Modality – Wire allow users to easily move from text and pictures to HD voice. Our calling, engineered by some of the most renowned minds in internet audio, delivers a crisp and clear experience. It is as if the person you are speaking with is right there, with you. Wire accommodates better, more beautiful conversations without compromising simplicity — it is at the heart of how we think about interface design.

3. Platforms – We have built native, high-performance apps. Today, Wire is available on the App Store and Play Store for iOS, Android and OS X. A version for browsers is coming soon. Wire』s cloud architecture ensures conversations are in sync, across all devices with the same look and feel.

▎As a co-founder of Skype, what do you think about the situation of Skype now?

Skype is a great story – they were pioneers. However, there』s been so much innovation in the devices we use and the technology we build modern apps with.

What is your application』s position in the market?

We don』t have this information but can share that on the second day after launch we were trending at #2 (just behind Yosemite) in the OS X App Store in the US.

Why do you think user will use your app instead of FB Massager or Skype etc.?

Wire is a modern communication network, inspired by and developed for the latest in hardware, where text, talk, pictures, video and music are woven together in beautiful conversations. Wire is meant to be a communication experience like no other.

What do you think about your App in Chinese market? How about Wechat which may your biggest enemy?

We are taking a very different approach. We hope people will appreciate our way of doing things — where text, talking, pictures, video and music are woven together in beautiful conversations.

Have you think about the phone number as a choice of adding friends in your App? Why are you just using name and email as the searching keyword? What if there is the same name?

Our discovery process on Wire helps you connect with your network. Unlike other mobile apps, Wire does not require mobile phone number verification and does not rely on the mobile number for device activation instead Wire uses a novel approach to identity and contact matching. We use email, which is a unique string and we verify it. The result is that your friends are easy to find, device mobility is seamless, all without spam.

When I using this app, I still find some bugs like, I cannot sign out the account when I use the mac version. And why there is no windows version? Will you release new version regularly which is like Facebook will update every week.

As we just launched one week ago, we are still working on bug fixing and fine tuning to make Wire even better. Today you can use Wire across iOS, Android and OS X devices. For Windows users a full featured version will be available soon. We would suggest users follow us on Twitter @wire for updates - twitter.com/wire/status)

Do you have any plan of the next step for your App?

We have a clear vision for what an effortless conversation looks and feels like. Today, we are excited to have introduced Wire with its core set of functionality and features, and are looking forward to seeing what people think about the experience.

We plan to introduce several additional new features that we feel are essential to the modern conversation experience, the first being our Web App version. This means users on Windows and devices like the Kindle Fire will have access to Wire.

We are also working on more advanced presence, more media management capabilities, among other things. We have a backlog that looks like at least 5 years worth of work. There are so many ways to enhance and extend the capabilities of Wire.

What do you want to say to China users?

Wire stands for great conversations. The most notable thing about Wire is not any one feature. It is how the whole thing comes together. We hope people all over the world enjoy Wire.

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