聖塔克拉拉大學 Santa Clara University。它是否是隱藏美國名校?大家如何看?


  1. 著名校友:Javascript 編寫人Brendan Eich。 以及無人車Nvidia和 Farmers Insurance 公司的創始人。NBA的著名球星納神,香港女首富何超瓊。

2. 福布斯美國大學排名,把綜合性大學,碩士級大學和文理學院三種類型一起比較,Santa Clara University排名第64,Emory排名66,北卡大學教堂山分校排名68,UIUC排第69,華盛頓大學排79,喬治亞理工第81,UCSB第86。為何福布斯美國大學排名和usnews偏差大,因為usnews將博士級別大學(劃分標準為每年授予博士學位數大於20),那些小大學由於科研不突出,而被usnews雪藏,但教學和聲望在美國不差。是否有此事?

3. Santa Clara University在usnews西部大學排名第2,但在福布斯美國大學排名中力壓Emory,北卡大學,UIUC,UW,Git等一系列大眾名校,確實值得學生考慮嗎?網頁鏈接:Forbes Welcome

4. 另一個由HiringSolved做的對留在矽谷就業的高校的排名,總共9000人的教會大學,在矽谷就業的排名為第21名,僅次於1萬1千400人的工科名校MIT。看來就業不錯。真的如此嗎? 網頁鏈接:https://qz.com/967985/silicon-valley-companies-like-apple-aapl-hires-the-most-alumni-of-these-10-universities-and-none-of-them-are-in-the-ivy-league/

xiexie你的問題,I think Santa Clara University is definitely being underrated and its a great University. And I do believe that it will be better in the next 2 years. Why? Here are my reasons.

  1. Just look at its Location. 加利福尼亞太棒啦!The Location is amazing where you are so close to Silicon Valley and high-tech companies which means you will have more opportunities to develop yourself.

2. Jobs and Alumni: it is a great chance for students after graduation finding jobs in the nearby job market. And with more elite students, the university will definitely be better at its facility and management. 錢是推動力,校友怎麼可以少?

3. Great internship and more opportunities are not only for students but also for professors. Students will have more chance to improve themselves during their time at Santa Clara and they can take some great internship at Silicon Valley. And for professors, they will also come to teach at this school because of its promising future ahead.

但是I would agree that there are stronger programs than the ranking would indicate. it is a commuter campus.就是說很多在這個大學上學的學生都是兼職,沒有整天都在學校里的。所以對於那些在學校里的學生來說,networking會困難一點,但是我也是建議那些成績稍微弱一點,但是上進心很強的學生去這所大學,畢竟矽谷的項目可是潛力無限的。









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