
摘自BIM 在國外應用的現狀研究

建築信息模型(Building Information Modeling,簡稱BIM)從提出到逐步完善,再到工程建設行業的普遍接受,經歷了幾十年的歷程。BIM的實踐最初主要由幾個比較小的先鋒國家所主導,比如芬蘭、挪威和新加坡,美國的一些早期實踐者緊隨其後。經過長期的醞釀,BIM在美國逐漸成為主流,並對包括中國在內的其他國家的BIM實踐產生影響。如今,BIM應用在國外已經相當普及,本文旨在介紹BIM在國外應用的現狀。


1995年新加坡國家發展部啟動了一個名為CORENET(Construction and Real EstateNetwork)的IT 項目。主要目的是通過對業務流程進行流程再造(BPR),以實現作業時間、生產效率和效果上的提升,同時還注重於採用先進的信息技術實現建築房地產業的參與方間實現高效、無縫地溝通和信息交流。Corenet系統主要包括三個組成部分:e-Submission、

e-plan Check和e-info。在整個系統中,居於核心地位的是e-plan Check子系統,同時其也是整個系統中最具特色之處。該子系統的作用是使用自動化程序對建築設汁的成果進行數字化的檢查,以發現其中違反建築規範要求之處。整個計劃涉及到了五個政府部門中的八個相關機構。為了達到這一目的,系統採用了國際互可操作聯盟(IAI)所制定的IFC 2x2標準作為建築數據定義的方法和手段。整個系統採用C/S架構,利用該系統,設計人員可以先通過系統的BIM工具對設計成果進行加工準備,然後將其提交給系統進行在線的自動審查。

為了保證CORENET項目(特別是e-plan check系統)的順利實施,新加坡政府採取了一系列的政策措施,取得了較好地效果。其中主要包括:





2003年起,美國總務管理局(GSA)通過其下屬的公共建築服務處(Public Buildings Service,PBS)開始實施一項被稱為國家3D-4D-BIM計劃的項目,實施該項目的目的有:①實現技術轉變,以提供更加高效、經濟、安全、美觀的聯邦建築:②促進和支持開放標準的應用。按照計劃,GSA從整個項目生命周期的角度來探索BIM的應用,其包含的領域有空間規劃驗證、4D進度控制、激光掃描、能量分析、人流和安全驗證以及建築設備分析及決策支持等。為了保證計劃的順利實施,GSA制定了一系列的策略進行支持和引導,主要內容有:






與大多數國家相比,英國政府要求強制使用BIM。2011年5月,英國內閣辦公室發布了」政府建設戰略(Government ConstructionStrategy)」文件,其中有整個章節關於建築信息模型( BIM),這章節中明確要求,到2016年,政府要求全面協同3D-BIM.並將全部的文件以信息化管理。

英國的設計公司在BIM實施方面已經相當領先了,因為倫敦是眾多全球領先設計企業的總部,如Foster and Partners、Zaha HadidArchitects. BDP和Arup Sports,也是很多領先設計企業的歐洲總部,如HOK、SOM 和Gensler。在這些背景下,一個政府發布的強制使用BIM的文件可以得到有效執行,因此,英國的AEC企業與世界其他地方相比,發展速度更快。


北歐國家包括挪威、丹麥、瑞典和芬蘭,是一些主要的建築業信息技術的軟體廠商所在地,如Tekla 和Solibri,而且對發源於鄰近匈牙利的ArchiCAD的應用率也很高。

北歐四國政府強制卻並未要求全部使用BIM,由於當地氣候的要求以及先進建築信息技術軟體的推動,BIM技術的發展主要是企業的自覺行為。如Senate Properties一家芬蘭國有企業,也是荷蘭最大的物業資產管理公司。2007年,Senate Properties發布了一份建設計的BIM要求(Senate PrOpertieSBIM ReqUirementS fOr ArChiteCtUral Design,2007)。自2007年10月1日起,Senate Properties的項目僅強制要求建築設計部分使用BIM,其他設計部分可根據項目情況自行決定是否採用BIM技術,但目標將是全面使用BIM。該報告還提出,在設計招標將有強制的BIM要求,這些BIM要求將成為項目合同的一部分,具有法律約束力:建議在項目協作時,建模任務需創建通用的視圖,需要準確的定義;需要提交最終BIM模型,且建築結構與模型內部的碰撞霈要進行存檔:建模流程分為四個階段:Spatial Group BIM、Spatial BIM、Pre|iminary BuiIdingElement BIM和BuildingElement BIM


[1]傑里,菜瑟林,王新.美國BIM應用的觀察與啟示[J].時代建築,2013 (2).


[3]張泳,付君.從新,美兩國經驗看我國BIM發展戰略[J].價值工程,2013,32(5): 41-44




In order to
facilitate all the members in industry groups to work collaboratively with BIM,
the Cabinet Office of UK published the Government Construction Strategy in May
2011, aiming to achieve higher efficiency and cost reduction.

According to the
document, the UK government plans to adopt BIM progressively starting from 2012
to 2016, enabling AEC industry to have enough time to prepare for the new
standards and get trainings of BIM. Specifically, they are required to apply
BIM to in post completion process from March 2012 and one month later they
should define and mandate the expected standard information set for government
projects. By 2016 they need to achieve fully collaborative 3D BIM with all
information data and electronic documentation.


In terms of the
implementation of BIM, Hong Kong started piloting BIM since 2006 with more than
19 public rental housing projects utilized BIM technology at various project
stages, ranging from feasibility study to construction stage. They also
developed their own in-house BIM standards, user guide, library component
design guide and references to enable the process of successful BIM
implementation. Besides, they are required for effective model building,
electronic file management and communication between BIM users. And they also
plan to apply BIM as a standard design tool for housing projects starting from
2014 to 2015 (Hong Kong Housing Authority, 2009).

In addition, the
mainland of China also realized the importance of information system in
construction enterprises. The Chinese government published China』s Twelfth
Five-Year Plan in order to facilitate the usage of BIM in construction projects
for AEC industry. Aiming to develop a group of leading AEC enterprises, the
government encourages enterprises to apply BIM with several development core
aspects, from effective productivity to higher management standards.


In order to achieve
efficiency in construction projects, Singapore Building and Construction
Authority (BCA) mandated BIM e-submission of architectural, structural and
mechanical and electrical plans for building works for regulatory approval by
2015. Moreover, the BCA also established a BIM fund for Singapore registered
firms which are the member of an on-going or upcoming construction projects.
The purpose of the fund is to encourage those firms to utilize fully
collaborative BIM technology in actual projects by supporting a wide coverage
of costs, such as training costs, consultancy services costs and BIM hardware
and software costs and projects which demonstrate at least 10% rework reduction
or productivity improvement in key business processes, for example, performing
clash detection using BIM during tender or construction stage (Building and
Construction Authority, 2011).


The United States is
the first country which starts to apply BIM. Since its first application of
BIM, the technology has been well developed that many parties in the US have
made full use of BIM, ranging from public equipment to military construction projects.

The US General
Services Administration (GSA), which serves the federal government and hence
the US public in areas such as office equipment and integrated information
technology, has established the National 3D-4D-BIM Program in over 35 ongoing
projects across US. The BIM technology was applied throughout a project』s
lifecycle, including spatial program validation, 4D phasing, laser scanning,
energy and sustainability, circulation and security validation, and building

The US Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE), which is responsible for enhancing US』s security by providing and
maintaining America』s infrastructure and military facilities, developed a 15
years BIM roadmap in 2006 - Building Information Modelling (BIM): A Roadmap for
Implementation to Support MILCON Transformation and Civil Works Projects within
USACE. The roadmap indicates that it would use BIM in upcoming military
construction projects. The USACE also published BIM Implementation Plan for
Military Construction Projects in January 2011, aiming to utilize BIM
technology to provide powerful tools to reduce building life-cycle costs and
improve building efficiency and quality.


According to
Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation, Australia released
National Guidelines for Digital Modelling in 2009. In the article, it supports
the usage of collaborative BIM as they believe that BIM technology would
improve the present situation of productivity and gain greatest benefits, in
spite of the modification and adoption work needed to be done. From the
article, BIM technology could be used in different construction stages and
played different but important roles, ranging from the design stage (including
the pre-design stage, the conceptual design stage, schematic design stage and
developed design stage) to the management stage (Cooperative Research Centre
for Construction Innovation, 2009)

States and Western Europe confirms

However, looking at
BIM implementation on another angle, BIM firmly entrenched and is expanding in
the AEC industry, according to the reports conducted within the United States
and Western Europe confirms.

The Business Value of
BIM: Getting Building Information Modelling to the Bottom Line (McGraw-Hill
Construction, 2009), states that about half of the US AEC industry is using
BIM, a 75% increase since 2007. According to The Business Value of BIM in
Europe: Getting Building Information Modelling to the Bottom Line in the United
Kingdom, France, and Germany (McGraw-Hill Construction, 2010), 36% of the
industry in Western Europe has implemented BIM.

The report in 2009
states that six out of ten architects in the United States adopt BIM models,
with half of those users also conducting analysis on these models. According to
the report in 2010 about BIM application in Europe, in Western Europe 70%
architects who adopt BIM believe that it leads to a better-designed project.
The report in 2009 states that in the next two years, the use of BIM is
predicted to double by structural engineers, triple by mechanical, electrical,
and plumbing (MEP) engineers, and quadruple by civil engineers. The report in
2010 on BIM in Europe states that in Western Europe nearly 70% of engineers
think positive ROI and 62% found BIM to be of high or very high value during the
construction stage. According to the report in 2009, the use of BIM among US
contractors has almost quadrupled in the past two years, with half of all
contractors currently using BIM. The report in 2010 on BIM in Europe reports
that 52% of contractors in Western Europe found BIM to be of high or very high
value during the construction phase. 70% US owners surveyed by the report in
2009 showed a positive ROI by using BIM. In Western Europe, 65% of the owners
surveyed report asking for BIM, according to the report in 2010 on BIM in




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