















東亞 中國的「七曜」和西方以七星命名的七天相對應,大約發生於唐朝。

西方 西方語言中星期的表達法大多源於拉丁語。而拉丁語的情況可分為基督教崛起前和崛起後兩種;


還有:星期中的日子 這裡是全世界各國星期幾的叫法。

『a little history of the world ,貢布里希,其中第四章"sunday,monday...",算是講清楚了這個問題吧,附部分原文

For both the Babylonians and the Assyrians worshipped the sun
and the moon, and also the stars. On clear, warm nights, through-
out the year and over centuries, they observed and recorded every-
thing they saw in the skies. And because they were intelligent, they
noticed that the stars revolved in a regular way. They soon learnt to
recognise those that seemed fixed to the vault of heaven, reappear-
ing each night in the same place. And they saw shapes in the con-
stellations and gave them names, just as we do when we speak of
the Great Bear. But the stars which seemed to move over the vault
of heaven, now, say, towards the Great Bear, and now towards the
Scales, were the ones that interested them most. In those days
people thought that the earth was a flat disk, and that the sky was
a sort of hollow sphere cupped over the earth, that turned over it
once each day. So it must have seemed miraculous to them that,
although most of the stars stayed fixed to the heavens, some
seemed, as it were, only loosely fastened, and able to move about.

Today we know that these are the stars that are close to us,
and that they turn with the earth around the sun. They are called
planets. But the ancient Babylonians and Assyrians couldn』t know
that, and so they thought some strange magic must lie behind it.
They gave a name to each wandering star and observed them con-
stantly, convinced that they were powerful beings whose positions
influenced the destinies of men, and that by studying them they
would be able to predict the future. This belief in the stars has a
Greek name: astrology.

Some planets were believed to bring good luck, others misfortune: Mars meant war and Venus, love. To each of the five planets
known to them they dedicated a day, and with the sun and the
moon, that made seven. This was the origin of our seven-day week.
In English we still say Satur (Saturn)-day, Sun-day and Mon
(moon)-day, but the other days are named after different gods. In
other languages – such as French or Italian – most of the days of
the week still belong to the planets that the Babylonians first
named. Would you ever have guessed that our weekdays had such
a strange and venerable history, reaching back all those thousands
of years?




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