OS X 上 Control + Command + Option + 8 這個快捷鍵有什麼意義?
如 @陳賢安 在問題評論里所說,這是 OS X「萬能輔助」(Universal Access)的功能。萬能輔助的所有特性都是為了讓使用電腦時遇到困難的用戶在一些特殊功能的輔助下能更順利地使用電腦。
???8 是切換黑底白字與白底黑字模式的快捷鍵。自己去系統偏好設置看。這不是彩蛋。
Silver Mac上有篇文章說過這個Link:http://www.silvermac.com/cool-things-to-do-on-mac/
One could ask – Why would you ever want to do this? It comes very handy when your eyes are tired and some genius has been experimenting with background and text colours on his or her website … MySpace anyone?
It is also irreplaceable tool in photography, during the post production editing. If you have a large, bright picture and you are trying to locate any dark spots that you need to clone out (e.g. sensor dust, birds in the sky, etc.) it gets really tough on your eyes after a few minutes. Reverse colours and look for bright spots on the dark background – they stand out like Christmas lights at night.It would be funny if you did this in Apple store and watched the salesperson freaking out.
OS X不怎麼用,不過iOS的這個功能在強光下玩Swift Blade Ninja的時候很實用。
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