
如何評價特朗普率先提名南卡州長印度裔錫克教家庭出身的Nikki Harley為駐聯合國特使,提名前密歇根州共和黨委員會主席,小企業主Betsy DeVos為教育部長?

另Ben Carson表示他的提名將在稍後公布。


US President-elect Donald Trump has appointed the first two women to his incoming administration.

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was nominated as US envoy to the UN and Betsy DeVos as education secretary.

Both are former critics of Mr Trump, with Mrs Haley once saying she was "not a fan", and Mrs DeVos branding the Manhattan tycoon an "interloper".

Mr Trumps presidential primary rival Ben Carson also hinted he would soon be named for a post.

"An announcement is forthcoming about my role in helping to make America great again," Mr Carson wrote on Facebook.

Mr Trump tweeted on Tuesday that he was "seriously considering" Mr Carson for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Diplomats relieved - BBCs Nick Bryant, at the UN

Eye-catching though her political career has been, little is known about Nikki Haleys views on foreign affairs and the United Nations. Diplomats here have been Googling her to find out more. When her nomination was announced I was with a senior diplomat, who had expected President-elect Trump to downgrade the job of UN ambassador so that it was no longer a cabinet-level position.

He was heartened that Mr Trump had selected a "political heavyweight", and viewed it as an early indication than the incoming administration will take the UN more seriously than hed supposed. Certainly, shes no John Bolton, the US ambassador during the Bush administration who famously remarked that it would not make much of a difference if the UN headquarters in New York lost its top 10 floors - where the organisations most senior figures, including the secretary general, have their offices.

Many UN diplomats fear a Trump presidency and theres relief here that he hasnt appointed an outspoken UN-basher.

The appointments of Mrs Haley and Mrs DeVos will need to be approved by the Republican-controlled Senate.

Mr Trump called Mrs Haley "a proven dealmaker, and we look to be making plenty of deals".

"She will be a great leader representing us on the world stage," he added.

Mrs Haley said she was "moved" to accept the assignment and would stay on as South Carolina governor, pending her congressional confirmation.

During the Republican primaries, she supported Florida Senator Marco Rubio and then Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Mrs Haley also strongly attacked Mr Trumps proposal to ban Muslim immigrants, describing it as "un-American".

關於Nikki Haley被任命為美駐UN大使的用意。

她任期到2019年1月(之前犯了小錯寫成2018年),之後便無法做州長了,只能選議員或者入閣。她是建制派的早期是反對川普的,而她的副州長在早期跟她唱反調給特朗普站台背書的。現在把她發配走了,支持川普的副州長順位成為州長。川普這步棋很高的,既賣了建制派的人情,又獎勵了早期支持自己的副州長,又把這位早期反川的州長攥在了手心裡(因她在UN投票不能違背總統的意願,又不像州長有實權),然後因為她是印度人+女性又堵住里左媒的嘴,又因為她是first indian 美駐UN大使還順便噁心了下川普之前罵過多次的號稱自己是indian的沃倫,這簡直是1石5鳥。



The first Indian(印度裔/印第安人) ambassador to the U.N. 明白了嗎。

她們兩個只是具有女性的身體而已 在加入特朗普陣營的瞬間她們已經被開除女籍了

左媒:There is a difference between having female reproductive part and actually being a women. Nikki Haley and Betsy DeVos are the ones with female parts but they are not female.










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