To Be A Product Manager | Week 46

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 46 of

To Be A Product Manager

Hi there, this will be my last product journal in 2017. Tomorrow it』s Friday, and I』m taking a day off along with my 3-day new year holiday visiting my family. So I』m wrapping up this weekly on a Thursday night.

I went to a wine party last weekend, and it really turns up my interest into wine. I have a taste of Le bouissel, a wine produced only 2,000 bottles a year by a French wine farm. So 2018, I may do some research on wine, or maybe a trip to European countryside, to join some real experience in a wine farm.

What I』m pondering

Although I only have 4 day, I manage to get a lot of things done. BTW, they are challenging and interesting, so I was amped to do the planning and research very productively.

Taking a look of my 2017, I started this journal pretty much unconsciously. The first week I joined this startup, my boss wrote a journal on Confluence, hoping we could learn, strive as well as have fun during this year. She also recommended everyone should start a journal documenting the process.

Well, I』m always a fan of GaryVee』s working ethic,

Document, don』t just creat.

They didn』t force me to write, but I think this is really good chance to start a journal of my own, becasuse since I was in school, I always hate writing, let alone writing every day or every week.

Then, I posted 105 journals on my first 105 days as a product manager, then switching to weekly ones. Some asked me why do you write in English, not your mother language Chinese. I』ve admitted I』m still pretty bad at English writing, but I』m trying to express everything I want to say here.

I believe in the future the audience of every media form won』t be a language alone, but a universal one. And I don』t want to spend the rest of my life only in China. Life is about experiencing, learning and loving.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Bye 2017, and happy new year 2018!

Here we come!

My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,



To Be A Product Manager | Day 71
To Be A Product Manager | Week 32

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