
閱讀英語原版書除了可以讓我們提升辭彙量,還有助於我們感受地道英語的文采,提升自己遣詞造句的能力。今天在這裡推薦一本文筆極佳的小說:All the Light We Cannot See

All the Light We Cannot See(所有我們看不見的光)是美國作者Anthony Doerr於2014年出版的一本以二戰為背景的小說。作者在接受NPR新聞採訪時提到了小說的創作靈感:2004年他在紐約乘地鐵時看到一位乘客因為手機沒信號而發火,他突然意識到我們現在習以為常的遠距離通信對於過去的人來說無異於是一個奇蹟。於是他想創作一部關於無線電通信對二戰期間人們影響的作品。這部作品最終花了他十年的時間才完成。


All the Light We Cannot See在出版後獲得了眾多獎項,它是2015年《紐約時報》十佳暢銷書之一,併入選《華盛頓郵報》和《衛報》等多家報紙年度最佳好書。它還獲得了2015年的普利策獎(虛構作品類)。普利策頒獎委員會給出的頒獎詞是:

An imaginative and intricate novel inspired by the horrors of World War II and written in short, elegant chapters that explore human nature and the contradictory power of technology.

這本書除了精巧的故事情節之外,最大的特點是文筆極其優美,很多句子讀起來像詩歌一樣。All the Light We Cannot See是那種即使句子里有很多生詞不認識也不妨礙你欣賞其中文字美感的書。在國外書評網站Goodreads上,眾多網友毫不吝嗇對這部小說語言的讚美:

This book has the most hauntingly beautiful prose Ive ever read. Its brimming with rich details that fill all five senses simultaneously. Its full of beautiful metaphors that paint gorgeous images. I didnt want this book to end, but I couldnt put it down.

The language is so fantastically precise - Anthony Doerr does things with verbs that make entire paragraphs sing - that the visual component of this book is quite astounding.

The writing was incredible, the descriptions so vivid. It did a superb job of showing the reader how the characters felt through their actions, rather than telling.


Up and down the lanes, the last unevacuated townspeople wake, groan, sigh. Spinsters, prostitutes, men over sixty. Procrastinators, collaborators, disbelievers, drunks. Nuns of every order. The poor. The stubborn. The blind.


With the door shut, the sound of the sirens softens. Above them, the ceiling bulb flickers.

這裡使用了壓頭韻的手法,shut, sound, sirens, softens這幾個詞不僅用得很巧妙,而且讀起來很自然,沒有那種刻意為之的生硬感,這足以看出作者的文字功底。

What is blindness? Where there should be a wall, her hands find nothing. Where there should be nothing, a table leg gouges her shin. Cars growl in the streets; leaves whisper in the sky; blood rustles through her inner ears.


To men like that, time was a surfeit, a barrel they watched slowly drain. When really, he thinks, it』s a glowing puddle you carry in your hands; you should spend all your energy protecting it. Fighting for it. Working so hard not to spill one single drop.


But God is only a white cold eye, a quarter-moon poised above the smoke, blinking, blinking, as the city is gradually pounded to dust.


The window glows. The slow sandy light of dawn permeates the room. Everything transient and aching; everything tentative. To be here, in this room, high in this house, out of the cellar, with her: it is like medicine.

這一段是寫Werner和Marie-Laure在聖馬洛相遇後的情景。作者通過對周圍氣氛的描寫來烘托Werner對Marie-Laure不斷加深的感情。同時第二句To be here, in this room, high in this house, out of the cellar, with her句式很整齊,語氣上也層層鋪墊,到最後一句it is like medicine在情感上實現了爆發。

書中類似上面這樣的句子還有很多。All the Light We Cannot See是一本值得你反覆閱讀的小說,它會讓你在閱讀過程中感受到英語的語言之美,同時書中所體現的對戰爭和人性的思考也會對你有所啟發。推薦你去讀一讀這本小說。


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