
[第177次聽寫] 又被let's這個單詞虐了一遍


我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持5個月了. 你想不想找一種輕鬆的方式提升自己的聽力? 跟我一起每天聽寫電影吧!



Okay! Lets get you back in your luggage.


但如果直接說okay! get you back...這樣句子是不地道的. 你倒是可以說okay. get back in your luggage, 但表示的意思成了: 回到你的箱子里去.

其實lets中ts是比較明顯的, 但前邊的le就一帶而過了.

口語中句子第一個單詞的開頭的音往往會出現這種一帶而過的感覺, 就好像音樂漸入漸出的效果, 三分靠聽, 七分靠補足. 拿什麼補足? 拿你的語法功底, 辭彙搭配功底, 根據上下文來找到合乎語境的詞.


從第141篇開始, 我不再放出我自己聽寫的版本, 而是改為在答案上標記重難點, 大家特別注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 You have sustained no injuries.

2 However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings, common in adolescence. Diagnosis, puberty.

3 What? Okay. Time to shrink now.

4-You should expect an increase in body hair, especially on your face, chest, armpits, and... -Thank you! Thats enough.

5 You may also experience strange and powerful new urges.

6 Okay! Lets get you back in your luggage.

7 I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.

8 Fine. Im satisfied with my...

9 My microbot? This doesnt make any sense.

10 Puberty can often be a confusing time for a young adolescent flowering into manhood.

11 No. The thing is attracted to the other microbots, but thats impossible.

12 They were destroyed in the fire. Dumb things broken.

13 Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.

14 Oh, yeah? Why dont you find out where its trying to go?

15 -Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings? -Absolutely.


[第144次聽寫] 你喜歡通心粉加乳酪嗎?
Connotation vs. Meaning

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