To Be A Product Manager | Week 44

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 44 of

To Be A Product Manager

I didn』t sleep and work out that much this week. See, last weekend I went to film shooting and started editing the video, as well as writing down what I』ve learned from making a short film in 30 days with 0 experience. This film is a documentary and it』s in Chinese, so I will share it once I add some captions later.

As long as you are willing to put in effort, there』s really nothing difficult, and by the way, shooting a short film is not going to cost you a lot of money. I find the only actor in my film online, borrow the camera and lights from our office and the lens from the actor (since she has a better one??), and use the actor』s apartment as main scene.

The only thing that costs me money, is some public transportation fees and a RODE mic. Everything I learn about filmmaking, I learned it on Youtube(FilmRiot or DSLRguide), or some film blogs like

I think the one of biggest lesson I learn from this process is that

You may not always have the resource, but you can always choose to be resourceful.

I may not have a chance to go to film school, but I can go to library and read everything I can get, and watch online tutorials on filmmaking. And if one can do it, so does everyone.

What I』m pondering

I talked less and less about product management recently, because after a year in this position, I』m also in the period of figuring out what』s next for me, and is product management the best choice for my own interests and long term development.

In 2017, I find myself extremely passionate about video/film industry and game industry, and I also want to have a shot at them, since I』m young and easy enough to do so.

My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.


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To Be A Product Manager | Day 1

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