

相信大家都明白, 就寫作來說,重要的不是辭彙量的大小而是基本辭彙的運用。而辭彙的運用是依靠詞的搭配 所以對於片語的掌握能夠豐富我們寫作的表達。

Advanced english learners need to be aware of the importance of collocation.

1. try/do one』s best(utmost) to do sth

[例句] we must do our very best to work with all our students to deepen their concern for those who need help, to build within them a strong sense of ethical responsibility

[參考翻譯] :我們必須盡 一切力量和我們的學生一起,讓他們更關心 需要幫助的人,在他們當中培養強烈的道德責任感。

2. do everything one can

[例句] Football is spreading like wildfire through all the country. It is being run by big business and TV advertisers, who are doing everything they can to sell it to the public.

[參考翻譯]:足球如同野火 迅速遍及全國。 企業、電視廣 告商也搞 起 足球廣告,並盡 一切努力 把它推銷給公眾 。

3. doing all it can

The Biblical span of three score years and ten is simply

not enough. Medical science is doing all it can to extend human life and is succeeding brilliantly.

[參考翻譯] :聖經上規定的七十 歲壽命已完全 不夠 。醫學正在竭盡 全 力延 長人類的壽命,並獲得很 大成功 。

4. do everything possible

Because reading is an act of communication, the reader

should do everything possible to improve that communication.

[參考翻譯] :由於閱讀是 種交流,因此讀者就要盡 切可能來提 高這種交流。

For example, a man is in hospital in an unconscious state

with little chance of coming round, yet everything is done to

perpetuate what has become a meaningless existence.

[參考翻譯] :例如, 某個 人住在醫院 ,處於失去知覺的狀態, 幾乎沒 有蘇醒的可能性,然 而,人 們卻竭盡全力去延續這個已毫 無意 義的 生命。

5. go to great lengths to

Patients are learning to press for answers. Patients』 bills of rights require that they are informed about their condition and about alternatives for treatment. Many doctors go to great lengths to provide such information.

[參考翻譯] :病 人開始學會催問真實情況。根據病人應享有的種種權力的規定,醫生應將病情和可供選擇的治療方案告訴病 。許多醫 儘可能向病 提供這些情況。

6. spare no pains / nothing to do

Nothing is spared to make the setting, the costumes, all of the surface details correct. These efforts help to mask the essential emptiness of the characterization and the plots.

[參考翻譯] :他們 遺余 地使布景、服裝以及 切表 的細節都准 確 誤。這些努 都有助於掩蓋 物和情節塑造上的 真實 性。

6. take great (considerable, incredible, utmost, unremitting) pains to do sth. (in doing sth.)

He did not resent taking pains to assure the financial security of his family because he was convinced that anything of value has to be earned.

[參考翻譯] :為 維持 生計,他 不遺餘力 ,對此他並 不抱怨。因為他認 為所有有價值的東 都應 是辛苦掙得。

Nobody has taken as many pains as him. One could not easily name a famous master in music whom he has not industriously studied, often going through his works several times.

[參考翻譯] :沒有 像他 樣作出這麼多的努 。你 容 說出哪 個 樂 師是他沒有作過刻苦研究的, 且其作品他往往研 究過好 遍。

7. make (exert) every (great, considerable, tremendous, fresh, continuous, persistent, sustained, concerted) effort(s) to do sth

Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the consequences of taking up the habit.

[參考翻譯] :應該在所有公共場所禁 吸煙,如戲院、電影院和飯店, 應該作出巨 的努 告訴 輕 染上煙癮所帶來的後果。

Social welfare systems are in operation in many parts of the world. Big efforts are being made to distribute wealth fairly.

8. making a concerted and dedicated effort to

With the Switzerland-based World Wildlife Fund (WWF) , China is making a concerted and dedicated effort to save the endangered pandas.

[參考翻譯] :與總部設在瑞 的世界 動物基 組織 起,中國正 在作出同協和熱誠的努力去挽救 臨絕種的 熊貓。

9.make (determined / further / resolute / systematic) attempts to do sth. for sth.

Some cities have set up containers in the streets for the collection of cans for recycling. Many attempts have been made to eliminate bottles of liquids.

[參考翻譯] :有些城市在街上放置回收箱,收集罐頭再回收 並作出許多嘗試,廢除 瓶 裝體。

There is no doubt that the attempts now being made in the world of science fiction will succeed in the near future.

[參考翻譯] :毫無疑問,科幻小說中人們所作出的嘗試將在不 遠的將 來獲得成功。

10. attempt (try, endeavor)to do sth.

The state steadily is attempting to do something that few states other than the Soviets have attempted to do.

While they enjoy advertisements between programs, they react against the high-pressure ones that attempt openly to influence them.

[參考翻譯] :雖然他們喜歡在節目之間看看廣告,但他們對明顯試圖 影響他們的壓式的告是反感的。

endeavor to

If a man has a good reputation, he will naturally endeavor or to maintain it, and will scorn to do a base and vicious thing

[參考翻譯] :如果一個男人有好的名聲,他自然會試圖保持它,不屑於去做惡劣和邪惡的事。

11. focus(concentrate, expend) ones best efforts on sth.

Now anxious executives, fearing for their jobs or their companies, are focusing their efforts on trimming operations to improve near-term profits, often at the expense of both balance and growth.

[參考翻譯] :現在 些焦慮的政管 員由於害怕丟飯碗或公司破產,集中削減經營以提高近期的 利潤,但這樣做常常影響平衡和發展。

Although vocational education students concentrate their efforts on learning a job-related skill, schools require a program of academic study to ensure that students are competent in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

[參考翻譯] :雖然職業教育的學 把精 集中在學習與 作有關的技 術上,學校要求的學習提綱是確保學生在讀、寫和算術 的能力 。

12. devote (dedicate, direct) ones efforts to sth. C doing sth.)

One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that until now nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the external circumstances of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center.

[參考翻譯] :一個人似乎很難改變 他的習慣,他 的個性,或 他的 生活方 式。其中一個原因就是我們所作的努力都是放在外界 的因素上,也就是說 不是在他身上。

13. much of the ones effort may be devoted to

Problem-solving is facilitated by the presence of an effective leader who not only provides direction but permits the orderly, constructive expression of a variety of opinions; much of the leaders effort may be devoted to resolving differences.

[參考翻譯] :由於出現 有能 的領導 ,加速 問題的解決。這樣 的領導 僅提供 向, 且有助於 們有秩序地、積極地 表達各種 同的意 。領導 的 多數努 是 在解決分歧 上。

If half the energy that goes into violent acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at cleaning up the slums and ghettos, at improving living standards and providing education and employment for all, we would have gone a long way to arrive at a solution.

14. efforts go into doing sth.;put the effort into doing sth.

All that will determine how much of societys efforts should go into building walls that separate us and how much into the search for solutions that bring us together.

[參考翻譯] :所有這 切決定 社會要花多 的努 建造把我們分隔的圍牆, 該花多 的努 研究把我們團結起來的做法。

Its not that we dont have the ability, it is that we dont devote the time. You have to put in the effort and put up with all the frustration and obstacles.

[參考翻譯] :問題 在於我們沒有能 , 在於我們沒有投 時間。 你必須付出努 ,並忍受所有的挫折和障礙。

15. in an effort to

He always carried a pen and wrote anytime in an effort to give clear expression to the idea forming in his mind as a result of his wide reading and hard thinking.

他閱讀廣泛,善於思考,在頭腦形成許多想法。因此他總 是隨身帶筆,隨時記,設法把頭腦中的想法清楚地表達出來。

In an effort to avoid such a fat, millions of Chinese are spending more of their time exercising. The effect of this new appreciation of the importance of exercise is evident.

[參考翻譯] :為 避免發胖,千百萬的中國 花 許多時間鍛煉。這 種對體育鍛煉 要性的新認識,其效果是明顯的。

16. in an attempt to

I have been interviewing engineers and managers for the past few years in an attempt to understand them and the nature of their work: what it means to them, how it affects them, and how it may be related to their character.

[參考翻譯] :在過去 ,我採訪 些 工程師和經理,試圖 了解他們和他們工作的性質: 工作對他們意味著什麼, 如何影響他們,對他們的性格或許有什麼聯繫。



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