

原問題:Who was the greater leader, Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great?


Caesar accepting Vercingetorix』s surrender after the decisive Battle of Alesia.

Cameron Greene

Answered Mar 10

我同意John Bartram的說法,凱撒和亞歷山大的領導力是不能比較的。但是若我要給出確切答案,我會挺凱撒。

I agree with John Bartram in that their leaderships are incomparable but to give a solid answer, I』m sticking with Caesar.


Alexander was a magnificent leader, no doubt, but he had his fair share of troubles that would honestly make me hesitant to follow him in battle or under his command:


Alexander was actually mutinied on by his troops when he crossed into India, being dragged for well over twenty years did little to ease the burden of missing their families and loved ones. Alexander would be forced to return back to Macedonia with his army, taking them through the Gedrosian Desert where he lost a substantial portion of his army.


Caesar, to his credit, experienced mutiny only once in his life from his lingering legions awaiting his return outside of Rome. His legions were annoyed, wanting a discharge and their pay. Caesar presented himself to his legions and was able to use reverse psychology to trick his legions into remaining loyal within his army, not paying them one sesterce. That was the power of Caesar』s name.


Alexander』s ambitions were less for the glory of Macedon than they were for himself. Such was the ego of Alexander that he killed one of his best generals, Cleitus the Black who had saved his life at Gaugamela, over a drunken argument as to why Alexander had taken on 『Asian ways』 and continually pushed East.


Caesar, as a politician, played his interests perfectly. While he was assuredly trying to secure his own power and make himself a pseudo-emperor, Caesar had the respect and love of the populace to such a large degree that he was essentially 『untouchable,』 his murder only proving the fury that the mob could have over someone』s death.


Alexander』s conquests, while grand in scale, were poorly managed as was proven in his death. Leaving no clear chain of power or succession, Alexander』s generals descended into dividing the empire into their own kingdoms and launching the Wars of the Diadochi which stretched for well over 47 years. This series of wars would see the final dissolution of Alexander』s grand empire and the end of Macedonian power in the world.


Caesar』s conquests stayed with Rome throughout the turmoil that followed in his death. Gaul and Egypt remained with Rome and while the following Civil War was indeed brutal, Caesar had chosen a worthy successor in Octavian who would go on to win the war and usher in the age of the Roman Empire. After Caesar and under Octavian, Rome would experience years of unprecedented growth and prosperity that saw it enter its golden age, Pax Romana.


Alexander was (in my opinion) murdered by his fellow generals who simply could not go on further with Alexander』s wild ambitions. His talks of expanding into Africa and going West were simply too much for his aging Macedonians who wished to settle down and remain with their families. This coupled with the paranoia and manic episodes that Alexander experienced, as evident his him killing Cleitus and Parmenion and the death of Hephaestion, rendered any faith in him useless as his mental state deteriorated with constant drinking.



Caesar was murdered by those sworn to protect him, seeing his grab for power as him asserting himself as 『King of Rome.』 The conspirators had greatly underestimated the love the mob had for Caesar and thought they had public support for their actions. They were proven wrong when the mob came close to the breaking point, Mark Antony threatening to unleash them on the Optimates unless his demands were met. A shrewd move on Caesar』s part before his death ensured that not only would his name live on, his successor would carry it to new heights and cement the name Caesar as one of power for millenniums to come.



The two leaders were indeed different to almost incalculable degrees, their natures shaping them just as much as their upbringing did. It is indeed hard to compare such monumental figures of history but for the sake of this question, I put my faith in Caesar as a leader above many, Alexander included. His ability to inspire loyalty to a fault and have his name immortalized as a sign of power speaks volumes to Caesar』s leadership and accomplishments.

I trust in Caesar.


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荒都記·1644 序章:海東青傳

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