[第99次聽寫] 這個決定改變了我的一生 (一)
_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/n0553oaiypl/n0553oaiypl.html
我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持3個月了.
你想要甩掉字幕嗎? 跟我一起做聽寫吧! 拿出紙和筆, 把你聽懂的句子寫下來, 可以隨意暫停, 可以反覆聽, 也可以查字典, 聽懂一句是一句. 只有當你開始行動了, 改變才會開始. 聽完之後在評論里打卡~
Heres a(the) short history of me.
Born in 1961, went to high school.
never...went to one university for a semester.American university in Washinton DCDidnt like it, knew I couldnt afford 4 years of student loan.
didnt want to hang out with people who were enraptured by strolls, beer(Strohs beer) and marijuana.This wasnt gonna be for me.So I hit the streets. and pursued the minimum wage jobs that I』d had all through high school.and that was for me, that was me in the late 70s.(這一周呢, 我們聽一段我非常喜歡的演講. 劃掉的是我聽寫時聽錯的地方)
a drug, illegal in many countries, that is made from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. Marijuana produces a pleasant feeling of being relaxed if smoked or eaten.
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