[第96次聽寫]殭屍新娘 活人竟然比不上殭屍?
[第96次聽寫]殭屍新娘_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/c0551yg43z1/c0551yg43z1.html
溫馨提示, 這段裡邊有些蟲子的鏡頭, 膽小的姑娘可以閉上眼睛聽就好~
我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持3個月了.
你想要甩掉字幕嗎? 跟著我一起開始聽寫吧! 拿出紙和筆, 把你聽懂的句子寫下來, 隨意暫停和查字典, 聽懂一句是一句. 只有當你開始行動了, 改變才會開始. 聽完之後把你的聽寫心得寫在評論里.
why so blue?
maybe hes rightmaybe we are too differentmaybe he should have his head examined.I could do it.
well but see(or perhaps) he does belong with her.little Miss Livin(living)with her rosy cheeks, pitching(beating) heart,Oh those girls are a tiny piny(ten a penny)Youve got so much more.
Youve got, youve got, youve got a wonderful personality.每天學個詞
two/ten a penny (British English)
(North American English a dime a dozen)very common and therefore not valuable
Teachers of history are ten a penny.
※小詞 | "Just live with it."
TAG:英语学习 |