ReactNative的優質替代品 —— NativeScript 簡介


本文翻譯自:CTOs Guide to NativeScript (給CTO的NativeScript指南)

Strong Backing


Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS), created NativeScript. Progress has been creating, delivering and supporting developer tools and products for more than three decades, and has been recognized as a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms.

Progress (納斯達克: PRGS)公司創建了NativeScript。Progress公司專業創建、發布、支持開發工具和產品已超過三十年,並且被Gartner認定為移動開發平台領域的 領導者之一 。

Clean Intellectual Property Licensing


NativeScript is open source. You can inspect, pull, fork and change the source of NativeScript whenever you like. The core of NativeScript is licensed under the very business friendly Apache 2.0 software license. You are free to use NativeScript in your projects and license your works in a way that makes sense for your organizational policies.

NativeScript是開源的。您可以任意查看、下載、分支和修改NativeScript的源碼。NativeScript的內核採用的是對商業非常友好的Apache 2.0協議。您可以在項目中任意使用NativeScript,並適配你們組織的策略。

Paid Support Available


For organizations that prefer to retain professional support, Progress has several solutions for you. For example, should you decide that you need tools and services to support NativeScript development, we offer Progress? Telerik? Platform for comprehensive mobile app development. Part of your subscription to Telerik Platform includes access to Progress support engineers—an invaluable source of high quality, prompt, professional technical support. Read more about Telerik Platform at

對於希望獲取專業支持的組織,Progress為您提供了多種解決方案。比如,如果您需要某些工具和服務來支持NativeScript的開發,那麼我們提供了Progress? Telerik?平台來全面支持移動應用開發。您對Telerik平台的訂閱中包含了從Progress技術支持工程師獲得支持 —— 高質量、迅捷、專業的技術支持是無價的。要了解Telerik平台,請參閱。

We also offer custom enterprise support packages that are tailored to your needs. Get the tools and support you need to guarantee your success like private Slack channels, 24/5 SLA and professional support from NativeScript engineers. More information is available on our NativeScript Enterprise Support page.


Advanced Tooling for Productivity and Developer Consistency


Our deep history in creating developer tools and products extends to NativeScript. We offer compelling solutions to commonly encountered enterprise problems for organizations willing to invest in Advanced Developer Tooling. For example, our Visual Studio integration helps your development team stay with their preferred coding environment. Our Cloud Build service enables iOS and Android builds in our cloud, removing the need to maintain local iOS and Android build machines. Our Data Connectors are a rapid way to access data stored in MSSQL, mySQL, Oracle, Salesforce and others. Our enterprise class support gives you the assurances you need to commit and deliver on time.

我們在創建開發工具和產品方面的資歷也延伸到了NativeScript。我們為願意投資於高級研發工具的組織提供了常見企業問題的有效解決方案。比如,我們的Visual Studio集成工具可以幫助開發組留在自己喜歡的編碼環境中。我們的「雲構建」服務讓您可以在我們的雲端構建iOS和Android,這樣 您就不用維護一個本地的機器來負責構建iOS和Android了。我們的數據連接器提供了一種快速的方式來訪問存儲在MSSQL、MySQL、Oracle、Salesforce等地方的數據。我們的企業級支持為您提供了按時交付和按需交付的保證。

Easy to Learn


NativeScript is architected to be very approachable by developers from all backgrounds. New developers will appreciate the familiar syntaxes and concepts. Expert developers will appreciate how easy it is to interact with the Native subsystems of iOS and Android. Web developers can use Javascript to build NativeScript applications. Developers preferring Object Oriented programming can use TypeScript, a first class citizen in the NativeScript platform. Developers from both persuasions have the option of using Angular 2 for the application architecture.

NativeScript被設計為適用於來自各種背景的開發人員。新開發人員會喜歡這些熟悉的語法和概念,專家級開發人員則會讚歎它能多麼簡單的和iOS及Android的Native子系統進行交互。Web開發人員可以使用Javascript來構建NativeScript應用。喜歡面向對象的開發人員可以使用TypeScript,它是NativeScript平台的一等公民。而且他們都能選擇使用Angular 2+來架構應用程序。

100% Shared Code Across Device Platforms


NativeScript is designed to publish applications to both iOS and Android (Windows coming in 2017) from the same code base. This reduces development and testing cycles, and lowers deployed application development and maintenance costs.

NativeScript被設計為使用同樣的代碼庫來把應用發布到iOS和Android上(對Windows Phone的支持將會在2017年推出)。這會縮短開發和測試的周期,並降低應用的發布和維護成本。

Large Existing Libraries


Take advantage of the large number of free libraries on to jumpstart development. NativeScript can use any javascript library that doesn』t depend on an internet browser. Additionally, we curate plugins and verify them through automated testing. You can find a list of verified plugins at


Blazing Fast Performance


Don』t want complaints about slow app performance? Make sure you use a pure native solution like NativeScript for blazing fast performance. NativeScript renders truly native applications. No hacks. No HTML. Only truly native applications will have truly native performance.

不想再為App的性能慢而煩惱了?使用像NativeScript這樣的純原生解決方案就可以獲得閃電般的速度。NativeScript渲染出真正的原生應用。沒有Hack技巧,沒有HTML。只有真正的原生應用 —— 真正的原生性能。

Quick developer onboarding


Even though NativeScript has a very short learning curve, you can count on Progress to ensure the success of your departments with our extensive documentation, tailored support and comprehensive resources. New developers can come up to speed quickly. NativeScript leverages a developer』s existing web development skills making it simple to move developers between projects.

NativeScript具有一個非常短的學習曲線,而且您還可以藉助Progress來確保您的部門取得成功 —— 使用我們廣泛的文檔、量身定製的支持以及全面的資源。新開發人員可以快速起步。NativeScript可以利用開發人員的現有Web開發技能,讓開發人員能更加簡單的在不同項目之間遷移。

NativeScript closes the cross-platform gap between iOS and Android. Your staff can use the skills they already have to build truly native mobile applications. Also, read why SAP chose NativeScript to power the mobile portion of their SAP Enterprise App Modeler application. Now, you have the tools and processes you need to build mobile apps for your business.

NativeScript彌合了iOS和Android之間的跨平台鴻溝。您的員工可以使用他們的現有技能來構建真正的原生應用。另外,請閱讀為什麼SAP選擇了NativeScript作為其SAP Enterprise App Modeler應用程序移動部分的技術平台。現在您對該用什麼樣的工具和流程來為您的業務構建移動應用程序心中有數了吧?



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