To Be A Product Manager | Week 32

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 32 of

To Be A Product Manager

Its another week, still didn』t feel like getting a lot of things done, but at least I』m pushing them. Other than my daily work, I also prepared a presentation for tomorrow SlushUp Shenzhen event.

I』m lucky to meet Mahdi from a random couchsurfing experience, since then we help each other a lot. And he is also the one who recommended me to this event. It』s a challenge for me to stand with local entrepreneurs who have built some many great products and services. Hope I can learn a lot tomorrow.

On Monday morning, I went to the hospital to check my neck ache, it turned out my top cervical spine are getting too straight, this is all because I keep my head down at most of waking hours. When I was student, there』s too much homework; when I start the career, we are using computer and cellphone all the time.

Actually I always have some neck ache after sitting without moving for couple hours. Now standing as a 24-year-old college graduate in the hospital, I thought a lot about the things we learn in school and feeling very upset.

Health and learn how to love ourselves as well as others are definitely the most important things in human.

Yet the education I have teach me nothing about it.

The doctor told me, since I』m only 24, the best way is to change your habits. He told me some NOs, and also taught me some exercises.

What I accomplish

  • demo app test
  • website copywriting
  • algorithms tool local test

What I』m pondering

Feeling like being in a rut recently,

VR development course is coming to deadline, and I haven』t finished the assignment yet;

VR development video tutorials stop updating for a week now, and I』m still not sure when will I have the time to that;

No blogs and newsletter updating, still, no time for that;

Haven』t read any books this month, feeling fallen behind;

I know I don』t need to be in a rush, just keep doing what I set out to do and don』t give up. But sometimes you cannot control how you feel.

Taking VR dev videos tutorials as an example, the project has took my entire weekend in the past 2–3 weeks.

What you see is a 6 minutes video tutorial,

it takes me 3–4 hours to finish the course myself,

2–3 hours to conclude it in my own words, and record a video

then at least an hour to edit the video, photos, and upload

I』m curious to see how long I can hold up to my promise, and looking forward to my October trip to Osaka, Kyoto and Nara.

Let』s go! ??

My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.


To Be A Product Manager | Week 44

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