小詞大用 | knock

knock, knock!


knock 來了!

knock at / on 敲擊

- I knocked at the door like 3 times, but nobody answered. 我大概敲了3次門吧,都沒有人來開

- Did you hear that? Someone knocked on the window. 你聽到了嗎,有人在敲我們的窗戶

knock off

1. 碰倒,碰下倒地

- He knocked the vase off the table. 他把花瓶撞下了桌子

2. 下班

- Do you want to knock off early today? 你今天想早點下班嗎

3. 搶劫

- He knocked off 3 banks this week. 他這周搶了3家銀行

knock it off 受到干擾叫其停止,別鬧了

- Knock it off ! Its annoying me. 消停一會好么,煩死了

knock down

1. 撞倒,擊倒

- I was knocked down by a car. 我被一小車撞倒了

2. 降價

- They knocked down the price on Black Friday. 他們在黑色星期五大減價

3. 砍價

- She wanted $100 but I knocked her down to $50. 她開價100,我砍到50

4. 拆毀(建築)

- They knocked down that old house to build a new one. 他們拆了那舊房子,好建個新的

knock up

1. 敲門叫醒某人(英式英語

- Can you knock me up tomorrow morning? 你明天可以敲門把我叫醒嗎

2. 意外使某人懷孕(美式英語

- Did you hear that? Someone knocked up the bosss daughter. 你聽說了嗎,有人把老闆女兒肚子搞大了

knock over 撞翻

- Oops! I knocked over my coffee. 哎呀,不小心把咖啡打翻了

- Im so sorry. I didnt mean to knock you over. 超級抱歉,我不是故意把你撞倒的

knock out

1. 毀壞(設備)

- The storm knocked out the power. 風暴把電路摧毀了(超慘)

2. 使暈睡

- The drug knocked her out quickly. 這藥物很快就讓她暈暈入睡

3. 使大吃一驚

- Look, what Im going to tell you will really knock you out. 聽好了,接下來我要說的話準保你會大吃一驚

Knock them / em dead! 幹得漂亮點;給他們好看(鼓勵別人,有加油的意味)

- Dont worry. Go out there and knock them dead!

- 別擔心,去給他們好看吧!

As always, THANK YOU so much.

Ill catch you next time.


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