38種封閉式防守組合技【Jason Scully】

Close Guard應該是柔術練習者入門必學的體系了,以前我只把CG作為基礎來學,後來覺得並不是因為它簡單所以新手必備,而是因為它在實戰、在比賽中最最常見,所以才必學!視頻中這些「簡單」的套路如果在實戰中能熟練的用出來,殺傷力還是不小的!



整理自Jason Scully技術備忘視頻

1.hip bump to kimura 坐起掃接木村鎖

2.hip bump to guillotine 坐起掃接斷頭台

3.hip bump to triangle 坐起掃接三角絞

4.hip bump to omoplata 坐起掃接肩胛固

5.kimura to hip bump 木村鎖接坐起掃

6.kimura to omoplata 木村鎖接肩胛固

7.kimura to guillotine 木村鎖接斷頭台

8.kimura to back mount(under hook) 木村鎖到後騎乘(抄腋下)

9.kimura to back mount(over hook)木村鎖到後騎乘(圈臂)

10.kimura to wrist lock 木村鎖接腕鎖

11.omoplata to wrist lock 肩胛固接腕鎖

12.omoplata to triangle 肩胛固接三角絞

13.omoplata to armbar 肩胛固接十字固

14.omoplata to backroll sweep 肩胛固接後滾掃

15.omoplata to back attack 肩胛固接拿背

16.omoplata to opponent rolls(side controll)肩胛固時對方前滾(拿側控)

17.omoplata to log roll sweep肩胛固接側滾掃

18.guillotine to triangle斷頭台接三角絞

19.guillotine to crucifix sweep斷頭台接十字架掃

20.armbar to wrist lock十字固接腕鎖

21.armbar to omoplata十字固接肩胛固

22.armbar to kimura十字固接木村鎖

23.armbar to triangle十字固接三角絞

24.armbar to arm crush十字固接電話臂鎖

25.armbar to flower sweep十字固接花掃

26.armbar to spin under finish(對不起這個不會翻譯)

27.armbar to crossleg armbar十字固轉交叉腿十字固

28.triangle to triangle armbar三角絞轉三角十字固

29.triangle to armbar三角絞轉十字固

30.triangle to armcrush三角絞轉電話臂鎖

31.triangle to kimura三角絞轉木村鎖

32.triangle to omoplata三角絞轉肩胛固

33.triangle to fist choke三角絞轉拳絞

34.triangle to revervse triangle三角絞轉逆三角絞

35.triangle to wrist lock三角絞接腕鎖

36.triangle to push over sweep三角絞接推倒掃

37.cross collar choke to back mount十字絞轉後騎乘

38.cross collar choke to flower sweep十字絞轉花掃



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