振動熱力學-2 諧波晶格動力學

2. 諧波晶格動力學

原子的質量集中在其原子核中,核之間的力通過輕質電子傳遞,通常假定它們立即對核位移做出響應(Born-Oppenheimer近似)。 Born-von Karman模型假設核質量通過無質量電子彈簧連接,給出了一組普適的二階微分運動方程。該模型特定用於具有平移周期性的晶體,其正常的振動模式是類波動的,而且有頻率與波矢之間的色散關係。 Born-von Karman模型在原子位移較小的低溫下是可靠的。


2.1. 配分函數

The partition function for a single harmonic oscillator of frequency  ω_{i} = ε_{i}/hbar is

where Eq. 3 was obtained by identifying Eq. 2 as a geometric series times the constant factor exp(?βεi/2), where β ≡ (kB T)^?1. The partition function for a harmonic solid with N atoms and 3N independent oscillators is the product of these individual oscillator partition functions,

from which we can calculate the phonon free energy by the prescription F =?kBT lnZ,

and the phonon entropy (vibrational entropy) by differentiating with respect to T:

Using the Planck distribution for phonon occupancy versus temperature, n(εi, T),

it is straightforward to show that Eq. 6 reduces to the following form for the vibrational entropy per oscillator, Sosc

Equation 10 can also be obtained from Eq. 1 with the combinatoric relationship Omega = (M +m)! / [M!m!] for m phonons in M oscillators (with n ≡ m/M).

Phonons are bosons, so it is interesting to compare Eq. 10 to the analogous equation for fermions, where m electrons are distributed over N states of energy ε. For fermions, the combinatorics give Omega = N! / [(N ?m)!m!]. Fermion entropy is the same as the entropy of mixing of atoms on a crystal lattice, where each lattice site can hold only one atom. The entropy of mixing per atom is

Equations 10 and 11 have two differences – all signs are reversed, and n can exceed 1, whereas 0 ≤ c ≤ 1.

It is often useful to work with a phonon density of states (DOS), g(ε). For a 3- dimensional solid, 3Ng(ε)dε phonon modes are in an energy interval dε. For a DOS acquired as digital data in m intervals of width Δε (so εj = jΔε), the partition function can be computed numerically

which becomes at high temperatures

Again, using Eqs. 7, 8, 9, we can obtain from Eq. 12 a useful expression for the phonon entropy of a harmonic material at any temperature (cf. Eq. 10)

where g(ε) is normalized to 1 and n(ε) is the Planck distribution (Eq. 7) for the temperature of interest. For thermodynamic calculations, series expansions of Eqs. 5 and 6, valid at high temperatures, can be useful. For Sph(T), Fig. 1 compares the exact expression of Eq. 10 to approximations for up to four terms of a standard hightemperature expansion (terms are presented in the figure). At high temperatures, the following expression works well for the entropy of one oscillator mode with energy  ε =hbar ω

although the constant factor of kB will cancel in differences of phonon entropy. A handy expression for the high-temperature limit of the difference in vibrational entropy between two harmonic phases, α and β, can be obtained readily from Eq.14

Figure 1. Temperature-dependence of entropy calculated for one mode of energy hbar ω , with E = hbar ω (kBT)^?1.

關於方程12的重要性在於,在諧波近似中,與熱力學配分函數相關的僅有的材料參數是聲子DOS g(ε)。 測量或計算聲子DOS是我們對材料的振動熵的大部分理解的核心。 然而,事實證明,對於大多數問題,g(ε)必須以高精度已知,這直到最近才是一個挑戰。

2.2. 晶格動力學的哈密頓量


並且原子振動的特徵需要考慮勢能 Phi , 隨著Maradudin的發展 [5],對於具有基矢的晶格,基矢量為{rκ,κ= 1,2 ... R}。 在晶胞l中的每個原子κ被允許的與平衡位置的振動位移為 vec u_{lK}(t) 。 在時刻t時,原子lκ的瞬時位置Rlκ(t)為

我們使用笛卡爾分量uαlk作為位移矢量,其中α= {x,y,z}。 晶體的總能量ψ是晶體中所有原子的瞬時位置的函數,是原子位移在ulk(t)= 0的泰勒級數展開式。



其中下標零表示在平衡構型(所有位移等於零)下的導數,而 Phi_{0} 是晶體的靜勢能。 因為任何原子上的力都必須在平衡位置處消失,所以我們有[5]

在晶格動力學的諧波近似中,我們只保留公式(19)中明確寫出的序列的剩餘項。 我們忽略了三級或更高級的位移項

where mκ is the mass of the atom at basis index κ of the unit cell. We rewrite the Hamiltonian in matrix form

where a 3×3 force-constant sub-matrix is defined for each atom pair (lκ; l′κ′)

If (l, κ) 6= (l′, κ′), Eq. 21 applies. If (l, κ) = (l′, κ′), αα′lκlκ is a 「self-force constant,」 derived from the requirement of no overall translation of the crystal


2.3. 運動方程

In the harmonic approximation, the equations of motion for all nuclei are

In Eq. 27 there are 3 × R × N equations of motion to solve for a finite crystal containing Ncell unit cells. We seek solutions having the form of plane waves of wavevector vec k, angular frequency ω_{vec kj} , and 「polarization」 ~eκj(~k) (where j is a 「branch index」 discussed below)

我們採取實部得到物理位移,或採用增加複雜的指數共軛的公約。 相位因子 e^{ivec k·vec r_{l}} 提供了所有的長程空間調製 vec u_{lκvec kj}(t) 。 從相位因子中取出對κ的短程基向量指數的依賴性,並置於複數常數 vec e_{κj}(vec k) 中。 方程(28)的?eκj(?k)與指數一樣具有模數統一性是方便的。 預測因子與一個聲子的能量量子化一致,即 hbar ω=mω^2<u^2>= 1/2mω^2u^2_{max} ,或者對於模式 ε_{vec kj} 中的聲子的熱粒子群,具有能量 E =ε_{vec kj} [n(ε_{vec kj} ,T)+1/2] 。(對於均方根位移,刪除方程28和29中的√2)

我們對有限晶體施加周期性邊界條件。 這就要求要有N個一系列的波矢量{ vec k },這是很大的數量,可以在倒易空間中給出k點的非常細的網格。對於含有R個原子的晶胞,晶體共有3×R×N個振動模式,與其總自由度一致。 每個波矢k有與其相關聯的3×R個類型的振動模式,由分支索引j確定。 3R不同模式中的每一種對應於不同的偏振矢量 vec e_{vec κj}(vec k) 和角頻率 ω_{vec kj} (1≤j≤3R),儘管可以引入對稱性簡併。

2.4. 偏振矢量的本徵值問題

極化矢量 vec e_{vec κj}(vec k) 是每個振動模式 vec kj 的特徵。 矢量 vec e_{vec κj}(vec k) 包含關於聲子模式模式 vec kj 的單元中每個原子κ的偏移的信息。 具體地說,它給出了:1)原子的位移方向,以及2)其相對於其它原子的及時的相位滯後。 可以通過對「動力矩陣D(vec k) 」 進行對角化來計算晶胞中所有原子(1≤κ≤R)的矢量 vec e_{vec κj}(vec k) 及其相關的角頻率 ω_{vec kj} 。將(28)式代入(27)式可得動力學矩陣,其尺寸為(3N×3N),由(3×3)的子矩陣 D_{κκ}(vec k) 構成,

Each sub-matrix D_{κκ′}(vec k) is the Fourier transform of the force-constant matrix Phi _{lκl′κ′ }considered as a function of (l′ ? l):

where we set l = 0 because the summation is over all l′ and the origin is arbitrary. By similarly collecting the polarization vectors into a vector of size 3×R, we rewrite the system of differential equations (Eq. 27) with the plane wave solutions (Eq. 28) as an eigenvalue problem:

可以看出,(3R×3R)的動力矩陣D(vec k)是隱式的(對於任意的 vec k )。 它完全可對角化, ω^2_{vec kj} 是實數。 在特定波矢k處動力矩陣的3R個特徵向量和特徵值對應於該波矢的3R個晶體振動的本徵模。

2.5. 聲子態密度的計算

為了計算晶體的聲子密度(DOS)g(ε),動力學矩陣在倒空間(通常覆蓋第一布里淵區域)的大量點處被對角化。 每個k點的D(?k)的對角化返回了角頻率ω_{kj}(1≤j≤R3)的3R特徵值,然後將其分類到DOS中。

聲子的部分DOS gd(ε)是一個相似的量,但它給出一種原子的運動的譜分布,晶胞中d類。 與總DOS不同,g(ε),晶體的特徵值在部分DOS中不加權均等

除非d類原子在位點κ(當δdd= 1時),否則Kronecker delta為零。 因為動力學矩陣的特徵值對於每個 vec k 是歸一化的

the total DOS is the sum of the partial DOSs of all atoms in the unit cell,

為了計算部分DOS,對於特定 vec k 點的動力學矩陣的每個對角化,原子d的部分DOS隨著頻率 ω(vec kj) 增加。原子d位移較大時, 對於有許多模式的能量處,它的部分DOS很大。 聲子的部分DOS與總DOS同時計算。


5. A.A. Maradudin, E. W. Montroll, G.H. Weiss, and I.P. Ipatova Theory of Lattice Dynamics in the Harmonic Approximation (Academic Press, New York, 1971).



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