
有沒有那麼一句話, 就那樣成為了你的一生的信仰?當我的同事告訴我這個問題的時候,我立刻就想到了,Whatever doesn』t kill you makes you stronger. (沒有殺死你的,只會讓你更強。)和大多數人不同的是,我並不是從Kelly Clarkson的歌中了解到這句話的。我第一次聽到這句話是在久以前,從一位影響我一生的人那兒聽到的。雖然聽上去可能會有點兒媽寶。我確實是從我媽那兒第一次聽到這句話。













(當時北京的第五個辦公室 )







不過,最後市場開始好轉,公司也開始走上坡路。我擴建了之前的北京分部;一年後,我重新開設了上海辦公室;三年後,公司在一年一度的中國人力資源管理獎中榮獲「中國年度獵頭公司 」的稱號。那天晚上,很多同事都很驕傲,甚至流出了喜悅的眼淚。


現在,在我看到有人身陷困境,感到失望、迷茫或沮喪時,我就會告訴他這句拯救了我很多次的話——「沒有殺死你的,只會讓你更強 」。這是我能提供的最靠譜也是最真誠的建議了。如今,有一首榜單熱歌的名字就是這句話。但是,我對這句話的第一印象來自於很多年前,來自於我的母親。這句話已經陪我度過了大半生。




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A Sentence That Has Become My Core Belief In Life

Is there a sentence you』ve come across over the years that has become your core belief in life? When a colleague first presented this question to me, the sentence that immediately came to mind for me is, Whatever doesn』t kill you makes you stronger. No, I didn』t learn this line from listening to Kelly Clarkson』s hit song. I first heard it many years ago from someone who has been the source of many things that I』ve come to embrace over the years. At the risk of sounding like a momma』s boy, once again, it was from my mom.

The romance and innocence of youth

I was about 26 years old and in love with a woman that I was crazy about. I wasn』t ambitious or career-oriented then, so most of my attention and energy went into our relationship. I had no desire to change the world someday. Instead, I was content to be an awesome boyfriend to an amazing woman. Our relationship was my identity.

And then suddenly, it ended. We were living in Los Angeles and a chance appeared for her to move to and work in Hong Kong. I could tell this was an opportunity she was very excited about, so I encouraged her to take it. I was idealistic. I told her that our love would overcome the distance and challenges of being apart. I was so naive.

Three months after she moved to Hong Kong, she met someone else and we broke up. I was heartbroken. Devastated. I was so depressed I was barely able to function.

Broken, depressed, and hopeless

My mom also lived in LA, and I was at her place one evening. It was obvious to her

that I was in pain, but she wasn』t really the type who gave relationship advice. She had experienced her own heartache from a failed marriage, but wasn』t someone who ever felt sorry for herself. She didn』t dwell on her misfortunes.She just overcame them.

So after watching me sit on the sofa motionless and in a puddle of my own self-pity, staring blankly into space, she just walked up and said to me, 「Listen, whatever doesn』t kill you makes you stronger. You』re going to somehow survive this and come out better from it. I don』t know how, and I don』t know when. But I can promise you that this is what will happen.」

When I heard her say this, I remember thinking, 「Really? That』s your advice to me? Because I just had my heart ripped out from my chest. So the way I feel now, this may very well kill me.」

With nothing else to hold on to or change my situation, however, I decided to embrace her words. I forced myself to believe that somehow things were going to turn out well for me. I told myself that somehow I was going to become a stronger, better person from my heartbreak. It took two years, but eventually, I started to feel this way. I tried to find something to pick myself up every day and managed to rise out of the feeling of feeling completely hopeless and defeated. I developed a courage and confidence in myself that I never had before. After surviving the unimaginable, I knew that if I could overcome this then I could overcome anything. That』s a valuable thing to believe about yourself if you want to do something exceptional with your life

Building my business empire

The second time that these words saved me was during the early years of building my company, Wang & Li Asia Resources. We had just opened our Beijing office. Even though it was only our fifth year, this was our fifth office, with other offices already in Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and San Francisco. Our business was growing and doing very well. My empire was becoming a reality. I was on top of the world!

It didn』t last long. Once again, everything changed suddenly and dramatically. The Internet bubble burst and our business activity came to a sudden halt. So did our revenues. Within three months, I went through all of our reserve cash. The next month, I had to close our San Francisco office. Soon after that, I had to close our Taipei, then Shanghai, then Hong Kong offices.

Failing fast and falling hard

What had taken me five years to build came crashing down in just a few months. Again, I was devastated. I felt like a complete failure. A loser. I could hardly face myself and struggled to even get out of bed on most days.

And then, during a call with my mom one day, those words came from her again, whatever doesn』t kill you makes you stronger. 「I』m not a business person,」 she said. 「So I can』t tell you why your company has collapsed. But when you get through this, which you will, you』re going to learn from your mistakes and become a better CEO and businessman.」

Again,with nothing else to hang on to, I clung to these words. Instead of denying my

mistakes and failure, I embraced them. The lessons were very costly, but I wanted to make sure that I learned them. For two years, my company continued to barely survive. Most months, I couldn』t pay our rent or staff salaries on time. I borrowed money to keep going. It was extremely ugly and humbling.

But finally, the market began to pick up again. With it, our business began picking up again. I grew our remaining Beijing office. After a year, I re-opened our Shanghai office. Three years later, our company was recognized at the annual China Staff Human Resources Awards as China』s Recruitment Firm of the Year. Many of our colleagues cried with joy and pride that night.

Fighting through and emerging from tough times

These days, whenever I see someone going through a very difficult time, or feeling very disappointed, lost, or depressed, I say the same thing to them that helped me get through the most difficult times in my life. Whatever doesn』t kill you makes you stronger. It』s the most genuine encouragement I can offer them. It』s a belief that I』ve lived by for most of my adult life.

Whether it』s being philosophical and convincing yourself that everything happens for a reason, or helping you to find something positive out of the huge negative that you』re going through, I』ve found these words to hold true. In your worst times, you need to somehow hang on. You need to somehow maintain hope and believe that even the worst things you experience make you a stronger, more successful person in life. You just need to search for those things that you』re supposed to learn and grow from. That』s how you become a strong and truly confident person someday.

How about you? Is there a sentence that stands out to you that has become your core belief in life? If so, how did it first come to you, and how has it influenced your own life? Please share it with us!



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