
[第25次聽寫] 斯隆女士(四) 甩掉字幕看電影

我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 好久不練聽力了, 感覺有些生鏽, 我打算每天早上做1分鐘聽寫, 看看自己能堅持多久. 把你聽到的句子寫在評論里和我一起堅持. 這周我們來挑戰一部有難度的電影, 看看會不會被虐哭.

[第25次聽寫] 斯隆女士(四) 甩掉字幕看電影_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/v0523gm3p09/v0523gm3p09.html


Women.nOur polling data tells us(is telling us) that were not connecting with the female voter.nSo, we want to change the narrative.nFrom mothers losing their kids to guns to mothers protecting their kids with guns.nFrom a battered wife threatened by a bullet to fending off her violent husband with a 38.nGuns as tools of female empowerment.nWhats the saying, God created humans, Samuel Colt made them equal?nNow, Liz, imagine a new organization.nPitch(pitched) at women. who are deterred by the strong rhetoric of the second amendment groups,nand by our association with the political right,nbut no links to us.nno baggage.nno over position(overt position) on guns.nAnd you will build it up, you will drive its agenda, and slowly but surely,nyou will turn those members into paid up guardians of the second amendment.


1 把is telling us聽成了tells us, 失誤.n2 pitch雖然覺得好像導致上下句語法不太順暢, 但是想不出別的方案, 結果是pitched, 這樣就順暢了.n3 over position字典上查不到, 猜可能是太過用力的意思, 意思對了, 但沒想到竟然是overt, 重音錯亂唉.n4 另外幾個比較難的點是to fending off容易聽成defending, 但語法就不當了; as容易聽成are, 但也是語法不通順.n5 Samuel Colt這個我是根據上下文語境知道肯定是一個gun lobbyists喜歡的角色然後去搜索得到答案, rhetorical是我們比較熟悉的, 但rhetoric則不那麼熟悉, 而且中間的t被濁化為d, 容易聽不出來.n6 怎麼樣, 是不是很爽?



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