



一個很好的例子是Iris Hormann,一個我最近在一場活動談過話的女士。她是某全球英語培訓機構的亞洲區總裁,充滿活力,人很nice,看上去就是問題描述的那種輕鬆順利地成為出眾且成功的人。





  • 她對挑戰的看法:沒有什麼是不可能的!——在發現自己懷了三胞胎時,每個人都說,之後她要當全職媽媽了。擁有這樣一份常常需要出國出差的職業幾乎是不可能完成的任務。但她十分熱愛自己的事業,不想就這樣放棄,於是堅持了下來:一直工作到上產床,生完孩子後六個星期就回到了公司。當然,她的父母也幫了很大的忙,但最重要的還是她堅定不移追求自己想要生活的決心。
  • 她處理好一切事情的方法:睡眠沒那麼重要——在剛開始面臨工作生活平衡這一極大的挑戰時,她就和公司的一位導師談了這個問題。在聽完她的描述後,導師說,「Iris,我個人是覺得睡眠沒那麼重要」。從此,她就一直秉承著這一理念:平均每天都5點起床,午夜才睡覺。
  • 她的日常生活:有條理、專心——起床後,她會馬上跑步,這是專屬於自己的時間。之後,她會陪孩子一起,為她們準備早餐,送他們上學。在孩子們睡覺前,她會陪伴更多時間。開車上班的時間屬於她和丈夫,之後當然就是充實忙碌的工作日了。這一切都需要大量規劃和自律(她說這是因為自己身上有德國血統!)。
  • 她對自我的看法:每天都一定要留出個人時間——Iris說,跑步、游泳、騎車除了有益健康,還有一點好處:在這些時間裡,沒有人能打擾到她。事實上,她也不希望有人打擾她。她會把這些時間用於清理思緒,整理規劃,讓生活重歸秩序。
  • 她對成功的看法:積極、好奇、有韌性——這些不僅是Iris的核心特質,還是她工作公司和同事所秉承的核心價值觀,也是她之所以能在這家公司工作20年的一大原因。她的日常工作和辦公環境養育著這些她頗為重視的特質,這不僅給她帶來了成功的事業,還帶來了成功的生活。
  • 她對家庭的看法:我幸福了,我周圍的人也會幸福——很早之前,Iris和丈夫就做了一個簡單的選擇,也因此奠定了他們生活和家庭的基調:只要他們倆幸福健康,孩子和家庭也會幸福健康。因此這些年來,他們一直支持對方去做能讓他們幸福、健康的事情,自己也一直致力於做這些事情。















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What Impressive Success Looks Like Below The Surface


you see someone who has achieved something impressive and makes it look smooth

and easy, it』s easy to attribute that person』s success to their upbringing,

family situation, or advantages. Or to think that they were lucky to find their

passion for what they do, or that the person was just meant to be more

fortunate than others.


I hear people share such thoughts, I just think how simplistic they are. Even

na?ve. Because in my experience meeting

many highly successful people who have lives that look smooth and easy, the

biggest, most common factor behind their success is that they earn it.

What it looks like on

the surface


great example is Iris Hormann, a woman I just met at an event I spoke at recently.

She』s the president of Asia for a global English training company. She』s

energetic, friendly, and just a super-nice person. Essentially, the type of

person who makes outstanding success look smooth and easy.


listening to her share her background, I found out that besides an extremely

successful, international career, she』s also the mother of 4 beautiful kids

that include triplet boys and a daughter that』s just 12 months younger. So at

one point in her life, she had four kids under the age of one at the same time!


top of this, she』s also done an ultra-long distance challenge, where she ran

across the country of Iceland in four days while carrying all her gear and food

on her back. That』s the equivalent of running five marathons! She trained for

this event for two years. Six weeks ago, she also completed an Ironman

triathlon, which she spent another two years training for. In describing her

life, it all sounded easy-peasy for her.

What it looks like

below the surface


when the audience began asking her questions about how she managed to achieve

and balance so much, these things really stood out:

  • Her approach to challenges: Nothing is impossible! – When she found out she was

    going to have triplets, everyone told her that it looked like she』d be a

    full-time mom from now on. It was impossible for her to maintain her career,

    which required her to travel often internationally. But she loved her job and

    didn』t want to give it up. So she didn』t. She worked until the day before

    delivering her 3 sons and was back at work six weeks later. Of course, she got

    a lot of help from her parents, but her determination to find ways to pursue

    what she loved was impressive.
  • Her approach to fitting

    everything in: Sleep is overrated
    – When she began facing the

    huge challenge of balancing her family and career, she talked to a mentor in

    her company. After listening to her describe her situation, he told her, 「Well,

    you know, Iris, personally, I think that sleep is overrated.」 It』s a philosophy

    that she』s lived by ever since. Her average day starts at 5am and ends at


  • Regarding her approach to her

    day: Organized and focused
    – Right after getting up,

    Iris starts each day with a run for some personal time for herself. After her

    run, she spends some quality time with her kids while she fixes breakfast for

    them and sends them off to school. She spends more quality time with them

    before they go to bed. Her quality time with her husband happens during their

    drive to work together. And then, of course, she has a very full, busy day at

    work. It all requires a lot of planning and discipline (she says this comes

    from her German side!).
  • Her approach to herself: The importance of me-time every day – Besides the health

    benefits, Iris says that the great thing about running, swimming, and biking is

    that nobody can reach her. Actually, she doesn』t want to be reached. This is

    her time every day to clear her head, sort things out, and put her life in

  • Her approach to her success: Be positive, curious, and resilient – These aren』t just Iris』

    core qualities, they』re also the core values of the company she works for and

    the people she works with. It』s why she』s been at her company for 20 years now.

    Her daily job and work situation nurture those things that she feels are most

    important for her to achieve not just a successful career, but a successful

  • Her approach to her family: If I』m happy those around me will be happy


    Early on, Iris and her husband made a simple choice that defined their approach

    to their life and family. If they were happy and healthy, their kids and family

    environment would be happy and healthy too. So throughout the years, they』ve supported whatever each other feels

    will most make them happy and healthy, and then committed themselves to fully

    pursue and achieve those things.

How success is achieved

isn』t based on just one thing


sure, coming from a good family situation provides you more resources and

opportunities. Growing up in such a family myself, I』ve had access to certain

things that were more easily available to me than most others. And aligning

your work with what you have a passion for does make what you do more easy,

smooth and successful. I』ve also been fortunate to combine my passion (helping

people be more successful) with my work (running my own recruitment and talent

development company), which allow me to pursue many things in a more

straightforward, natural way. As to how some people』s lives are just meant to

be more fortunate than others, I believe most successful people will say that

there was an element of luck or timing to their success.


from the people I know who have achieved impressive success, the overwhelming

common factor among them is that they earn it. What looks to you to be just easy and smooth is actually based on

things that they do much more and better than the rest of us. They work

especially hard at what they do.
They』re extremely generous and giving in

their approach to others. They make sacrifices. They fight through very

difficult, challenging times. They overcame their fears and doubts. They stick

to their beliefs and show great courage at critical points in their lives. Iris

is a great example of what a person puts into having the type of life that she

has achieved and enjoys.

It』s more about the

type of person you are

As a

talent industry professional for over 20 years, I refer to myself as a student

of success. I』m fascinated by why some are able to achieve it better than

others who have similar and even better backgrounds. How and why does this



interviewed many successful people while writing my two career development

books and met many others through my recruitment firm. I can tell you that

those who achieve impressive success and live enviable lives have similar

qualities, like Iris. They』re energetic. They have a positive attitude towards

things and an inner confidence. They don』t have an overly negative view of

things, or view themselves as a victim of circumstances. Most are very humble

and grateful for everything they』ve achieved. Because they know what it took to

attain the things they have.

Everyone has their ups

and downs

And just like you and me, they』ve also

had their ups and downs. They all have their stories. You just don』t know about


For instance, my mom has lived a full life. At over

80 years old, she looks peaceful and content. She has the love and admiration

of her kids and grandkids. She has friends and relatives that are very close to

her. And she』s had an amazing career that』s been meaningful to her and had a

significant impact on many. She always says that what she』s achieved has

exceeded all her expectations.

But to think that she』s had an easy life filled with

good fortune would be incredibly insulting to her. Idiotic even. She went to a

3rd tier, all women』s, catholic college. She was a below average

student. She had an unhappy marriage, which ended in divorce. She began her

career in her late 20s, with three kids all under five years old. She had to

make some tough choices, sacrifice many things, and, above all, work her ass

off. By no means did things come easy to her.

What gives successful

people that look you see


last thing. I don』t view myself as successful. I』ve made mistakes. There are

things I could have done differently. Actually, by this time in my career, I

thought I』d have built a business empire by now. I』ve done some good things,

but not even close to what I had in mind when I was younger.


I have a similar feeling as my mom. I feel gratitude, appreciation, and a sense

of fulfillment. I enjoy my life. I』m positive and feel good about what I have. What I can tell you is that there』s a

peace of mind that comes from working hard, beating the odds, and knowing what

you』ve done to achieve what you have. There』s something deep and heartfelt that

you feel from always giving your very best, and not having regrets.

you see people that you feel live such easy, smooth, successful lives, this is

what I believe you』re actually seeing.



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