
◎ 你為何讀英文書?


  • Read for pleasure.

  • Read for information.

  • Read for language improvement.


◎ 再次推薦《葛傳槼向學習英語者講話》

Whatever a learner of English reads, he should, in my opinion, regard the language as the main thing. For instance, on reading this preceding sentence, besides understanding its meaning, he should notice such points as the concessive use of "whatever", "in my opinion", "regard... as ..." and "the main thing". In this way, he does learn some English though what he reads may happen to be otherwise uninteresting or uninstructive. It may safely be said that this is a far better way of learning English composition than to read and consider the so-called principles of the subject. [1]

[譯]不論一個英語學習者讀什麼東西,我認為他該把語言看作主要的東西。舉例來說,讀了前面這一句 ("Whatever a learner of English reads, he should, in my opinion, regard the language as the main thing.") ,除了了解它的意思以外,應該注意到"whatever"的讓步用法、"in my opinion"、"regard... as..."和"the main thing"。這樣,他的確學到一些英語,雖然他所讀的東西在別的方面也許恰巧既沒有趣味又沒有教益。可以可靠地說,這種學習作文的方法比讀而思考作文的原則要好得多。[2]




請小夥伴們記住,雅思 (IELTS) 或托福 (TOEFL) 寫作僅僅是考試,你需要實實在在地提高你的英語寫作能力。




◎ 語文考試中常見的仿寫句子題



(1) Matthew struck the southwestern peninsula with winds of 125 mph (200 kph) and heavy rains that flattened homes, flooded villages, razed crops, swept away cattle and cut off the parts of the island. (2016/10/8 CNN) [3]

◎ CNN: 海地遭颶風「馬修」重創



這是一篇與自然災害有關的報道,所以,我們可以將其遷移到相似場景,比如用來描述今年第2號颱風「苗柏」 (Typhoon Merbok) 給我國廣東省所帶來的巨大損失。



Typhoon Merbok, the second typhoon of the year, struck southeast Guangdong with winds of 20 kph and heavy rains that flattened homes, flooded villages, razed crops, (swept away cattle) and cut off parts of the affected area.



(2) "Days such as these test our spirit," university president Michael Drake said in a note to students and staff, "But together we remain unified in the face of adversity."

"Our hearts go out to the families of those affected in Ohio -- a tragic attack. Our prayers are with them," said Vice president-elect Mike Pence in New York. (2016/11/29 Yahoo News) [4]

◎ AFP: 俄亥俄州立大學遭恐怖襲擊



俄亥俄州立大學發生恐怖襲擊後,學校和國家領導先後慰問全體學生、教職工以及受害者家屬,所體現的同理心同樣適用於與事故或不幸有關的其他情景。比如,去年筆者本人因手術住院,同事到病房探望,我曾據此寫了一封感謝信 (a thank you note)。

November 29, 2016

Dear fellows,

Thanks for your lovely visit and sweet fruit.It was so thoughtful of you. Days such as these really test my spirit, but I will remain undaunted in the face of operation. I』m sure, your hearts will definitely go out to me and that your prayers will be with me in the tough times. I would like to invite both of you for dinner at home when I leave the hospital and you are available.

Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes.




(3) These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. (Bertrand Russell: What I Have Lived For) [5]

◎ 伯特蘭·羅素


上述英語原文摘自英國哲學家和文學家伯特蘭·羅素的經典散文《我的生活目的》(What I Have Lived For),表達了愛、知識和憐憫三者對其人生的巨大影響。


December 8, 2016

My history in hospital one week ago was a sorry record, mostly because it was deemed a huge blow and loss in my life.

For one thing, I was unquestionably in the wrong–having been working overtime at the cost of my youth and health, albeit with limited rewards, either compliments or material wealth. For another, that harsh experience like a storm, has blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

Whatever the case, I will continue to live a normal life. But where is my way out?



◎ 願你思如泉湧,文采斐然





[1] 葛傳槼. 《葛傳槼向學習英語者講話》[M]. 上海:上海譯文出版社,2015,27-28

[2] 葛傳槼. 《葛傳槼向學習英語者講話》[M]. 上海:上海譯文出版社,2015,102

[3] CNN: Haiti deaths rise after Hurricane Matthew

[4] Yahoo!: Ohio campus attacker identified as student angry at US interference

[5] 黃源深. 《英國散文選讀》(有聲版) [M]. 上海:上海外語教育出版社,2010,111


[第99次聽寫] 這個決定改變了我的一生 (一)
[第141次聽寫] 生日禮物
經濟學人 | 嬰兒和大腦進化的秘密(2016.5.28)

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