To Be A Product Manager | Day 99

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 99 of

To Be A Product Manager

Heavy rain (actually typhoon) pounds Shenzhen this morning, and people are either struck in their home or in subway station. Here』s how it looks like:

I was really lucky to get a DiDi taxi via my phone, and arrived at office at around 10AM. Not too many people arrive this morning, so I kind of enjoyed this peaceful environment, and sorted out the VR live streaming framework.

I start with some research and data online, then narrow down the potential customer image, like who are they, how old are they, why they want to watch VR live streaming and what do they expect from this immersive experience.

Then I also thought about the possible scenes they want to watch a VR showstage live streaming. For example, A just moved to a new town becasue of job opportunity, he doesn』t have many friends here. On Friday nights, instead of hanging out or partying, he stayed at his apartment and put on the headset for VR gaming, or watching some live streaming shows…

But before brainstorming about this, I』ve already listed 6 most frequent user needs on live streaming:


Killing time

Learn to play (Gaming)

Crazy fans (Celebrities)



I believe the majority of VR users are also from these above 6 categories, at least for now.


  • Mini program discussion
  • Stereo camera test
  • Product features for showstage VR

What I』m pondering

In the afternoon, our product team discussed the possibilities for mini program. I』m the one who leads the conversation, and also happy to learn a lot from other people』s opinions.

We end up coming to an agreement creating a light weight search tools for people in this industry. We need to be the content creator, but we also need to encourage more people to be a creator on our platform.

As for marketing, there should be some rumors or leak news at the beginning for attracting people』s attention.

It』s pointless to talk about how great your product is, if no one is using your product.

My name is Zake Zhang, a newbie VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I』m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.


To Be A Product Manager | Day 35
To Be A Product Manager | Week 22

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