Week 9: Space, The Final Frontier

Ok, secrets out: I love Star Trek.

But this weeks focus is actually more about everyday spaces. After all, I dont think we pay much attention to the spaces we inhabit. We might take a quick glance when we talk into a room; we might plan out how to decorate a new house. But very quickly, we become situated and stop paying attention. But what becomes normal to you may still be fascinating to me, so I wanted to hear about some of your special spaces.

This weeks theme was Space. And Id like to share several of the writing submissions.

How do you decorate your personal space?

In 2007, when I bought an apartment in Shanghai, I just wanted to decorate my room step-by-step. Because I was a single man at the time, I didn』t want to spend a lot of money. In addition to decorating all the rooms simply, my focus was on decorating the kitchen and the washroom. Only when everything was finished did I decided to buy major furniture: bed, table, TV and so on.

I remember that period of time because that was when I proved myself. I was just a regular man from a small city, but I』d dared to dream since I was a child, and finally I did it.

By Sean

Brian: I love that a simple room is described in a simple way. Theres something of a Murakami-esque style about the way a setting can be described step-by-step. But Sean, where were you last week when we were discussing childhood dreams? =P

Whats your safe space? Where do you go when youre feeling sad or tired?

Im always seeking a safe space. In that space, life would be like Platos Utopia: everyone lives carefree; theres no poverty, no racism and crime is non-existent. People would be friendly and trustworthy. Everyone is welcoming. However, the reason Utopia is called a Utopia is because it hardly exists at all.

I dont have a designated "safe place". I do have a place where I feel most comfortable though. Whenever some shit happens in my life, whenever I would like to find somewhere to retreat to, I always ride on subway line 2 to go to the Moon Harbour in Suzhou. The Moon Harbour is an open lakeshore leading from the Ferris Wheel Park to the Ligong Causeway. Technically people consider it as a nice, relaxing place for a stroll. You can always compare it with the Bund (Waitan) in Shanghai, though Moon Harbour has much less hustle and bustle. Instead, its more like an elegant lady.

Ive been there a couple of times during the evening. One time, was when I felt frustrated and confused about my future. I walked outside a shopping mall nearby and began wandering aimlessly. Finally, without even meaning to, I was standing by Moon Harbour. A few laowais were chatting several meters from me. I didnt pay attention to whether they were talking in English or another European language. One or two young couples walked past, speaking softly and lovingly to each other. Summer was coming and I could feel the fresh breeze from across Jinji Lake. Feeling the sounds of silence, I gradually slid into a placid mood.

The other time happened last year during the national holiday. I brought my parents there when they paid me a visit in Suzhou. There were many tourists around. Some couples were taking wedding photos. Dad mused that it was an amazing spot. We were rambling by the lakeside while the breeze caressed our cheeks. Swiftly, a distant song reached our ears – some man was singing "Yesterday Once More" from a European-style pub. Im sure by then we all felt sort of nostalgic. The melody was definitely reminiscent of "auld lang syne".

I havent been to Moon Harbour for quite a while now. What Im sure of though, is that it would always be a place where I can shut myself away for small periods of time. A place to view the crowds come and go – crowds that seem to have something to do with me, yet have nothing at all. A place to gain a certain joyfulness from solitude. A place to tell me the distinction between being alone and being lonely.

By Jessamine

Brian: Beautifully written. This piece excels at communicating the feeling of walking along Moon Harbour because the details show instead of tell. Instead of telling me the air was refreshing, I could also feel the light breeze that often accompanies a summer night. It was also great to hear about how an outdoors space can be a safe space and that isolation can be comforting.

What would you think about if you were abandoned in outer space?

I get excited at the idea of being thrown into the outer space alone, provided I manage to figure out a way to survive. People may call it 「abandon」, but I prefer to regard it as "distant roaming." I can detach myself from the great masses and enjoy the pure silence (especially since sound cannot travel in space). This solitude is quite precious for a resident of eastern China.

There are two possible situations.

In the first scenario, I still have connections with Earth and receive material supplies: from basic aliment and oxygen tanks, to books and movies, perhaps even Internet. Then to live in outer space is kind of similar to live on a remote, huge and strange-looking island.

The second scenario is that I am completely detached, without any biological maintenance or spiritual nutrition. This sounds weird, but it』s closer to the 「abandoned」 scenario in the question, that is, to be abandoned like trash. I have been haunted by this hypothesis for quite a while. As the world abandons me, I abandon the world and my identity as a human being. I become an eternal part of the endless universe, coexisting with those stars and nebulae.

However, as a nonhuman, should I keep thinking and feeling while observing? And if I don』t think or feel, what will become of me? That is another question.

By Anran

Brian: Wow, out of all the possible answers, I didnt expect somebody to say that theyd throw away their humanity. As for the writing, Im always a fan when a writer lists out what theyre about to say. Sure, its not literary; but its such a simple and effective tool to help the reader understand the message.

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