
《老友記》第2季第23集 - 高清正版在線觀看 - 搜狐視頻 http://tv.sohu.com/20120630/n346958876.shtml?txid=9075b2a7de230eeef8505336cfdc34ae

The OnenWith the Chicken Pox


Originally written by Brown Mandell.

Transcribed by Joshua Hodge.


223 出水痘







喬伊表演過頭了 ,還假稱自己為約瑟夫,家中有妻兒。這給錢德造成了一些麻煩。



[Scene: Central Perk. Rachel, Monica, Joey, and Chandler are there.]

n[Rachel brings a muffin to Chandlernand Monica who are sitting on the couch.]


muffin n.鬆餅


RACHEL: Ok, Chandler,nMon, theres only one bananna nut muffin left.

n[Rachel holds the tray between them. Chandler grabs the muffin before Monica can.]

nMONICA: Oh, I ordered mine first.

CHANDLER: Yeah,nbut Im, Im so much faster...

nMONICA: Give it to me.


nMONICA: Give it to me.

CHANDLER: Ok, you can have it. [He licks it and offers it to her.]

MONICA: [She grabs the coffee cup on the table and licks thenrim.] There you go, enjoy your coffee.

CHANDLER: That was there when I got here那杯不是我的. [Takes a bite of his muffin.]

nPHOEBE: [enters] Hey you guys, you will never guess whos coming to New York.

nMONICA: [Chandlerntries to come back with a smart-ass remark but cant swallow the muffin.] Quick,nPhoebe, tell us before he can swallow.nn

come back with努力說出/[Chandlerntries to come back with a smart-ass remark but cant swallow the muffin.]: smart-ass means someone who is always trying to seem cleverer thanneveryone else in a way(在某種程度上) thatnis annoying

nPHOEBE: Oh ok, Ryan, that guy I went out with, whos innthe Navy海軍.

n[Chandler isnvisibly upset]

nRACHEL: You went out with a guy in the Navy?

nPHOEBE: Yeah, I met him when I was playing guitar in WashingtonSquarePark. Ryan threw in salt water taffyncause he didnt have any change.nn

taffy(=toffee) 太妃糖,乳脂糖/salt water taffy鹽水太妃糖/change n.零錢


nJOEY: Hey, is that when you wrote salt water taffy man?

nPHOEBE: No. No, he is my submaring guy. He resurfaces like every couple yearsnand we have the most amazing three days together. Only this time hes comingnfor two weeks. Two whole weeks, which means yay.nn

submarine n.潛水艇/resurface vi.(潛水艇)浮上水面


RACHEL: So wait, this guy goes down for like two years at antime?nn

at a time adv.每次, 在某時


n[Once again, Chandlernhas a bite in his mouth and cant come back恢復.]

nMONICA: Thatll teach you to lick mynmuffin誰叫你舔我的鬆餅.

nROSS: [enters] Hiii.

nJOEY: Oh no, what happened?

nROSS: Well, I just spoke to Carol. Bens got the chicken pox.nn

chicken pox n.<醫>水痘


nALL: Oh no.

nROSS: Yeah, so if you haventnalready had it, chances are youre gonna get it.nn

chances are……(放在句首)有可能


nRACHEL: Well Ive had it.

nJOEY: Yeah, Ive had it.

nMONICA: Had it.


nPHOEBE: Well, Ive never had it, Infeel so left out我感覺被遺棄了. [Sees a red bump(n.腫塊) on her arm.] Oh look!


[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Monica and Richard are in hernbedroom.]

MONICA: Honey, you made the bed again. I told you, you dont have to do that.nThis isnt camp.nn

make the bed鋪床


nRICHARD: Ooh, then I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncalled for.nOk, I am going to take a shower and today I will be singing Jim Crochees LeroynBrown.nn

panty n.女內褲/panty raid內褲大襲擊/uncalled for adj.不必要的,不適當的,沒有理由的/Ooh,nthen I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncallednfor: panty raid is a raid on a womens dormitory by college mennusually to obtain panties as trophies; uncalled for means unjustified, improper


[He walks out of the bedroom andnMonica starts to remake the bed.]

nRICHARD: Monica... [He re-enters the bedroom and Monica jumps on the bed, tryingnto cover it.] Hey Mon, I have a question. Is Leroy the baddest man in the wholendamn town or the fattest man in the whole damn town?nn

Bad Bad Leroy Brown:理查德在洗澡時哼的歌,但他搞不清楚究竟是badnbad Leroy brown(壞懷的勒羅伊·布朗)還是fat fat Leroy Brown(胖胖的勒羅伊·布朗),莫尼卡告訴他是前者。「壞壞的勒羅伊·布朗」是由傑姆·克勞奇演唱的七十年代名曲。


MONICA: Baddest. Otherwise the songnwould be Fat Fat Leroy Brown.

nRICHARD: Whatre you doing?

nMONICA: Just waiting for you sweetie.

nRICHARD: Are you remaking the bed?

nMONICA: Im sorry, Im sorry. You know what, the way you did it was just fine.

nRICHARD: Then, youre redoing it because...

MONICA: If I tell you, youll think Im crazy.

nRICHARD: Youre pretty much runningnthat risk either way你說不說都有這樣的危險.

nMONICA: Ok, you see, the tag shouldnt be at the topnleft corner左上角, it should be at the bottom right corner右下角.

RICHARD: Oh, well thats not so crazy.

nMONICA: Im just easing you in我只是給你做暖身(還有很多沒說).nn

Imnjust easing you in: To slacken(v.鬆弛) the strain(n.過度的疲勞), pressure, or tension

nRICHARD: Oh, alright.

nMONICA: Alright, you see these little flower blossoms? They should be facingnup, not down, because, well, the head of the bed is where the sun would be. Youndont love me any more do you.nn

blossom n.花


nRICHARD: Actually, if its possible, I love you more.

MONICA: Really? Wow, well then come on, I wanna show you hownto fold the toilet paper into anpoint.nn

toilet paper n.衛生紙,草紙/point n.尖角

[Scene: Chandlersnoffice. Joey is there.]

CHANDLER: Hey,nlook Joey, Im just saying if younneed something to hold you over, Incan get you a job right here as an entry level processor.nn

hold over v.拖延, 繼任, 以...威脅/entry level processor n.基層的資料處理員

nJOEY: But dont you need experience for a job like that?

CHANDLER: Itsnnot that hard to learn. And as for至於 people realizing you have no idea what yourendoing, hey, youre an actor. Act like a processor, people will think youre anprocessor.

nSCOTT: [enters] Hey Chandler, heres this mornings projections.nn

projiection n.預算表;設計,規劃

CHANDLER: Heynthanks. Scott Alexander, Joey Tribbianni. Joey is a uh, fellow processor.nn

fellow adj.同伴的, 同事的,n同道的


nSCOTT: No kidding.

JOEY: Oh yeah yeah. I process. People want the processing, Im the one they call.

nSCOTT: Where do you work?

nJOEY: Uhh, well, right now Im in between things. You know how it is. One day yourenprocessing, the next day youre not so much... processing any more.nn

Uhh, well, right now Im innbetween things: In an intermediate(adj.中間的)situation


CHANDLER: I wasnjust telling Joey about the opening in Fleischmans group.nn

opening n.空缺


nSCOTT: Fleischmans group. Whatever you do, dont touch his sandwiches.nHa-ha-ha...

nJOEY: Ha-ha. [Scott leaves] Are all you processors dorks?nn

dork n.蠢驢


[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Monica and Rachel are doing Phoebesnmakeup.]

nRACHEL: Oh, this lipstick looks just great on you.nn

lipstick n.<美>口紅,唇膏


nMONICA: You look fabulous honey, you really do.

nPHOEBE: Yeah? Are you sure, really. [She picks up a mirror and sees the white splotchesnall over her face.]nn

splotch n.斑點


RACHEL: You see, you look beautiful. For god sakes,ndim the lights.nn

dim vt.使暗淡, 使失去光澤


nPHOEBE: I, I, Im hideous.nn

hideous adj.醜惡的


MONICA: Its gonna be ok. Ryans been under water. Hes justngonna be so glad that you dont have barnicles on your butt.nn

barnacle n.一種北極鵝,藤壺(一種甲殼類動物)/Hes just gonna be so glad that youndont have barnacles on your butt: Any of various marine(adj.海的) crustaceans(n.甲殼類生物) of the subclass (n.<生>亞綱,子集) Cirripedia(n.蔓足類動物) that in the adult stage form a hard shell and remain attached to submerged(adj.淹沒的,在水中的) surfaces,nsuch as rocks and shipsnbottoms (藤壺)


[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Ryan is walks up to thendoor and knocks.]

nPHOEBE: Come in.

nRYAN: Hey baby, Im back... [Phoebe is sitting by the window in a veil.]

nPHOEBE: Hey Ryan, whats up?

nRYAN: Whats goin on?

PHOEBE: Well, no no, you have to stay back. I, I have thenpox.

nRYAN: Chicken or small?


small pox n.小痘


nPHOEBE: Chicken. Which is so ironicnconsidering Im a vegetarian.

RYAN: Why arent you at home in bed?

nPHOEBE: Cause my, my grandmothers never had chicken pox. Please, please tellnme you have, cause oh my God, I forgot how cute you are.

nRYAN: Im sorry, I never had em.

nPHOEBE: Ohh, ohh.

RYAN: If I hadnone wish, it would be to build a time machine, gonback to when I was 7, when Jimmy Hauser had the chicken pox. I would grab thatnkid and rub him all over my face.

nPHOEBE: Yeah, or you know, you could just wish that I didnt have them now.

nRYAN: Can I please see your face?

nPHOEBE: Nope. You dont want to see a face covered with pox.

nRYAN: Your face could be covered with lochs, I wouldnt care.nn

loch n.<蘇格蘭> 湖,(狹長的)海灣/Your face could be coverednwith lochs, I wouldnt care: a partially(adv.部分地) landlocked(adj.為大陸所包圍的) ornprotected bay, a narrow arm(n.海灣) of thensea

nPHOEBE: And you hate fish. Oh. Thats so sweet, alright. Ok, alright, you cannsee. This is me... [she unveils herself right as a huge lightning bolt crashesnoutside. Ryan screams in terror.]nOh, I am scary.nn

unveil v.掀開面紗/a huge lightning bolt n.晴天霹靂/scary adj.引起恐慌的/She unveils herself right as a huge lightning boltncrashes outside. Ryan screams in terror.]: a lightning stroke

nRYAN: Sorry, the lightning. Lightning was an unfortunate coincidence. You looknlovely, lovely.

PHOEBE: I hate this. Cause I tell you, I had the mostnamazing two weeks planned for us, and almost everything I had in mind, we hadnto be a lot closer than this.

nRYAN: Phoebe, I have spent the last eight months in a steelntube with men, thinking about thisnmoment. I am not gonna let a bunch of itchy spots stand between us. [He walksnto her and kisses her.]nn

itchy adj.發癢的/I am not gonna let a bunch of itchy spots stand betweennus: having or causing an itchingnsensation

nPHOEBE: Ok, this is the most romantic disease Ive ever had.

[Scene: Chandlersnoffice. Joey enters.]

nJOEY: Hey.

CHANDLER: Hey,nhows the first day goin?

nJOEY: Pretty good. Its like you said. Its mostly just putting numbers from one column intonanother column.

CHANDLER: Wellnthere you go.

nJOEY: Hey and everbody is so nice. I just had a good talk with that lady withnthe red hair, Jeannie.

CHANDLER:nJeannie, the head of east coast operations Jeannie?nn

operation n.業務/east coast n.東海岸

JOEY: Yeah, turns out原來 our kids go to the same school. Small worldnhuh?

CHANDLER: Weirdnworld. Your kids?

JOEY: I figure my character has kids.nn

character n.角色,人物


CHANDLER: Yanknow there isnt a part of that sentence I dont neednexplained.

JOEY: Well, see when youre acting you need to think aboutnstuff like that. My character, Joseph the processor guy, has two little girls,nAshley and Brittany. Ashley copiesneverything Brittanyndoes.A什麼都要學B的

CHANDLER: Well,ninvisible kids can be that way sometimes.nn

invisible adj.看不見的,無形的


JOEY: Yeah. Joseph and his wife, Karen, are thinking ofnhaving a third kid... Ya know what? Just did.

CHANDLER:nReally? Wow. Thats some pretty powerful imaginarynsperm you must have there.nn

sperm n.精子


[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Phoebe and Ryan are playingnMonopoly.]

nRYAN: You know what makes the itching even worse?nn

itching adj.癢的/the itching n.癢


nPHOEBE: That you dont stop talking about it.

nRYAN: Fine.

nPHOEBE: Lets just play, ok. Good, ok. [She picks up the dice.] Here we go,ndouble sixes, here we go... [She starts to rub the dice all over herself.] Herenwe go, come to mama我的媽呀, justngetting ready to roll the dice...nn

dice n.骰子/double sixes n.十二/roll the dice擲骰子


nRYAN: Whatre you doing? Are you scratching?

nPHOEBE: No. This is what I do for luck, ok.

nRYAN: Youre scratching. Give me the dice.


nRYAN: Give me the dice.

nPHOEBE: No. Here. [Throws them on the table.] There. Ooh, double sixes.

nRYAN: We cant scratch. You know we cant, well scar.nn

scar v.留下疤痕


nPHOEBE: Uhh, I cant stop thinking about it. Its just so hard. I just wannangrab all these houses and rub em all over my body. [Grabs anhandful of一把 the houses.]

nRYAN: No.

nPHOEBE: Give it.

nRYAN: No.

nPHOEBE: Yeah, come on. You know you want it, you know you want it too, come on.nLets just be bad, itll feel so good. [She starts scratching him.]

nRYAN: Oh God help me.

nPHOEBE: Now do me, do my back. Oh come on, harder.

n[They get back to back and start rubbing against each other. Ross and Rachelnenter.]

nRACHEL: Oh, stop that, stop that right now.

nROSS: You know, I might have expected this of you Phoebe, but Ryan, youre a military man.

[Scene: Chandlersnoffice building. Joey and Jeannie are talking.]

nJOEY: You and Milton have to join us on the boat. Karenll pack a lunch, youll bring the kids,nwell make a day of it.nn

make a day of it 把整天的時間用於某事上


nJEANNIE: Oh, that sounds lovely. Were gonna have to setnthat up好好安排. Oh, I better get back.nHope the baby feels better.

nJOEY: Oh, thanks, thanks. Bye bye Jeannie.

JEANNIE: Bye bye Joey.

nJOEY: What a phony.nn

phony adj.假冒的n.假冒者,騙子,虛偽的人/What a phony: not genuine or real

CHANDLER: Well,nIm sure youll teach her a lesson給她以教訓 when she steps off the dock onto nothing. HeynMr. Douglas.nn

dock n.<美>碼頭,船塢/step off the dock onto nothing離開碼頭時踩了個空

nJOEY: Sir.

nMR. DOUGLAS: Uh, listen Bing, I received your memo. So, were not gonna receiventhe systems report until next Friday?nn

memo n.備忘錄


CHANDLER: Wellnthe people in my group wanna spend the holiday weekend with their families.

nMR. DOUGLAS: I have a family, Im gonna be here.

nJOEY: Yeah Bing, whats that about你幹嘛呢?

CHANDLER: Its about cutting my people a little slack, ya know, for morale. Look, if you wanna seensome rough numbers, I can get them to you by Wednesday.nn

slack adj.懈怠的,疏忽的/moralenn.士氣/rough numbers n.概數


nMR. DOUGLAS: Rough numbers?

nJOEY: This company was not built on rough numbers. Am I right Mr. Douglas.

nMR. DOUGLAS: Have the final numbers on my desk by Tuesday.

CHANDLER: Uh, if you say so sir照你的意思做吧.

JOEY: Josephs good, isntnhe?

CHANDLER: Well,nIm going to kill you.

nJOEY: Hey, hey, I just figure Josephs the kinda guy that likes to mix it up.nYa know, get in there, ruffle somenfeathers.nn

mix it up猛打,狠揍;爭吵to攪局/ruffle v.滋擾,弄亂/ ruffle sb.s feathersv.激怒某人/Hey, hey, I just figure Josephs the kinda guy that likesnto mix it up. Ya know, get in there, ruffle some feathers: ruffle somenfeathers means you irritate someone (Imagine that you are walking through a park,nand pass by pigeons orncrows(n.烏鴉) eating garbage.nIf you pass close enough, these birds (at least the pigeons) will ruffle their feathers, and flynaway. They are bothered by your intrusion(n.闖入,滋擾).)



nJOEY: Look, Im sorry but thats what Joseph does, ok. If you try to pullnsomethin, hell call you on it. Whatre you tryin to pull, hell say.nn

pull sth :耍花招/call on號召,訪問,指派

[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Monica enters her bedroom with a roll of一卷 ductntape. Richard is sitting on the bed.]

nRICHARD: Ooh, duct tape. Was I supposed to bring something too?nn

duct n.管,輸送管/tape n.帶子/Ooh, duct tape.nWas I supposed to bring something too: a wide silvery cloth adhesive tape(n.膠帶) designed for sealing(v.封住) joints in heating or air-conditioning ducts

nMONICA: This is for the scratchy twins out there. I taped oven mits to theirnhands.nn

scratchy adj.發癢的,搔癢的/ovennmit n.微波爐防燙手套/tape v.戴在/This is for the scratchy twins out there. I taped oven mitsnto their hands: oven mits arengloves you wearing for the oven operation.

nRICHARD: Youre strict.

nMONICA: Its for their own good.

RICHARD: You know, I like the way you have efficiently folded折 this tab under.nSee in a tape emergency在急需要用帶子的時候 you could shave valuable seconds off your time省幾秒鐘.

MONICA:nExactly. Oh, I love that I can be totally neurotic around you now. Tell me the truth. Dont you like it better now that everythingnon your desk is perpendicular?nn

neurotic adj.神經質的, 神經病的/perpendicular adj.成直角的/Exactly. Oh, I love that I can be totally neurotic aroundnyou now: an emotionally unstable(adj.不穩定的) individual

nRICHARD: If its not a right angle直角, it is a wrong angle.

nMONICA: Very good.

nRICHARD: Thank you.

nMONICA: You know what. Tomorrow Im gonna do your clocks.

nRICHARD: Youre gonna do what to my clocks.

nMONICA: Im gonna set them to my time.

nRICHARD: Well, Im confused. I thought we shared time.

MONICA: No no. See, in my bedroom I set my clock six minutesnfast. You wanna know why?

nRICHARD: Because its in a slightly different time zone than the kitchen.nn

slightly adv.些微地/time zone n.時區


nMONICA: No forget it, Im not gonna tell you now.

nRICHARD: No come on. Come on tell me.

nMONICA: No. See you dont understand.

nRICHARD: Come on.

nMONICA: No. You dont have any of these cute little obsessive things.nn

obsess v.<常被動>使困擾,使心神不寧,使著迷(benobsessed by the fear of death)/obsessive adj.強迫的


nRICHARD: No thats not true. That is not true.

nMONICA: Oh yeah.


nMONICA: Alright, well tell me one of yours.

nRICHARD: Ok. Ahh. One of my things is, I always separate my sweat socks from myndress socks.nn

sweat n.汗v.出汗/sweatnsock n.運動襪/dress sock西裝襪/One of my things is, I always separate my sweat socksnfrom my dress socks: a sock worn fornathletic events

MONICA: What if they get mixed up?nn

get mixed up混亂,搞混


nRICHARD: Boy I would just uh, I would freak out.nn

freak out 發狂

MONICA: You would not. I cant believe this. I hate this,nyoure too normal. I cant believe my boyfriend doesnt have a thing. Mynboyfriend doesnt have a thing.

nRICHARD: See, if anyone overheard that, I didnt come off well.nn

come off well運氣好,走運,(事情)有滿意的結果/See, if anyone overheard that, I didnt come off well: ifnyoucomenoff well orbadly at the end of a process,nyou are in a good or bad position as a result of it.

[Scene: Chandlersnoffice. Chandlernis asleep in his chair holding a paper in one hand and a pen in the other. Joeynwalks in, waking up Chandlernwho covers by pretending to write on the paper.]nn

cover v.掩飾


nJOEY: Hey. Mr. Douglas is looking for you.

CHANDLER: Why?nWh- wh- why is Mr. Douglas looking for me?

nJOEY: Cause he has a strong suspicion that you dropped the ball on the Lender project.

drop the ball:意思是你沒有完成任務並讓和你一起工作的人失望了/lender n.出借方,貸方/Cause he has a strong suspicion that you dropped the ball onnthe Lender project: droppednthe ball means to mess something up(搞砸)


CHANDLER: Wha- wh- why, why, why does he suspect that?

nJOEY: Becasue at first he thought it was Joseph. But after he asked Josephnabout it, turns out it was you. Anyway, I just thought you should know.

CHANDLER:nAlright, thats it. Look Joey, Im sorry, I realize this is the role of anlifetime for ya, and if I could just fire Joseph, I would, but unfortunatelynthats not possible so Im gonna have to let both of you go.


lifetime n.一生


nJOEY: Whatre you talking about, everybody loves Joseph.

CHANDLER: Indont, I hate Joseph, ok. I think hes a brown-nosing suck up.nn

brown-nose n.諂媚者v.拍馬屁, 諂媚/suck up v.吸收n.<俚>一個人對另一個人惟命是從/I hatenJoseph, ok. I think hes a brown-nosing suck up: brown-nosing =sucknup, which means to flatter, be obsequious

nJOEY: Oh yeah. Well you cant fire Joseph. You know why, cause hes not innyour department.

CHANDLER:nAlright, ok, alright. So I cant fire Joseph but uh, I can sleep with his wife.

nJOEY: Karen.

CHANDLER:nYeah, Karen. Im thinking about having an affair with her. Oh, you know what? Injust did.nn

affair (尤指關係不長久的)風流韻事/have an affair with sb與…搞婚外情


nJOEY: Ahh. What the hell are you doing to me man.

CHANDLER:nOh well its not me, its my character, Chandy. Yeah the rogue processor whonseduces his co-workers wives for sport and then laughs about it the next daynat the water cooler. In fact, I have her panties right there in my drawer.nn

rogue n.流氓,無賴,惡棍/seduce v.引誘,勾引;唆使/coworker n.同事/for sport為了好玩/laugh about it當……笑話/the water cooler n.水冷卻機/panty n.(女用)內褲/Yeahnthe rogue processor who seduces his co-workers wives for sport and thennlaughs about it the next day at the water cooler: sport dishonestnor immoral; sport is an obsolete(adj.過時的) expressionnwhich means an amorous(adj.色情的,多情的) dalliance(n.調戲), lovemaking; waterncooler is a device for cooling and dispensing(vt.分配,分發) drinking water

nJOEY: Really?

CHANDLER: Nonfreakshow, shes fictional.nn

freakshow n.瘋狂的表演/fictional adj.虛構的,編造的/Nonfreakshow, shes fictional: an exhibition (as a sideshow n.雜耍,穿插表演) featuring freaks of nature


JOEY: Take it easy. If it meansnthat much to you, Ill uh, Ill go find something else.nn

take it easy v.從容, 不緊張, 鬆懈, 輕鬆

CHANDLER: Thanknyou.

nJOEY: Its just that, I, Im gonna miss Joseph. I liked him. His wife, she wasnhot. [Chadler pushes him out the door by the face.]

[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Rachel and Ross are in the kitchen.nPhoebe is sitting at the couch with oven mits on her hands.]nn

oven mit n.微波爐防燙手套


nPHOEBE: Can I please take these off? I swear I wont scratch.

nRACHEL: No sorry hon, Monicas orders.

nRYAN: [Comes out of the bathroom, also with oven mits on his hands.] Well thatnwasnt easy.

nROSS: Ok, dinners on.

nRACHEL: And theres a peach cobbler warming in the oven so the plates gonna benhot but that shouldnt be a problem for you.nn

cobbler n.修鞋匠/peach cobbler n.桃子餅


nROSS: Alright you kids, bye now.

nPHOEBE and RYAN: Bye. [waving]

ROSS: Oh look, anlow budget puppet show低成本的木偶劇.nn

puppet show n.木偶劇

nPHOEBE: Its such a shame you cant see which finger Im holding up.

n[Ross and Rachel leave.]

nRYAN: Wine?

nPHOEBE: Please. [Ryan pulls the cork with his teeth and spits it into Phoebesnmits.]nn

cork n.軟木塞


nRYAN: Oh, I spilled some.nn

spill vt.濺出

nnPHOEBE: I got it. [Wipes it up with her mits.]nn

wipe up v.(把打翻的東西)擦乾淨, 消滅


nRYAN: [Puts his hands over Phoebes ears.] I must tell you, you look beautifulntonight.

nPHOEBE: What?

nRYAN: Sorry. You look beautiful.


n[They start to kiss. They try to get each others shirts off but cant get thenbuttons undone.]nn

undo button解開紐扣


nPHOEBE: You know what, thats it, thats it. [She rips off the mits, Ryan follows her lead.]nn

rip off撕掉


n[They keep kissing and start scratching each other. Ross enters, takes one look, and goes right back out thendoor.]

[Scene: Monica and Rachels apartment. Richard and Monica are in bed.]

nRICHARD: Monica, wake up. Monica.

nMONICA: Whats up?

nRICHARD: I thought of a thing.

nMONICA: Yeah?

nRICHARD: Yeah. I have to sleep, have to, on this side of the bed.

nMONICA: No honey. You have to sleep on this side of the bed because I have tonsleep on this side of the bed.

nRICHARD: Or so I would have you believe.

nMONICA: No. Big deal, so you have a side of the bed, everybody has a side of the bed.

nRICHARD: Hey come on, you havent heard my reason yet.

nMONICA: Alright, go on.

nRICHARD: Ok, I have to sleep on the west side because I grew up in California and otherwisenthe ocean would be on the wrong side.

nMONICA: Oh my God, youre a freak.nn

freak n.怪誕的人


nRICHARD: Yeah. How bout that.

[Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe, Rachel, Ross, and Ryan are there. Ryan is innuniform, getting ready to leave.]

RACHEL: So uh, Ryan, were you shipping off to?nn

ship off v.(船)開往


nRYAN: I really cant say.

nROSS: So do you have like any nuclear weapons on board?nn

nuclear weapon n.核武器/on board 在船上


nRYAN: I cant say.

nRACHEL: Well do you get to look through one of those like, those periscope thingys.nn

look through 看(望遠鏡,顯微鏡等)/periscope n.潛望鏡/Wellndo you get to look through one of those like, those periscope thingys: a tubular(adj.管狀的)optical instrument(n.光學儀器)ncontaining lenses and mirrors by which an observer obtains an otherwise(adj.另外的) obstructed(adj.阻斷的) field of view


RYAN: Im sorry, but I cant say.

nROSS: Wow, it, its neat learning about submarines.

neat adj.<俚> you reallyndo think its GREAT.. AWESOME


nRYAN: I better get out of here, Im gonna miss my flight.

nPHOEBE: Ok, Ill walk you out.


walk out把(某人)帶走


nROSS: Bye Ryan.

nRYAN: Pleasure.

nRACHEL: It was nice to meet you.

nRYAN: Take care.

n[Phoebe and Ryan walk outside.]

nRACHEL: So do you uh, think we can get you one of those uh, uniform things?

nROSS: You like that do ya?

nRACHEL: Oh yeah.

nROSS: Ill make some calls. [Runs off.]


n[Outside with Phoebe and Ryan.]

nRYAN: Can you believe how we spent our two weeks together?

PHOEBE: I know. We didnt do any of the romantic things I had planned, like havingna picnic at Central Park and ya know, coffeenat Central Perk. Oh I just got that. [They kiss.]

nRYAN: Taxi.

nPHOEBE: Bye you. [Ryans cab drives off. As Phoebe is going back in, she sees thenCentral Perk sign in the window and laughs.]


[Scene: Central Perk. Rachel is closing. Ross walks in in a uniform.]

nRACHEL: Oh Im sorry, were clo-... Hey sailor.

nROSS: Is this what you had in mind?

RACHEL: Ill say可不是嘛.

n[Ross picks her up.]

nROSS: Im shipping out tomorrow.nn

ship out 坐船離故國

RACHEL: Well then uh, we better makenthis night count我們今夜共渡良宵. [He starts to carry her out.] Oh wait, Inforgot to turn off the cappucino machine. [He carries her over to turn it off.]nAnchors away. Oh no no, my purse, my purse, my purse, my purse, my purse, my purse.n[He carries her to the counter to pick up her purse.] Oh, you know what. Inforgot to turn off the bathroom light.nn

anchor n.錨/anchor away起航

ROSS: Alright you know, why dont I just meet you upstairs. [Drops her on thencouch and walks out holding his lower back.]nn





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