To Be A Product Manager | Day 84

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 84 of

To Be A Product Manager

Just got back from a 3-day short break with our colleagues, we went to the beach for team building. For me, I do everything with a purpose, and the purpose for this short break is to create a short video, I took 2 cameras, cellphone and drone with me, but turned out I used Google Pixel the most. It』s just so convenient.

We got back in town around 7PM last night, I didn』t go back to my apartment, even I』m super exhausted, instead I went to the office, because with bigger monitor and better network, I could finish the editing sooner.

4 hours later, I exported a 2:20-min long video with 49GB footages.

For work, I didn』t get much done, it』s more like figuring the goals for this week and having group discussion.

Personally I hate meetings, but not all brainstormings. But today we had a terrible brainstorm meeting, which I will cover in what I learn.


In the afternoon, I also think about this term a lot, which leads to another question:

How much work/achievements can make you a perfect work day?

It』s been a while I haven』t got in touch with my mentors in Boulder, CO, I have to write them an email with this question.


  • weekly planning
  • VR livestream interaction design
  • SDK live test

What I Learn

Yes, the brainstorming is terrible in 2 ways:

1. The timing

Started meeting at around 2:00PM in the afternoon is not always the best choice, people are sleepy, or just wake up from their naps. They need time to recover.

We scheduled this meeting at this time only because we have a colleague in California joining us, and she said the time(11:00PM EST) is good for her.

In Shenzhen, most people get energetic as the sun comes down, which means at 6:00PM or 7:00PM, they started really focusing and getting shit done. This is just a scene in Shenzhen, might varied from places to places.

For me, I feel most powered up in the morning, and in the later afternoon.

2. Purpose and Preparation

It』s hard to believe people would start a meeting without a purpose and preparation these days, but they might not do it in the right way, which makes no difference with having a meeting without goals.

And yes our designer, she did the preparation, a lot. But somehow, it』s super vague and difficult for others to understand. This ends up not having a very satisfying results.

My name is Zake Zhang, a newbie VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I』m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.



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