To Be A Product Manager | Day 71

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 71 of

To Be A Product Manager

This morning it』s raining cats and dogs in Shenzhen, and I』m lucky to experience the full version of it. ?? Literally, from the beginning all the way to the end. This happens when I was walking towards office, and even I had my umbrella with me, but I was still soaked to the bone.

When I arrived at office, I also went out helping one of colleagues get a umbrella. On the way, I also helped a guy without umbrella moving from one bus station to another.

I』m actually surprised to know how calm I was this morning, when I was in the pouring rain, struggling to move one step further at each time, I still could focus on the podcast, and type some brief words down on Google Keep.

I checked my inbox, prioritize the tasks for today, and just dived into them…

This month I notice there』re more and more cross team communication and execution, which requires more understanding and emotional intelligence. It』s a great experience to be the CEO of several products, everybody has to listen to my call, but at the same time, you need to be patient as fuck with all kinds of bugs and misunderstands.

I had another conversation with my mentor this afternoon. He』s trying to help me rewire the focus and take more ownership in products. Super funny dude, I love working with him.

In the evening, I had a dinner with Raissa (hi Raissa if you are reading this??), who is from Brazil but pursuing her passion all the way to China, ends up working at DJI, one of favorite company in China. We talked a lot about work life balance, and our feeling about working in Shenzhen.

I can always get so much energy after talking to people who hold a growth mindset and pursue things they love. These conversations keep me motivated and positive about my future. (this is also reason I love couchsurfing)


  • Website testing
  • MVP follow up
  • Copywriting summary (different platforms)
  • Z Cam setup

What I』m thinking

As I』m sitting here, trying to go through what happens today and figure out how I can share with you guys in a positive and valuable way, questions comes to my mind,

How do you know what you do is right or wrong?

Are you looking for the ideal results based on other people』s opinions?

See if you start something with a goal other people have on you, you feel you are lack of something already, subconsciously you believe if you meet that results, you will be happy…

But things never go this way.

I think you won』t be happy unless you meet the goal you have for yourself.

This is why I believe it』s so important to find your own purpose, or you can adjust a task to the way helps you improve the most.

My name is Zake Zhang, a newbie VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I』m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.


To Be A Product Manager | Week 32

TAG:产品经理 | 日记 |