
麥肯錫在2011年5月發布了一個關於大數據方面的報告:《Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity》,這是最後一部分的翻譯,欠大家很長時間了,非常抱歉。。。




5. 大數據的應用會影響很多行業,一些行業會有更大的收益

Illustrating differences among different sectors, if we compare the historical productivity of sectors in the United States with the potential of these sectors to capture value from big data (using an index that combines several quantitative metrics), we observe that patterns vary from sector to sector (Exhibit 2).



Computer and electronic products and information sectors (Cluster A), traded globally, stand out as sectors that have already been experiencing very strong productivity growth and that are poised to gain substantially from the use of big data. Two services sectors (Cluster B)—finance and insurance and government—are positioned to benefit very strongly from big data as long as barriers to its use can be overcome. Several sectors (Cluster C) have experienced negative productivity growth, probably indicating that these sectors face strong systemic barriers to increasing productivity. Among the remaining sectors, we see that globally traded sectors (mostly Cluster D) tend to have experienced higher historical productivity growth, while local services (mainly Cluster E) have experienced lower growth.






While all sectors will have to overcome barriers to capture value from the use of big data, barriers are structurally higher for some than for others (Exhibit 3). For example, the public sector, including education, faces higher hurdles because of a lack of data-driven mind-set and available data. Capturing value in health care faces challenges given the relatively low IT investment performed so far. Sectors such as retail, manufacturing, and professional services may have relatively lower degrees of barriers to overcome for precisely the opposite reasons.





6. 大數據需求組織將面臨人才短缺

A significant constraint on realizing value from big data will be a shortage of talent, particularly of people with deep expertise in statistics and machine learning, and the managers and analysts who know how to operate companies by using insights from big data.



In the United States, we expect big data to rapidly become a key determinant of competition across sectors. But we project that demand for deep analytical positions in a big data world could exceed the supply being produced on current trends by 140,000 to 190,000 positions (Exhibit 4). Furthermore, this type of talent is difficult to produce, taking years of training in the case of someone with intrinsic mathematical abilities. Although our quantitative analysis uses the United States as illustration, we believe that the constraint on this type of talent will be global, with the caveat that some regions may be able to produce the supply that can fill talent gaps in other regions.



In addition, we project a need for 1.5 million additional managers and analysts in the United States who can ask the right questions and consume the results of the analysis of big data effectively. The United States—and other economies facing similar shortages—cannot fill this gap simply by changing graduate requirements and waiting for people to graduate with more skills or by importing talent (although these could be important actions to take). It will be necessary to retrain a significant amount of the talent in place; fortunately, this level of training does not require years of dedicated study.


此外,我們預計在美國需要150萬名額外的經理和分析師,他們可以有效地提出正確的問題並消費大數據分析的結果。面對類似人才短缺問題的美國和其他經濟體,不能簡單地通過改變畢業要求以等待學生以更多的技能畢業,或進口人才來填補這一空白(儘管這些可能是重要的行動)。有必要重新培養大量的人才; 幸運的是,這一級的培訓不需要多年的專門學習。



7. 要獲取大數據全部潛力需要解決的幾個問題

Data policies. As an ever larger amount of data is digitized and travels across organizational boundaries, there is a set of policy issues that will become increasingly important, including, but not limited to, privacy, security, intellectual property, and liability. Clearly, privacy is an issue whose importance, particularly to consumers, is growing as the value of big data becomes more apparent. Personal data such as health and financial records are often those that can offer the most significant human benefits, such as helping to pinpoint the right medical treatment or the most appropriate financial product. However, consumers also view these categories of data as being the most sensitive. It is clear that individuals and the societies in which they live will have to grapple with trade-offs between privacy and utility.



Another closely related concern is data security, e.g., how to protect competitively sensitive data or other data that should be kept private. Recent examples have demonstrated that data breaches can expose not only personal consumer information and confidential corporate information but even national security secrets. With serious breaches on the rise, addressing data security through technological and policy tools will become essential.



Big data』s increasing economic importance also raises a number of legal issues, especially when coupled with the fact that data are fundamentally different from many other assets. Data can be copied perfectly and easily combined with other data. The same piece of data can be used simultaneously by more than one person. All of these are unique characteristics of data compared with physical assets. Questions about the intellectual property rights attached to data will have to be answered: Who 「owns」 a piece of data and what rights come attached with a dataset? What defines 「fair use」 of data? There are also questions related to liability: Who is responsible when an inaccurate piece of data leads to negative consequences? Such types of legal issues will need clarification, probably over time, to capture the full potential of big data.



Technology and techniques. To capture value from big data, organizations will have to deploy new technologies (e.g., storage, computing, and analytical software) and techniques (i.e., new types of analyses). The range of technology challenges and the priorities set for tackling them will differ depending on the data maturity of the institution. Legacy systems and incompatible standards and formats too often prevent the integration of data and the more sophisticated analytics that create value from big data. New problems and growing computing power will spur the development of new analytical techniques. There is also a need for ongoing innovation in technologies and techniques that will help individuals and organizations to integrate, analyze, visualize, and consume the growing torrent of big data.



Organizational change and talent. Organizational leaders often lack the understanding of the value in big data as well as how to unlock this value. In competitive sectors this may prove to be an Achilles heel for some companies since their established competitors as well as new entrants are likely to leverage big data to compete against them. And, as we have discussed, many organizations do not have the talent in place to derive insights from big data. In addition, many organizations today do not structure workflows and incentives in ways that optimize the use of big data to make better decisions and take more informed action.



Access to data. To enable transformative opportunities, companies will increasingly need to integrate information from multiple data sources. In some cases, organizations will be able to purchase access to the data. In other cases, however, gaining access to third-party data is often not straightforward. The sources of third- party data might not have considered sharing it. Sometimes, economic incentives are not aligned to encourage stakeholders to share data. A stakeholder that holds a certain dataset might consider it to be the source of a key competitive advantage and thus would be reluctant to share it with other stakeholders. Other stakeholders must find ways to offer compelling value propositions to holders of valuable data.


訪問數據。為了實現轉型機會,企業將越來越需要整合來自多個數據源的信息。 在某些情況下,組織將能夠購買對數據的訪問然而,在其他情況下,獲得第三方數據的訪問通常並不直接。第三方數據的來源可能沒有考慮共享。有時,經濟激勵措施不利於鼓勵利益相關者共享數據。持有某一數據集的利益相關者可能認為它是主要競爭優勢的來源,因此不願與其他利益相關者分享。其他利益相關者必須設法為有價值的數據持有人提供引人注目的價值主張。

Industry structure. Sectors with a relative lack of competitive intensity and performance transparency, along with industries where profit pools are highly concentrated, are likely to be slow to fully leverage the benefits of big data. For example, in the public sector, there tends to be a lack of competitive pressure that limits efficiency and productivity; as a result, the sector faces more difficult barriers than other sectors in the way of capturing the potential value from using big data. US health care is another example of how the structure of an industry impacts on how easy it will be to extract value from big data. This is a sector that not only has a lack of performance transparency into cost and quality but also an industry structure in which payors will gain (from fewer payouts for unnecessary treatment) from the use of clinical data. However, the gains accruing to payors will be at the expense of the providers (fewer medical activities to charge for) from whom the payors would have to obtain the clinical data. As these examples suggest, organization leaders and policy makers will have to consider how industry structures could evolve in a big data world if they are to determine how to optimize value creation at the level of individual firms, sectors, and economies as a whole.



The effective use of big data has the potential to transform economies, delivering a new wave of productivity growth and consumer surplus. Using big data will become a key basis of competition for existing companies, and will create new competitors who are able to attract employees that have the critical skills for a big data world. Leaders of organizations need to recognize the potential opportunity as well as the strategic threats that big data represent and should assess and then close any gap between their current IT capabilities and their data strategy and what is necessary to capture big data opportunities relevant to their enterprise. They will need to be creative and proactive in determining which pools of data they can combine to create value and how to gain access to those pools, as well as addressing security and privacy issues. On the topic of privacy and security, part of the task could include helping consumers to understand what benefits the use of big data offers, along with the risks. In parallel, companies need to recruit and retain deep analytical talent and retrain their analyst and management ranks to become more data savvy, establishing a culture that values and rewards the use of big data in decision making.



Policy makers need to recognize the potential of harnessing big data to unleash the next wave of growth in their economies. They need to provide the institutional framework to allow companies to easily create value out of data while protecting the privacy of citizens and providing data security. They also have a significant role to play in helping to mitigate the shortage of talent through education and immigration policy and putting in place technology enablers including infrastructure such as communication networks; accelerating research in selected areas including advanced analytics; and creating an intellectual property framework that encourages innovation. Creative solutions to align incentives may also be necessary, including, for instance, requirements to share certain data to promote the public welfare.





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Spark 2017歐洲技術峰會摘要(Engineering 分類)

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