To Be A Product Manager | Day 65

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 65 of

To Be A Product Manager

It』s Friday again. This weekends I』m going to Guangzhou meeting some old friends and new friends. And I will also record it to do my first weekends trip vlog.

Last night, we launched the first product that I』m responsible for the entire process. It』s just like my babe. Although I was super stressed before the launch, it turns out that people like it and the product works out great. Next version, we will focus on making it more stable, as well as fix some bugs and make the content management system easier to use.

I think I』ve mentioned about Confluence and JIRA before. They are team collaboration software recommended by a lot of great companies. I』ve been playing with it in the past couple months, and I really love it. It』s super helpful when you want to make everyone』s goal public and motivates each other work on the same goal. The documents written by other team may be great resources to learn, as well as you can also share your own thoughts and ideas.


  • Product planning with engineering team
  • Feature document explained
  • Monthly whole team meeting

What I learn

This afternoon, the founder, CEO presents in front of every body in Shenzhen office. I pay extra attention to what he says, in the mean time, I also practice my resilience.

First I learn a lot about management for a startup. As one of the employees, I experience and try to document my own feeling throughout the past 64 days, and I also collect other colleagues feedback, like what do they suggest or recommend when we have group discussion.

I believe these tiny things will eventually help me build my startup. Even if there might be 10 years ahead. I will learn and build relationships as much as I can before I start the first business. As Gary Vaynerchuk famously said,

This game is about Macro Patience and Micro Speed.

I don』t give a fuck about the end goal. But I DO care about what could I be after all these intense learning years.

Second, I also learn about the how important the founder personality to a startup. Building a team that holding you higher than you hold yourself is such a great lesson.

Because there』re not limits, there』re only plateaus, and you can』t just stay there, you should think about how to go beyond them.

My name is Zake Zhang, a newbie VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I』m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.


產品讀?iOS 10 Music 應用引發的設計討論

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