To Be A Product Manager | Day 64

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 64 of

To Be A Product Manager

H5 player is my first product, and as the release date approaches, it also brings me so many problems and bugs. It feels like I dig so many pits for myself, and being dragged down to them this week.

I kind of take a self reflection this afternoon, sorting thing into different categories, focusing on what you could improve right now and asking myself,

Given another chance, what would you do differently?

I don』t think there』s much I could do during the product planning process. Under the help of my mentor and product director, we made it clear as much as possible in feature list and wireframes.

But then our business plan changed, which also changed the purpose of this product. And we do not have a specific feature list from our operations team, so when they actually get their hands on the content management system, so many problems show up instantly.

I think the best way to design a great product, is to practice and build your experience in a very deep level. Because what you in your mind sometimes cannot get to the ground easily for tech issues. Plus there』re more bugs coming up, far more than the features on your list.

To be a product manager, you need to try as many product as possible.


  • MVP bug updates
  • H5 player official launch
  • H5 player feature list


This afternoon, the product team had a meeting discussing the product features for the upcoming version.

Before this conversation, I organized a discussion with one of operations colleagues. He mentioned some really nice features for our next version, and I wrote some of them down and decided to add to our feature list.

However, during the product meeting. Those features turn out not to be our main focus for the next version. We need to make sure the system is stable and easy to use for current features. This is also a big lesson learned today,

Never add new features without testing the current ones.

I just had a late meeting discussing product planning for the next sprint. And now 4 hours later after the product launch, we get some positive feedback, which gives us a lot of motivation.

My name is Zake Zhang, a newbie VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I』m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.


1.6 產品經理的常用軟體
RussellCloud Python研發工程師/產品設計師(全職/實習)(10K-20K/月)
To Be A Product Manager | Day 41

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