

Ladies and gentlemen, you refined people who dare wearing this sophisticated accessory: do you precisely know when may you or not wear something on your head? Actually, rules are very different depending if you are a lady or a gentleman, and where you are.

只有在一種場合下, 女士們必須戴帽子,同時也強烈推薦男士們佩戴帽子:賽馬場上。當然在其他的社交活動中,尤其是下午的室外活動,帽子也是十分常見的飾品。佩戴帽子不僅能幫您遮擋陽光保護眼睛,擋風保護您的髮型,還能讓您更添一分優雅。

Properly speaking, there is only on type of social events during which wearing a hat is mandatory for women and recommended for men: horse racing. It is also extremely frequent for any social outdoor event during afternoons. It would have the advantage to protect your eyes from the sun, protect your hair style from the wind, and to add an elegant touch on your attire.

女士 For Ladies


Ladies have the biggest freedom with their hats. You can wear it outdoor for any occasion, tipping it off is none of their duty when meeting someone.


Women may also keep their hat at someone』s home, at weddings, afternoon receptions, religious services, for a movie or indoor performance. Even for lunch or for funeral processions you may keep your hat ladies. But beware, at all time we should be able to see your eyes. A hat cannot be a way to hide your face.


If you remove it, where shall you let it? Unlike men it is not appropriate for a lady to hold her hat in her hands. She may leave it in a safe place, or on her knees if she is at the opera, the theatre or any seated activities – excepting dinner, during which her hat shall be given to the cloakroom.

男士 For Men



Here the rules are stricter.

A gentleman may wear a hat on the street or in public spaces. He should remove his hat as he enters a building, including a restaurant, home, classroom, theatre, church. This rule includes any type of hats, from formal to casual. In French we say 「only the Pope can be crowned 3 times」, meaning he is the only one who may wear a hat under the roof of a private home. Mens hats are to be removed for funeral processions, outdoor weddings, dedications, photographs, or for any outdoor lunchs and dinners.


In public buildings, the elevator is considered a public area, and therefore an area where a gentleman may leave his hat on. But elevators in smaller buildings such as hotels or apartment homes tend to have the character of a room in a house, a gentleman is then expected to take off his hat.


Gentlemen, how to hold your hat in your hands when you are not wearing it? Removed hats are held in hand in such a way that only the outside and never the lining is visible.


Finally, when wearing a hat, a man has another duty: lifting the hat off the forehead when meeting a lady (「tipping」). It is a conventional gesture to greet a lady. But beware, if you start talking with the lady you should remove your hat. This hat tipping custom has the same origin as military saluting, which came from the raising of medieval Knights face visors to show friendliness.


I hope this article has been useful, and you feel fully confident wearing a hat for your next social event!


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