【日讀系列】性格謎思:你究竟是誰 Who You Are, Really? The Puzzle of Personality
知友們,我們說好的晨讀系列這就來啦~ 考慮到有些朋友喜歡晨讀(也有可能是媽媽逼的),有些朋友喜歡夜讀(雖然大多數是為了假裝沒有浪費這一天or催眠),所以我上篇提到的晨讀系列變身為日讀系列誕生了~希望與知友們一起不斷深入探索英文之美~
今天的日讀推薦來自TED心理學篇---性格迷思。個人認為要立事,先做人。因此第一日破處讀就選了本篇(也是網易公開課目前的最熱門) 。
1. Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality
2. 網易公開課
鏈接1來自TED官網, 默認英語字幕;鏈接2來自網易公開課, 默認中英文雙語字幕。知友可以根據自己的喜歡任選其一。
二、 材料思路整理:
在這裡由於看到了網易網友 愚聞 的筆記,覺得很漂亮,所以分享給大家,僅供借鑒。 我在下圖後做了英文筆記的對照版。
1.Trait psychology( 特質心理學):
One of the most influential approaches in personality science is known as trait psychology, and it aligns you along five dimensions which are normally distributed, and that describe universally held aspects of difference between people. They spell out the acronym OCEAN.
"O" stands for "open to experience," versus those who are more closed.
O: open to experience 擁抱各種經歷,區別於那些相對封閉的人。
"C" stands for "conscientiousness," in contrast to those with a more lackadaisical approach to life.
C: conscientiousness 有意識的,區別於那些對生活缺乏熱情的人(lackadaisical)。
"E" — "extroversion," in contrast to more introverted people.
E: extroversion 外向型,區別於內向型人(introvert)。
"A" — "agreeable individuals," in contrast to those decidedly not agreeable.
A: agreeable 討好型,區別於常與人唱反調的人。
"N" — "neurotic individuals," in contrast to those who are more stable.
N:neurotic individials 神經質的人,區別於情緒穩定的人。2.Our three natures(人的三大天性):
1 ) Biogenic nature:our neurophysiology(生物天性:我們的神經生理學)
2) Sociogenic nature(second nature):culture and social aspect of our lives(
3) Idiosyncratic nature(「idiogenic」 nature):what makes you individually you.(個人特質「場景特定天性」:讓你成為獨一無二的你)
3. Extrovert & introvert (外向性格者與內向性格者):
Extrovert:Extroverts, when they interact, want to have lots of social encounter punctuated by closeness. Theyd like to stand close for comfortable communication. They like to have a lot of eye contact, or mutual gaze. We found in some research that they use more diminutive terms when they meet somebody.
外向者在與人互動時, 喜歡肢體接觸, 喜歡親近對方。 他們喜歡靠近對方, 近距離交流。 他們喜歡眼神接觸, 甚至相互凝視。 有研究表明 外向者更喜歡使用昵稱。
Introvert:Introverts prefer contextually complex, contingent, weasel-word sentences--- More or less.
我們內向者更喜歡說一些複雜難懂, 模稜兩可, 雲山霧罩的話——有可能吧(或多或少吧)。
4.What are these free traits? Theyre where we enact a script in order to advance a core project in our lives. And they are what matters. Dont ask people what type you are; ask them, "What are your core projects in your life?" And we enact those free traits.
這些可變的性格特點到底是什麼? 那是我們演的一齣戲, 為了達成我們生命中 最重要的目標。 而這才是最重要的。 不要問別人是什麼性格的人, 而要問他們,「你們生命中 最重要的事是什麼?」 然後我們身上的可變 性格特點就會被激發。
How many times per month do introverted men engage in the act? 3.0.
Extroverted men? More or less? Yes, more. 5.5 — almost twice as much. Introverted women: 3.1. Extroverted women? Frankly, speaking as an introverted male, which I will explain later — they are heroic. 7.5. They not only handle all the male extroverts, they pick up a few introverts as well.(微笑地不解釋;假裝沒看懂的寶寶可以去看7分01秒的中文字幕)------------------------------------------我是正經的分割線---------------------------------------------------------
三、Transcript (中文+英文,word文檔):