
某熊周刊系列:一周推薦外文技術資料(1.4)歸納於某熊周刊:一周推薦外文技術資料是筆者每周瀏覽外文技術網站中時發現的不錯的文章/項目/書籍/教程的集錦,可以關注筆者的專欄某熊的全棧之路及時獲取更新。資訊來源包括但不限於Medium、Twitter、Google Plus、Reddit、Hacker News、DZone、Github Trending。另外,周刊中的技術知識框架圖參照筆者的2016:我的編程知識體系結構。請自備梯子。


  • Papers We Love:Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.

  • 12 Advanced Google Tricks That Will Change How You Search

  • The Rise of the Data Engineer

  • Coding Has Become Pop Culture

  • If You Forget As Fast As You Read, This Is For You

  • In 2017, learn every language


  • Most Used Words in Programming Languages

  • JavaScript — Make your Code Cleaner with Decorators

  • Intro to Error Handling in Swift 3

  • A Roadmap for PHP Learning

  • A Comprehensive Walk Through Java Method References


  • Software Engineering Blogs

  • Bash Shortcuts to Enhance Your Git Workflow

  • You might not need if statements: a better approach to branching logic

  • Stepping into math: Open-sourcing our step-by-step solver

  • How do you guys remember code?

  • Learn the fundamentals of functional programming — for free, in your inbox


  • CSS Top 10 Articles for the Past Year (v.2017)

  • 5 Brilliant Ways to Lazy Load Images For Faster Page Loads

  • Making input type=date complicated

  • A React + Webpack Optimization Case

  • A 5-minute Intro to Styled Components

  • Isn』t our code just the BEST

  • Immutability in JavaScript using Redux


  • Caching at Reddit

  • Caching Explained

  • Building a Kafka that doesn』t depend on ZooKeeper


  • Tutorial: Deep Learning in PyTorch

  • Scrape any Website/Service/API with a single SQL Select Statement

  • The Anatomy of Deep Learning Frameworks

  • Python Data Science Handbook:Jupyter Notebooks for the Python Data Science Handbook


  • Playing with 80 Million Amazon Product Review Ratings Using Apache Spark


  • Securing the Internet of Things


  • Protocol Oriented Programming View in Swift 3

  • Using SnapHelper in RecyclerView

  • React Native animations revisited — Part I

  • Useful tips to inspect your Android app — Part 1

  • 33 iOS open source libraries that will dominate 2017.

  • Understanding memory leaks in closures

  • Tracking app update sizes


  • 知乎專欄:某熊的全棧之路

  • 知乎專欄:前端當自強

  • 知乎專欄:lotuc的編程之路

  • 2016-我的技術之路:編程知識體系結構

  • 2016-我的前端之路:工具化與工程化

  • 某熊周刊系列:一周推薦外文技術資料(1.1)

  • 某熊周刊系列:一周推薦外文技術資料(1.2)

  • 某熊周刊系列:一周推薦外文技術資料(1.3)


一個普通而技能全面的互聯網工作者,選擇 Mac 還是 Windows PC?
前端工程師想入手ios開發,從react native入手合適么?
App Store 上面顯示的應用名字為什麼跟下載之後的名字不一樣?
Vue2 + Nodejs + WebSocket 完成你畫我猜多人在線遊戲

TAG:Web开发 | 机器学习 | 移动开发 |