



Rank each of the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5 based on how well it describes you or your beliefs (1 being not at all and 5 being describes completely):

閱讀以下條目,判斷它們在多大程度上符合您的日常行為或者價值取向,並為它們打分:1-從不 到 5-總是

1.It is unkind to unnecessarily offend others; people should filter what they say in order to avoid hurting those around them.


2.I think most things have a deeper meaning than what is present on the surface. I spend a lot of time contemplating what individual events or statements mean or say about life as a whole.


3.When working on a problem, I like working with my hands rather than theorizing, finding it helpful to be able to create and see the physical results of a project.


4.I find it fun to intellectually reason through different theories or ideas, even if there is no logical application for this type of knowledge.


5.Once I find something I like, I tend to stick with it loyally instead of trying out new options. I believe there』s no reason to change something that works well in the first place.


6.When considering one topic or idea, my mind easily jumps to related stories and other connections. Often people find it difficult to follow my train of thought because my mind jumps from idea to idea.


7.You should stay true to yourself and say what you believe without worrying about who will be upset by your words or actions.


8.People should be able to back up their assertions with overt facts, data, and reasoning. These will reveal whether something is true and logical or false and illogical.


9.Life is meant to be experienced first hand. I enjoy sensory experiences like sports/art/etc. and taking in the world as I experience it rather than living in my head.


10.I prefer brainstorming various options and envisioning all the possible ways a project/event could go rather than committing to one idea and sticking with it.


11.I feel like it is my responsibility to consider the moral and emotional wellbeing of those around me; I like to advise my friends on finding the right thing to do and I deeply care about their problems.


12.I am often thinking about the future and events that are to come. I have a clear vision in my head of what I want things to be like, or what I think they will be like. This vision is clear and focused and I like to narrow down the ways the future could unfold to one.


13.I almost always know how and why I am feeling a certain way in a situation. When presented with controversial topics, I can easily understand what my personal views are outside of the context of other people』s beliefs.


14.I am energized by wit, word games, puzzles, riddles: anything that involves my inner sense of logic and reasoning. I like breaking concepts down in my head in order to understand them.


15.I am skilled at taking charge of a group, impersonally organizing people and implementing a plan of action. I have assertive and organized qualities that make me a born leader.


16.I often consider new situations in the light of my past experiences and memory. I think about what I learned from past situations and apply these to my current ones.


17.I am very in tune with my environment: noticing any changes that occur, completing physical tasks easily, and having an eye for aesthetics.


18.I am good at looking at a project or situation and recognizing the flaws or weaknesses and proposing a method that is more efficient.


19.I don』t find it useful to share my emotions with others, and it doesn』t help me to understand my feelings to talk them over with a friend. I can best understand how I feel in a situation by spending time by myself processing my feelings.


20.When I consider the future, I think about all the disparate ways a situation could unfold. I anticipate every different situation without worrying about which is the best or most accurate.


21.I am good at noticing details: small visual cues or other characteristics of my environment, how I』m feeling internally, and particulars such as numbers or dates, and have a good memory where I store this information.


22.I tend to think convergently. I will focus on one situation or project and analyze it, spending my time interpreting it from every possible angle in order to completely understand it.


23.I like the idea of reaching harmony in a group, and tend to sense and consider what other people』s values and beliefs are before making a decision. I like those around me to be happy with the decisions that are made.


24.I think external methods of organization (such as corporation hierarchies or governments) are a necessary way of maintaining efficiency and maximum productivity, and I like to see how I can fit my plans and logic into an overarching system such as these.


25.I look at independent experiences or situations and try to condense them into greater, overarching truths.


26.Once something has piqued my interest, I want to understand it completely: all the little details of its inner workings so I can fully decipher it.


27.I have a good memory. I can easily remember and place faces, names, dates, etc. even from a long time ago.


28.Even though I am a deeply emotional person, I recognize the fact that feelings and morals are generally illogical and created by the individual.


29.I recognize that there are many 「truths」 in life, and none of them are absolute over the others. I appreciate each perspective for its own individual frame of mind and ideas.


30.I find that talking over my feelings with a friend helps me to understand how I』m feeling, verbalizing my emotions and hearing feedback from someone I trust.


31.I would consider myself a realistic person, good at recognizing what needs to be done in situations and actually implementing it.


32.I understand new situations best by jumping into it myself. I learn by taking in the sights and sounds of a place and interacting with it in the moment.



Si: 5, 16, 21, 27

Se: 3, 9, 17, 32

Ni: 2, 12, 22, 25

Ne: 6, 10, 20, 29

Ti: 4, 14, 18, 26

Te: 8, 15, 24, 31

Fi: 7, 13, 19, 28

Fe: 1, 11, 23, 30



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