





產生了... 懶得算了那麼多的數據,我又添了兩塊8T的硬碟。



2016 自述

Early on my work was inspired by Andreas Gursky and Hilla Becher. It was ordered and precise, but at the risk of becoming visually tedious and restricted. I started to look at the photographs of Alec Soth and Stephen Shore. I kept working and attempting to break stereotypes and boundaries. Gradually my new works started to loosen from the rigid frames and become unbound from technique and experiences.

I was born and raised in China. The content in my work is always associated with personal experience and interests. Years ago I was not satisfied with traveling in China because I thought its all the same and familiar scene. By chance I worked as a contributor for Getty and National Geographic. I went abroad and tried to find a different world. For the past few years, while working on my BFA in studio art, I』ve traveled all over America and to more than 40 countries, exploring the scene in different locations and cultures. While I traveled, I observed people and landscapes, discovering compelling spots in ordinary spaces.

Then I looked back to China. My familiarity with this location allowed me to look through the obvious and also train my eye on the unexpected aspects of landscape and culture. Moreover, having been away for a few years provided me a fresh perspective and awareness of my homeland. I used different strategies to reveal them, such as adopting New Topographics into Chinese landscapes or blending traditional Chinese painting with western documentary. I also experimented with printing photographs on different materials such as handmade rice paper. This body of work resulted in a photo essay 「Listen to the Rivers」 that includes photographs of China』s landscape and its people.

Since 2016, I regularly teach and lecture to amateur photographers online on zhihu.com. At times I have had 20,000 people listening to me and asking questions. However, when I speak my thoughts and theories again and again, I start to doubt what I said, what photography is and what purpose it may have.

I now use a range of equipment and materials, to create objects beyond imagery and the flat surface. Meanwhile, I traveled through different environment and cultures to explore diversity and indescribable matters. The observation and record create a terminal that leads the viewers to ask questions. This process is like a sandbox. It builds sorties between visual and linguistic.



此作的其餘作品見:《棲居於北》 和 死馬鎮(Deadhorse) -Timothy_Entropy,



▲The Mountain King










  • 第一期:什麼才是好照片

  • 第二期:人文、觀念及其他

  • 第三期:圖庫攝影指南

  • 第四期:膠片色調的實現原理

  • 第五期:三個亞當斯

  • 第六期:如何選購適合自己的相機

  • 第七期:旅行中,如何拍出好照片?

  • 第八期:職業攝影師養成指南

  • 第九期:如何策劃攝影項目

  • 第十期:如何讓你的攝影作品走出朋友圈

  • 第十一期:參加攝影比賽的正確姿勢

  • 第十二期:攝影:那些看不懂的作品到底說了什麼?



  • 展覽級的照片是如何列印出來的

  • 攝影畫冊: 深瀨昌久《鴉》

  • 一言不合就開書單

  • 攝影畫冊:Paul Graham:鑽石恆久遠

  • 漫談:靈生紀與新地形

  • 穿越阿拉斯加:從太平洋到北冰洋


  • 攝影為什麼學的越多越不會拍? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 現代攝影中,構圖是不是相比過去顯得越發不重要了? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 如何調出冷色系暗光風格的風光照片? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 如何調出冷色系暗光風格的風光照片? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 選擇藝術還是商業攝影? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 職業攝影師拍一張照片,背後所花的成本有哪些? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 一張好的夜間攝影照片是什麼樣子的? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 如果一輩子只能按三十六次快門,你會拍些什麼? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 攝影評論家在攝影史中,扮演的是一個怎樣的角色? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎

  • 一張照片中最能體現攝影功底是什麼? - Timothy Wang 的回答 - 知乎






Timothy Wang



2017年度留學生十大話題| 這一年霸佔我們票圈的熱點話題

TAG:摄影 | 艺术 | 年度盘点 |