2016 Medium值得閱讀的設計文章

2016年就要過去,Medium的設計好文怎麼少的了,那就做一回搬運工,感謝Daniel Eckler 的整理,希望大家來年都能看更多的好文,寫更多的好文,做更好的設計!:)

1. How to apply a design thinking, HCD, UX or any creative process from scratch

by Dan Nessler

2. Unintuitive Lessons on Being a Designer by Julie Zhuo

3. Four Things Working at Facebook Has Taught Me About Design Critique by Tanner Christensen

4. How We Tried to Design Our Own Book Cover (and How Jessica Hische Saved the Day) by Jake Knapp

5. The Broken Window Theory In Design & Product Development 解釋了為什麼一些小問題是非常重要的問題 by Tobias van Schneider

6. The Design Process 描繪了當今UX的狀況 by Pablo Stanley.

7. The Art of Designing With Heart 怎樣設計有用而且友好的軟體 by Jonas Downey.

8. In Defense of Homogeneous Design 講述了在做產品時,我們的「獨特」的設計是否阻礙了用戶體驗 by Yaron Schoen.

9. Digital Product Design Principles 幫助你更好地做設計決策 by Wouter de Bres.

10. Designing a New Look for Instagram, Inspired by the Community Instagram的設計總監講述了新logo的設計靈感 by Ian

11. Design Doesn』t Scale. Spotify的設計總監講述了割裂的團體帶來了割裂的產品體驗,以及如何改進 by Stanley Wood.

12. Redesigning the Spotify Icon Suite by Andrea Limjoco & Rob Bartlett.

13. Peek Inside a Facebook Design Critique 來看看Facebook團隊的批判性思維 by Tanner Christensen.

14. Designing complex products Uber的設計師分享了在設計複雜性產品時的見解 by Erik K.

15. Redesigning Chrome Desktop 重新設計Chrome的桌面端,講述了經典的設計流程和每一個像素的重要性 by Sebastien Gabriel.

16. Complexion Reduction: A New Trend In Mobile Design 探索如何為移動端的產品做減法 by Michael Horton.

17. Designing More Efficient Forms: Structure, Inputs, Labels and Actions 分享了如何通過改善表格的一些組件來提高表格的效率 by Nick Babich

18. Design Better Forms 概括了設計師在設計表單時常犯的錯誤,以及怎樣去改善 by Andrew Coyle.

19. Designing smart notifications 教你設計更加聰明的通知系統 by Alex Potrivaev via Intercom.

20. Microinteractions: The Secret of Great App Design 講述了微交互帶來的神奇效果 by Nick Babich.

21. The Value of Multi-Typeface Design 告訴你不符合常規的多字體設計的價值 by Bethany Heck

22. UX Design for Mobile: Bottom Navigation by Nick Babich.

23. Developing Your Eye for Design 教你如何提高你的設計品味哈 by Jonathan Z. White.

24. Functional Animation in UX Design: What Makes a Good Transition? 如何打造一個好的功能性動畫 by Nick Babich.

25. Button UX Design: Best Practices, Types and States 教你如何設計可用性高的按鈕 Nick Babich.

26. Designing Confirmation by Andrew Coyle.

27. Using Card-Based Design to Enhance UX 如何利用卡片式設計提高用戶體驗 by Nick Babich.

28. Hamburger Menu Alternatives for Mobile Navigation 講述了移動端導航的多樣性需求 by Zoltan Kollin.

29. The Art of Stealing: How to Become A Master Designer 「偷」的秘訣哈 by uxplanet.org via Michael Abehsera.

30. Designing Perfect Text Field: Clarity, Accessibility and User Effort by Nick Babich.

31. The Ultimate Guide to Chatbots: Why They』re Disrupting UX and Best Practices for Building; 有關聊天機器人的設計 by Joe Toscano.

32. How To Be More Organized While Designing UI 怎樣在設計UI時從容不迫 by Marek Minor.

33. How To Design Words 怎樣為那些討厭閱讀的人設計文案by John Saito.

34. Motion Design is the Future of UI 動效設計的未來 by Craig Dehner.

35. Designing for Television, a Three-Part Series TV的原型設計 by Molly Lafferty.

36. Effective Writing For Your UI: Things to Avoid 教你打造清晰、精準的文案 by Nick Babich.

37. Think Less. Design Better. 讓設計過程更有效率 by Christian Miller.

38. 4 Things I Learned Designing UIs for VR at Disney 在迪士尼做VR學到的 by James Hsu.

39. Buttons in UI Design: The Evolution of Style and Best Practices by Nick Babich.

40. Designing Future-Proof UI 怎樣延長UI的壽命 by Christian Miller.

41. UI Animation: Eye-Pleasing, Problem-Solving 有關UI動畫設計 by Tubik Studio.

42. 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Micro-Interactions 設計微交互動畫時應該避免的5點錯誤 by Issara Willenskomer.

43. UI Animation: Microinteraction for Macroresult 小動畫,大作用 by Tubik Studio.

44. How to Use Animation to Improve UX by Nick Babich.

45. 10 Principles for Smooth Web Animations 打造流暢Web動效的10條法則 by Anand Sharma

46. How to Find Your Perfect Color Pairings?—?Introducing ColorClaim 怎樣找到完美的顏色 by Tobias van Schneider.

47. Designing in Color by Jonathan Z. White.

48. Picking a Color For Your Brand 有關品牌顏色的選擇 by Bill S Kenney.

49. The Future Is Near: 13 Design Predictions for 2017 by Chase Buckley.

50. Why Designers Shouldn』t Code, But Study Business by Joshua Taylor.

51. The Next Big Thing in Design by Tim Brown.

52. 5 Actual Web Design Trends for 2016 by Nils Sk?ld.

53. Design and the Self by Irene Au.

54. 5 Design Secrets from the Kids Who Will Replace You by Kim Cullen.

55. Top 3 UX Mobile Design Trends by Joanna Ngai.

56. 50 Shades of #FAFAFA 設計師應該做和不該做的50件蠢事 by Jon Moore.

57. 9x9 Pixels, The World』s Smallest Website(s) 為什麼優秀的產品都很簡單 by Daniel Eckler.

58. The Future of Design is Emotional by Daniel Eckler.

59. The Ideal Design Workflow 27步理想的工作流程 by Keaton Herzer.

60. How to Pretend You』re a Great Designer 假裝你是設計大師 by Pablo Stanley.

61. 10 Things You Need to Learn in Design School by Mike Monteiro.

62. Questions (and Answers) from Design Interviews at Facebook by Jasmine Friedl.

63. The Myths of UX Design/Product Design/Whatever They Call It This Weekby Christina Wodtke.

64. The Unbearable Homogeneity of Design 如今的同質化 by Morgane Santos.

65. Human Centered Design & The 6 Fundamental Principles of Interaction Between Products and Users by César Bejarano.

66. What is the Purpose of a Logo? by Brian Solis.

67. How to Make a Logo, For Free, in About 5 Minutes 快速設計logo by Marc Hemeon.

68. 7 Problems Growing Design Teams Face by Aarron Walter.

69. Product Design & The Asshole Contingency 產品設計的偶然性 by Linnéa Strid.

70. If Satan was a Web Designer by Fabricio Teixeira.

71. A Critical Analysis of the iOS 10 Lockscreen Experience iOS10鎖屏體驗分析by Shankar.

72. The Beginner』s Guide to Becoming the Best Designer by Michael Abehsera.

73. Great Books for Designers to Still Read in 2017 by Robin Raszka.

74. 20 Documentaries Every Designer Should Watch by Fabricio Teixeira.

75. Design at 1x?—?It』s a Fact 完美像素 by Kurt Varner.

76. The Best Designer Tools Collection by Muzli.

77. Design, Illustrated in 3 Charts by Julie Zhuo.

78. Let』s Talk About Design Portfolios 談談作品集 by Daniel Fosco.

79. UX Design Methods & Deliverables 設計資料大合集by uxdesign.cc.

80. 64 People You Should Know in Design by Tradecraft.

81. An Iconic New Look and More 講述了Sketch新logo以及其他的一些改進by Sketch.

原文鏈接: medium.com/swlh/mediums


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