
關注微信公眾號:王霸膽 獲取每日音頻~

Morning! Today Ive got another mini-English lesson for you guys. A lot of people ask me how to improve their English pronunciation, how to develop a good American accent, how to lessen their "Chinglish" accent, etc. Firstly, I would like to congratulate you for taking steps to sound more native. Developing good pronunciation will positively impact almost all aspects of your English.


At the same time, Ive got to warn you that this goal is very difficult to achieve, for this obvious reason...


You arent American! You will never have a truly "American" accent. It will always be slightly off. But you know what? Thats perfectly okay! Accents are sexy, as long as they are understandable. It takes YEARS of dedicated practice to truly sound like a native speaker...years you could spend making money or doing other cool stuff!


Learning a language is a time-intensive process, and our time on this earth is limited (until we figure out how to stop aging!) Therefore, I encourage you to learn and master the basics of English pronunciation, but dont sweat the really advanced stuff, UNLESS you truly need perfect pronunciation for your career.


So without further ado, here are the 3 sounds you MUST master in American English


There are basically two types of Ls, light L and dark L. Light L comes at the beginning, middle, or end of a word, whereas dark L only comes at the end. Here are some examples.


Loser - Light L

Alice - Light L

Hell - Light L

Well - Dark L

The biggest difference between Light L and Dark L is that with Dark L, the back of the tongue is raised up, causing a slight "gagging" sound.


You should practice the Light L first because its easier. To pronounce L, place your tongue gently between your lips, or gently behind your top teeth (I prefer the first) and then emit an "uhhhh" sound from your chest. The "uhh" sound sounds like this:



Then add in the L tongue position:



If you cant get it, make sure your tongue is in the right position. Dont bite it, just press gently.


Loser - Light L

Alice - Light L

Hell - Light L

Finally, to pronounce the Dark L, raise the back of your tongue up as if youre choking.



It should sound like this:





Please remember that Chinese does not have this pronunciation, so you have to teach your mouth how to pronounce it. It takes some practice, but I have taught this sound to many people!


"Er" is probably the most well-known "American" sound, and the biggest difference between American and British English.

"Er" 應該是一個標誌性的「美音」,也是美音和英音之間最大的區別。

Common words with "er" include:

常見的有"er" 音的單詞包括:

Brother, father, mother, water, lawyer

Pronouncing "er" will be relatively simple for Northern Chinese speakers accustomed to 捲舌音, but for you 南方ers out there, itll take a bit of practice.

發「er」這個音,對中國北方人而言會相對簡單點,因為他們習慣捲舌音,但"er" 要是在南方人那裡,那就要多些練習了。

To pronounce "er", slightly round your lips and raise the back of your tongue so it approaches or touches your back teeth. You will probably find it difficult to raise your tongue. Just pretend like youre gagging and eventually youll get it.

發"er" 這個音時,輕輕地讓你的嘴唇變圓,然後抬起你的舌頭後部,讓它可以碰到你的牙齒內側。也許你會發現抬起你的舌後部有點困難,那你就假裝你要吐了,你就會學會了。

Once youve found the position, start emitting an "uhh" sound, just like the "el" sound. You should start hearing "er". If you dont hear "er", your tongue probably isnt positioned properly.


Finally, try to pronounce the following words:


Her, sure, murder, bird, fur

Finally, the last common sound in American English is "ae". Just like "L", there are actually two types of "ae" sounds in English: Untensed and tensed.


Untensed "ae" sounds like this:


had, bad, sad

Tensed "ae" sounds like this:


had, bad, sad

Can you hear the difference?


If you really want to develop an American accent, you can try tensing your "ae" more, especially in front of nasal words like "man, ban, can".


Again, heres the difference between untensed and tensed "ae":


Untensed: Man, ban, can (松ae)

Tensed: Man, ban, can (緊ae)

To tense "ae", your tongue will move higher in your mouth, constricting the sound and producing a "tensed" sound.


Heres me rapidly switching between them:


(Ae Ae Ae Ae)

This is a bit more advanced, but I can guarantee it will make a big difference in your English!


Well, thats all for todays lesson. Hope that helps you guys out! In January Im going to be doing a live broadcast class on Youdao focused on pronunciation. You can let me know in the comments what questions you have about pronunciation.


Have an awesome day!

Peace out~

WBD ??


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