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1.A is 3 times as long as B.2.A is 3 times longer than B.3.A is 3 times the length of B.?A是B的3倍?4倍?2倍?答案揭曉,這三句都是同一個意思,也就是A是B的三倍長,A=3xB,只不過換了個馬甲,我們可能就被忽悠了,滿滿的套路啊。倍數的表達方式, 如果你願意一層一層地剝開它的心……其實不難,其實hin簡單。在此分享幾點我午夜敲出學習心得,且看且珍惜。請牢記以下幾種倍數表達方式!(大寫加粗劃重點!)
一:進階中的倍數表達之——A是B的N倍? A is N times as long (形容詞/副詞原形) as B.
例:The Yangtze River is almost three times as long as the Pearl River.長江幾乎是珠江的三倍長。?? A is N times longer(形容詞/副詞比較級)than B.=A is longer than B by N times.例:The Yangtze River is almost three times longer than the Pearl River.長江幾乎是珠江的三倍長。從字面上來看,很多童鞋會以為是長江幾乎比珠江長了三倍,但實際上這裡用表達的是單純倍增的關係,應理解為」長江幾乎比珠江長了二倍"。再如,Sound travels nearly 3 times faster in copper than in lead.(例句來源於網路)聲音在銅中的傳播速度為2100m/s, 在鉛中在的傳播速度為710m/s, 可見聲音在銅中的傳播速度幾乎是鉛中的3倍,而不是比鉛快了3倍。?? A is N times (over/upon)the length (形容詞/副詞的名詞形式) of B.
?例:The Yangtze River is almost three times the size of the Pearl River.長江幾乎是珠江長度的三倍。
He is five times upon your age.他是你年齡的5倍。
The total output value of the city』s light industry has grown over three times as against last year.(例句來源於網路)
這個城市的輕工業總產值比去年增長了兩倍多。The grain output in that county was two times over that of 1995.(例句來源於網路)那個縣的糧食產量比1995年增加了一倍。? A is xxx% longer than B例:The Yangtze River is almost 200% longer than the Pearl River.長江幾乎比珠江長2倍。Attention!!! 聰明的泥萌應該就看出些貓膩了!來八一八percent與times的區別:?在表達倍數關係時,"times"通常直接表達簡單倍增(有排除情況,下面會提到)。不論是n times larger 還是n times as large as還是n times the size/length/hight……of sth.,是多少times就是多少倍,多麼簡單粗暴啊,capito?
但如果你說A is 100% longer than B, 就是A比B長100%,即A=2×B,A是B 的兩倍。?所以,A is 200% longer than B,就表示A=3×B;如果A is twice longer than B. A is twice (over/upon)the length of B. A is twice as long as B. 這些都表示A=2×B。二、進階中的倍數表達之——double, treble, quadruple……增加至多少倍,還可以這些更簡潔的動詞來表達,比如:double:增加至2倍The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years.3年之內管理人員的數量要翻倍,達到100名。treble/triple:增加至3倍
The mine reportedly had an accident rate treble the national average.(例句來源於網路)據報道,那個礦的事故發生率是全國平均水平的三倍。quadruple:增加至4倍China seeks to quadruple its income in twenty years.中國力求在20年內將其收入翻兩番。三、進階中的倍數表達之——by v.s. to by和to常常與數詞聯姻,前者表示增加了或減少了幾倍,後者表示增加到或減少到什麼數值。?? 動詞 + (by)+ N times/百分比用「by+倍數」表示增加/減少了的倍數,N times之前加上by表示增加了N倍/減少了(N-1)/N倍,是原來的N+1倍或1/N倍。例: The production of grain has been increased by four times this year.今年糧食產量增加了四倍。即原產量x5.
Seed longevity increase 0.9 times as the seed moisture content decrease 1%.
The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5 times through technical innovation.(例句來源於網路)
通過技術革新,該設備的誤差概率降低了3/5。reduced by 2.5 times, 漢語中我們不說「降低了二點五」, 這時就要換算成分數或百分比, 也就是降低到五分之二(40%), 或降低了五分之三(60%)。Attention!!! 所以說並不是像剛剛提到的碰到times就是簡單倍增倍減啊,要看清times有木有與increase或/和by搭配啊。? 動詞+ to + 數詞/數詞的替代表達用「to+數詞」表示增加/減少到某個具體的數字。例:The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year。(例句來源於網路)集成電路的產量是去年的三倍。
四、進階中的倍數表達之——by a factor ofSth. increases or decreases by a factor of N= Sth. 即增加至N倍,或者減少至1/N,把一個數值乘以N或除以N。? Increase…by a factor of N times增加到N倍,或者增加了N-1倍例: Sentences for convicted identity thieves were also longer: the average jail time increased by a factor of 12.(例句來源於網路)被判定為盜竊罪的犯人的服刑期也更長了:平均服刑期增加了11倍。? Decrease…by a factor of N times 減少到1/N,或者減少了(N-1)/N。例:「The concentration of a solution M=1.0mol/L, decrease the concentration by a factor of 10.」(例句來源於網路)就是指把溶液的濃度降低到0.1mol/L
Attention!!!increase (by) N times 表示是原來的N+1倍,增加了N倍。increase by a factor of N times 表示是原來的N倍,增加了N-1倍。五、進階中的倍數表達之——fold 和 percent? N-fold increase/decrease……,動詞+N-foldN-fold increase表示增加了N-1倍,即 two-fold increase 表示增加了一倍(增加到原來的兩倍),即是原來的N倍。?例:The principal advantage of the products is a three-fold reduction in weight.(例句來源於網路)這些產品的主要優點是重量減輕了2/3。Those men who never smoked fared even worse, with a two-fold increase in risk.(例句來源於網路)那些從不吸煙的男性進展更糟糕,風險增加了一倍。The cotton output in the county has risen 3.5 fold.該縣棉花的產量已經增加了2倍半。
? a N00% increase/decrease……剛剛提到percent和times的區別,還記得不?在這裡也一樣,N00 percent increase後的數值是原來的N+1倍。例:If 1000 is increased by 200% then the increase is 1000x200/100 = 2000, but the full value is 1000+2000=3000.如果說1000增加了200%,那麼增加的數量就是2000,增加後的總和應當是3000。There is a 20% increase of steel as compared with last year.與去年相比,今年鋼產量凈增20%。?五、進階中的倍數表達之——again英語中還有一種用again而不用倍數詞來比較倍數的方法,如:A is as much/large/long/…again as B.=A is twice as much/large/long/…as B. 表示A比B多/大/長……1倍。A is half as much/large/long/…again as B.=A is one and a half times as much/large/long/…as B.則表示 A比B多/大/長……一半,即A是B的一倍半。六、總結 +記憶Plus好藍瘦,記不住!心疼三秒鐘……但是泥萌發現木有?與漢語習慣不同的是,英語在表述或比較倍數時,多數句型(除了少數例外)通常都包括基礎倍數在內,不是凈增或凈減n倍,而是凈增或凈減n-1倍或(n-1)/n倍。那麼怎麼記比較好呢?祖國的紅領巾在這給大家一個思路,僅供參考:1.?表示是原來的N倍:
A is N times larger than B.A is N times (over/upon) the size of B.A is N times as large as B.N-fold increase/increase N-foldincrease by a factor of N times2.表示是原來的N+1倍:a N00% increaseincrease (by) N timesas large again as機智的童鞋可能就發現了,其實我們只要記住後面三個特例,其他表述都是簡單倍增,說幾倍就是幾倍,就可以了。當然,如果泥萌擁有超人的記憶力是最好了,或者有更好的記憶方法,歡迎拍磚!━═━═━◥◤━═━═━ ━═━═━◥◤━═━═━n
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