雙十一,法國葡萄酒愛好者在忙什麼?What does Audrey Tautou do after Single Day?

答:拆快遞? Answer: receiving deliveries?【純乾貨,閱讀請噴保濕水。】

十一月第三個星期四,是法國官方規定的博若萊新酒(Beaujolais Nouveau)法定開瓶日,要知道「法定」的威力在於,如果有人膽敢提前買賣一瓶酒, 就會因為涉嫌違法被抓誒!所以,大約在雙十一的一個禮拜後,法國人民最可能在搶喝博若萊新酒:-)

The third Thursday in November is the official day for of releasing Beaujolais Nouveau, known as 『Beaujolais Nouveau Day』. It is written in the law, therefore, any sales before this date will be illegal. We can know that 1 week after Single Day, Audrey Tautou probably drunk Beaujolais Nouveau.

博若萊在勃艮第地區最南部,沒有波爾多產區以及阿爾薩斯地區的滿負盛名,在氣候和土壤上的不同,讓它擁有了「早產」特質。「早產」並非葡萄沒熟就摘下來釀酒就拿出來賣……博若萊是當年採摘的葡萄新鮮釀製的酒,發酵的時間相對較短,部分酒的發酵時間甚至短於兩個月!在法國AOC(法定原產區管制)認證下的新酒,不得早於當年的12月15日上市,只有經過特許,才可以在11月第三個星期四進入市場,博若萊的新酒就屬於這一範疇,被稱作「早產酒」(Vin de primeur)。

Beaujolais is in the south of Burgundy, win from Beaujolais was less known than that from Bordeaux or Alasace. The climate and the soil makes Beaujolais wine different new and young. Being young doesnt means that the grapes are not mature yet, it simply indicates any wine sold in the same year it is harvested, not long after completing fermentation. In France, the new wine under AOC rules has to be released after 15th December of its year, but the rules were relaxed specially for wines of several categories which is called as 『Vin de Primeur』. Fortunately, Beaujolais Nouveau is also one of them.

博若萊新酒的慶祝傳統源於博若萊附近的里昂地區,在新葡萄酒法定上市的那天00:01,人們舉起盛滿新酒的酒杯開始大爬梯,用以慶祝辛苦的收穫季節,品嘗新鮮的葡萄酒味道。在二戰後,這一當地傳統傳入巴黎,博若萊地區的酒商連夜駕著馬車,把新酒趕在營業前送到酒吧、飯店和經銷商,而為了慶祝新酒上市,店家都會掛出「Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé!」(博若萊新酒到了)的標語。這一傳統到了1970年演變成了一場全法國以及全世界的盛宴。

Beaujolais Nouveau celebration begins from Beaujolais and Lyon region. On the new wine release day, at 00:01, people held their glasses with new wine to celebrate the harvest and taste new wine. After WWII, this regional tradition spread to Paris, vintners carried bottles of wines during the night and sent the new wine into bars, restaurants and wine shops. To celebrate new wine release, 『Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrive!』 (Beaujolais Nouveau wine has arrived) will be written on banners. This tradition evolved into a national and then an international wine festival.

現在,每到11月第三個星期四,法國所有超市和酒商都會專門開闢一塊區域給博若萊新酒,許多法國人仍然會在這段時間,買了新酒和朋友們聚會,我的鄰居就曾拿著博若萊新酒準備大餐來找我們共飲。博若萊新酒也會被提前運送到機場,一到允許發售時間,就會乘飛機運送到世界各地,不論在哪裡「Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé!」的標語都會用法語打出。許多紅酒愛好者都會為博若萊新酒舉辦不同的慶祝活動,比如在日本的的新酒spa。(話說池子里那麼多水,幹嘛還要額外倒酒!)

On the third Thursday of November every year, supermarket and wine shops in France will specially arrange a shelf for Beaujolais Nouveau. Many French still follow the tradition and buy new wine to party with friends. Our neighbor used to take one bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau with several dishes prepared and invited us for a drink. The new wines will be sent to airport before the release day, once it comes to 00:01 on the third Thursday of November, they will be sent worldwide. No matter where, the banner 『Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé!』 will always be written in French. Wine lovers from from other countries also hold various events to celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau, for example wine spa in Japan.


Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November, only one week after Beaujolais Nouveau Day, so Beaujolais Nouveau has always been selected as wine for American Thanksgiving dinner.


關於博若萊新酒,以下這些可能你還不知道About Beaujolais Nouveau, you might not know the following…

· 博若萊新酒並不像一般紅酒一樣有很多的單寧,口感並不酸澀,加上獨特的果香味,所以十分容易飲用。Beaujolais Nouveau doesn』t contain many astringent tannins as wines usually do, leaving it an easy to drink with fruity taste.

· 在博若萊地區,只有佳美(Gamay)葡萄允許被種植,美國加州葡萄莊園把自己的酒叫做佳美博若萊(Gamay Beaujolais),但其實和法國博若萊地區里種的根本不是一種葡萄…In Beaujolais region, only Gamay grape is permitted to be planted, some California wineries call their wine Gamay Beaujolais, but it is not as what is grown in France….

· 根據法律規定,博若萊地區的葡萄必須由手採摘。According to law, grapes in Beaujolais region must be picked by hand.

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