
出處: Jungs Function-Attitudes Explained


Behavior:The Fi may appear to have no feelings and can be negative or profoundly indifferent to people. They tend to shy away from parties, etc., because they gather too much data(they have an extraverted perceiving function) to be evaluated. When Fis are members of a group they tend to be the ethical backbone, influencing the group by their behavior alone. Fis believe they understand everyone else very well, but often perceive themselves as being understood by others. The positive feelings of Fis must be inferred indirectly because their outward demeanor is typically harmonious and inconspicuous and does not necessarily indicate their inner feelings.

Jung(1976a)says that the Fi shows "little effort to respond to the real emotions of the other person." Strangers are shown no special attention. The easiest place to see Fis express their feelings is with their children. Even though Fis are Feeling Types, they are different from Fes in that they do not seem to enjoy the interpersonal closeness of a "group hug" with strangers. Fes, on the other hand, seem to enjoy a good hug with almost anyone.

Fis can be mistaken for Thinking Types because of their perceived lack of "warmth and friendliness." Their outward appearance might seem cold at times.




Behavior: the behavior of the Ti Type might appear cold, inflexible, arbitrary or reclusive...Tis tend to be stubborn, headstrong and difficult to influence and, at times, fail to comprehend the importance of their relationships to people or things because these are of secondary importance to them. This makes the Ti unconscious of or blind to other people. Living in an inner world, Tis might fail to realize how others see them. Tis tend to think that everyone sees the illusion the Tis have created in their own minds, instead of reality. ...

Getting Tis to admit that what is clear to them might not be so clear to others can be a difficult task. Tis might throw themselves at people who do not understand, which could cause them to think that people are basically stupid. Jung(1976a)states that they often come across as inconsiderate, prickly, arrogant, sour and anti-social. At times they confuse their ideas (internal "truths")with external reality, then defend their ideas voraciously. When confronted with peoblems, they prefer to withdraw to work them out. The Ti Type can be difficult to understand, to say the least. At times, they may try to placate people just to prevent them from becoming a nuisance. Others observing this might see the Ti as having an ulterior motive. The relentless pursuit and cririque of knowlegde by Kant and Nietzsche are characteristic of Ti.


舉例:我有一個TP同事,儘管他很聰明,但他經常有奇怪的作風(原文questionable ethical behavior,我翻譯無能):對於身邊的人來說他好像隱身了一般。有一回他甚至對工作小組的人表態:「明天我會來辦公室,但是你們看不見(wont see,這裡我認為理解成「忽略」更好)我。」 (然而工作小組的人看到他(並沒有忽略他)了……)





Dario Nardis Neuroscience of Personality:mbti類型與神經科學

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