05 -【女神異聞錄4黃金版】片頭曲《Shadow World》
曾幾何時,無數粉絲期待著《P4》的音樂如果做成音樂遊戲那該有多好。而作為遊戲廠商的Atlus怎麼會不知道如何騙粉絲的錢?於是《Persona 4:Dancing All Night》出現了。一款遊戲的音樂可以獨立拿出來做成音游,其音樂素質可見一斑。除了遊戲原版的BGM外,音游加入了大量經由目黑大神重新混音的新版曲目,也算值回票價。不過遊戲的故事實在讓人很難不吐槽,強行往上拽的感覺……哦對了,遊戲也非常容易白金。
今天選取的音樂是來自《女神異聞錄4黃金版》的片頭曲,由平田志穗子演唱的《Shadow World》,這首歌同時也是TV動畫《Persona4 the Golden ANIMATION》第一話的片頭曲,當然《Dancing All Night 》也有收錄。很大部分玩家們初次接觸到遊戲就會被這段節奏強烈、時尚動聽的音樂所俘獲,一發不可收拾地跟隨主人公展開了一段並不平凡的校園日常生活。
《女神異聞錄4》原本是2008年發售於PS2平台的經典作品,在2012年增強重製登陸PSV掌機平台,定名《Persona4 The Golden》,同年發售了由SCET漢化的中文版本。這也是PSV初期為數不多的日式RPG之一,因此被很大部分玩家譽為PSV平台上必玩的作品。時至今日,提起PSV上的RPG很多朋友仍會推薦這部作品,足以體現本作的超高素質。
下面的視頻是2013年在日本武道館的「PERSONA MUSIC LIVE 2013」演出中的錄像,由平田志穗子本人演唱。音樂會上目黑將司、平田志穂子、川村ゆみ等人均有出場。平田小姐姐的英文功力十分紮實,11區常見的奇怪日式英語在她的演唱中從未出現過。
《Persona4/女神異聞錄4》片頭曲 Shadow World (Live at Persona Music FES 2013) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/RCDCJoLNEg4/
?Shadow World」
n 歌 :平田志穂子n 作詞 :Benjamin Franklinn 作?編曲:目黒將司n Truthn Is elusive, its nowhere to be foundn Yea the truth can never be written downn Its not in any magazinen You cant see it on your TV screenn Truth
n Is evasive though you might have the factsn Got it straight,n you think but then it all cracksn Wide open,n you can search the world far and widen The only truth that you can ever findn Isn In anothern A soul thats got the same burning needn To find out whats
n Neath the cover-upn The one cant be without the true othern So lets get torether,n see what we can uncovern Onen That defines your worldn Gives you truth and lifen Onen That excessn Special enough to guide your way through
n This shadow worldn (Ive)tiredn To imagine what itd be like withoutn Knowing you are always right by my siden No doubt In Cant imagine not knowing trust liken I know with youn Liesn Come in many formsn and some look like truth
n But we wont let that confuse me &n you we found a wayn to see whats right for ourselvesn We found our truth inn Someone else, we gotn Faithn In each othern Our souls have got the same burning needn To find out whatsn Neath the cover-up
n The one cant be without the true othern So lets get torether,n see what we can uncovern Onen That defines your worldn Gives you truth and lifen Onen That excessn Special enough to guide your way throughn This shadow world
n Let there be someone else that shares truth and loven Who will we kiss and knows we can only share our truth throughn One that defines your worldn Gives you truth in lifen One that excelsSpecial enough to guide your way through This Shadow world
※遊戲音樂:新世代的 BGM
TAG:PlayStationVita | 游戏音乐 | Atlus |