


做一個匯總表為近三年Lloyds List對全球broker的一個排名。 可見 除了第一位位置不變以外,有排名在2-6的每年座次輪換,剩餘的幾家偶爾上榜。

Lloyds List 航運影響力人物已經連續出了好幾年,最近3年均有全球broker的排名。

2013: Lloyds List

2012: Lloyds List

2011:Lloyds List

除了Lloyds List, 波交所網站列出的broker名單 (http://www.balticexchange.com/default.asp?action=articleID=10)也是重要的一個參考。每個公司有對應的鏈接,有興趣的可以點一下。


ACM Shipping

Arrow Shipbroking Group

Banchero Costa

Barry Rogliano Salles

Braemar Seascope

Cabot Shipping

Charles Weber

Charterhouse Shipbroking


Compass Maritime Services


Ernst Russ


Freight Investor Services


Gibson Shipbrokers

Genoc Chartering

GFI Group

Howe Robinson

ICAP Shipping

Inge Steensland

Island Shipbrokers

Lightship Chartering

Maersk Broker

McAnerin Shipbroking

Mid-Ship Marine


McQuilling Brokerage Partners

Optima Shipbrokers

Poten Partners

Raffles Shipbrokers

Riverside Tanker Chartering

Shanghai Seamaster Shipbroking Company Limited

SSY Vogt Maguire

Wallem Shipbroking


Wonsild Son

Yamamizu Shipping

2 Lloyds List 每年排出的TOp 10 Shipbrokers ,並由相應的評論。

下面列出的是2013年Lloyds List對Broker的排名 下面的為公司名+CEO名字 Lloyds List

1. Clarksons — Andi Case

AS THE world』s
biggest shipbroker, Clarksons dominates all shipping sectors. The
131-year-old company has a presence in 16 countries, its 36 offices
employing nearly 1,000 people worldwide.

Shipbroking revenues
exceeded $232m in the 2012 financial year, a three-year low, and 35%
less than the $355.7m reported for the 2008 market peak.

where Mr Case is chief executive, leverages its unrivalled access to
major cargo and owner interests to build industry-leading intelligence
in energy and minerals commodities flows.

Clarksons and its various divisions together are the largest shareholders in the Baltic Exchange.

2. John Welham — Simpson Spence Young

in 1880, Simpson Spence Young is another traditional London-based
shipbroker, and the world』s largest independent.

Its global
influence in determining market rates and values is evident by the
prominent role of SSY brokers serving as panelists, contributing to all
but one of the Baltic Exchange』s indices.

SSY』s strength lies in
its dry cargo division, with more than 110 staff across 13 offices, but
it also has a strong swaps and freight derivatives division, employing
around 25 at last count.

As a private, conservative company, SSY is among the lowest-profile of the top 10.

3. Braemar Shipping Services — James Kidwell and Denis Petropoulos

Braemar』s shipbroking division Braemar Seascope, which employs nearly
290 people worldwide, reported revenue of £46.63m ($76.6m) for the year
to February 28, 2013.

However, the next six months of 2013 saw
earnings from its technical services division eclipse shipbroking, as
the strategy to expand its salvage, ship agency and other related
services started to pay off.

An anticipated market upturn has pushed the share price up 30% in the past four months.

After several years in Singapore, executive director Denis Petropoulos has established Braemar』s Far Eastern footprint.

James Kidwell is chief executive of Braemar Shipping Services.

4. Poten Partners — Michael Tusiani and Steven Garten

New York base and US focus equate to close connections with the world』s
largest energy and gas companies, including ExxonMobil, the biggest
listed major, and Chevron.

Nearly 70 staff are employed at its
Third Avenue offices and the energy broker and consultancy also keeps a
substantial presence in London and the shipping centres of China,
Greece, Singapore, Australia and Houston.

Chairman Mr Tusiani, who has been with Poten since 1973, stepped down as chief executive this year, to be replaced by Mr Garten.

5. RS Platou — Peter Anker

RS Platou Shipbroking, led by managing partner and chief executive
Peter Anker, traces its roots back to 1936, its chartering and sales and
purchase division augmented by investment banking services and project
financing teams.

The shipbroker packs the most punch in its
finance division, where it has had more success than rival Clarksons in
securing business as equity raising increased this year.

issues in Norway for shipowners, excluding the offshore sector, totalled
NKr1.7bn ($286.2m) in this year』s first 11 months. US pure shipping
placements exceeded $8.9bn.

6. Barry Rogliano Salles — Tim Jones

PARIS-based Barry Rogliano Salles has wide influence, both in wet and dry shipbroking.

executive Tim Jones』 contacts in industrial ore shipping are extensive
and impressive and the Geneva and Dubai-focused tanker team wins clean
products business from oil majors shipping into Europe and Asia.

also has interests in AXS Marine, a web-based tool for charterers, and
Alphaliner, an information platform for the liner industry.

7. Howe Robinson — Peter Kerr-Dineen

100 brokers work for this 130-year-old London bastion of shipping,
which moved its head office to Singapore in 2009, as it followed the
cargo — and the business — to the Far East.

The privately held
broker is the third-largest shareholder in the Baltic Exchange, after
Clarksons and Embiricos Shipbrokers and, like SSY, prefers to stay under
the radar.

Unlike many of its rivals, however, Howe Robinson is
not involved in freight derivatives trading and chairman Peter
Kerr-Dineen is a leading critic of the Baltic Exchange』s little-used
trading screen for dry forward freight agreements.

8. EA Gibson — Nigel Richardson

its origins in UK coal shipping in the 19th century, EA Gibson has a
forged long-time involvement in tanker broking and has more than 160

Gibson is a subsidiary of London-listed energy services
provider Hunter and posted revenues for the last financial year of
around $45m.

Managing director Nigel Richardson has spent more
than 30 years at Gibson, rejuvenating its clean and dirty tanker
divisions and establishing the shipbroker in the liquid petroleum gas
and liquefied natural gas sectors.

9. ACM Shipping — Johnny Plumbe

from ACM Shipping』s tanker shipbroking base has paid off for the
London-listed company, led by executive chairman Johnny Plumbe.

branched out to gas and dry bulk shipbroking during the market downturn
and extended its outreach to Australia and Dubai in recent years.

Shipping has focused on rebuilding its sale and purchase desk, now its
fastest-growing sector. Revenue in 2012 stood at $42.2m, with about
3,300 single voyage fixtures.

10. Freight Investor Services — John Banaszkiewicz

outspoken co-founder of 11-year-old FIS, John Banaszkiewicz has, at
times, injected controversy and energy into the conservative world of

His background at Cargill International meant his
focus in broking was on risk management and the commoditisation of
shipping, and it led the way in dry freight derivatives broking and
later commodities swaps.

FIS was the first to embrace iron ore,
before branching out into coal, fertiliser and container swaps and
financing a Singapore-based screen trading platform.

3 各大broker在波羅的航航交所panelist 的數量以及持有的Share


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4 結合上市broker公司分析

在這些Top 10 的broker中 Clarksons, Braemar, ACM是倫敦上市公司。報表內有較為詳細的資料,比如員工人數,全球分公司個數,盈利情況等。最近稍忙 有時間的時候結合財報進行詳細回答

數據緩慢更新 歡迎指正錯誤


clarksons ssy

綜合排名參考Lloyds List(已附),具體不同板塊可以去Baltic Exchange看他的Panelists名單,上榜的都是在該板塊比較具有影響力的公司。

The Top 10 brokers for

01. Andi Case, Clarksons-Platou chief executive

WINNER of Deal of
the Year at the Lloyd』s List Global Awards for the bold acquisition of rival
broker RS Platou for $440m, Mr Case was instrumental in putting the merged
company Clarksons-Platou into an even more influential position in the broking

With a tanker
market reaching levels not seen since 2008, while the dry bulk and offshore
markets slump, 2016 is bound to generate plenty of opportunities, as well as
challenges for the world』s largest shipbroker.

02. James Kidwell, Braemar-ACM chief executive

ASKED by Lloyd』s
List why Braemar ACM should be in the top 10 shipbrokers, chief executive James
Kidwell said succinctly: 「Just in headcount terms, we are now a clear number
two worldwide.」

With more than 360
people in its broking business following the merger between Braemar and ACM
Shipping in July 2014, the larger entity has expanded its sector coverage and
geographical spread, extending its influence in broking.

03. John Welham, Simpson, Spence Young executive chairman

WITH its global
offices supported by SSY Consultancy Research in London providing data,
market reports and consultancy, SSY brokers have depth of knowledge at their

Having swallowed up
the US operation of shipbroker Lalemant last year, executive chairman John
Welham has put SSY on a stronger footing to capitalise on new US business
as product cargoes flow from the country and liquefied natural gas exports are
imminent. This augments the work of the Agency Department in London, which
specialises in the ports of North America.

04. Peter Kerr-Dineen and Henry Liddell, Howe Robinson-ICAP

HAVING merged Howe
Robinson and ICAP Shipping, the new organisation can now boast additional
expert services in dry cargo, containerships, and tankers.

New venture, Howe
Robinson Partners, is led by Peter Kerr-Dineen as chairman, with Henry Liddell
as head of the tanker division, George Hulse as head of the container division
and Guy Hindley as head of the dry division.

05. Mike Xanthakis, director Arrow Shipbroking Group

kid on the block, considering it was established in 1990, Arrow Shipbroking
Group has built a highly respected name for itself.

Based in glamorous
Chelsea Harbour, the London office is the headquarters and houses around 30
brokers, with a focus on sale and purchase, newbuilding and dry bulk chartering
departments. It prides itself on its expertise in the Chinese shipping market,
which certainly gives it extra clout.

06. Anders Hald, Maersk Broker

AS WELL as dry
cargo, sale and purchase and container broking, Maersk Broker is starting to
focus on renewable energy, offering broker and agency services for the offshore
wind segment.

It helps that,
while Maersk is no longer the only customer, the Danish shipping giant remains
a key customer.

07. Richard Fulford-Smith, Affinity

Fulford-Smith』s inclusion in the top 10 broker list is based on his branching
out to create Affinity. When the Clarksons-RS Platou merger deal was first
announced towards the end of 2014, RS Platou』s London broking team, which
wanted to remain a private company rather than publicly listed, decided to
launch a breakaway broking company, with the intention to keep it private.

Mr Fulford-Smith, a
former Clarkson group chief executive, is leading that breakaway band of
brokers. Their new shipbroking company, Affinity, began trading in January 2015
with around 70 employees, the bulk of whom are ex-RS Platou staff, and as a
young company has ambitions to go places.

08. John Schmidt, McQuilling Partners chief executive and

FOUNDED 43 years
ago, McQuilling Partners has been expanding its global presence since 2004. Its
research and reports continue to offer unique insight in the market, with its
rate forecasts a particular highlight for market watchers. Last year, it
established a joint venture with India』s Seaways Shipping and Logistics.

09. Nigel Richardson, EA Gibson

IN early 2015, EA
Gibson shipbrokers said it was separating from parent company Hunting PLC to
become a fully independent business, adding to the wave of developments shaking
up the global shipbroking industry.

Ownership of the
shipbrokers transferred to an employee benefit trust run on behalf of and for
all the 180 employees of Gibson.

Gibson managing
director Nigel Richardson said the split from international oil services group
Hunting PLC was 「momentous」, offering 「tremendous opportunities」. For this
reason, the company retains its place in the top 10 brokers.

10. Michael Tusiani, Poten and Partners

FOR more than 75
years, US company Poten and Partners has offered its services to the oil, gas
and shipping markets. It has more than 160 staff worldwide, and is a
well-established name in the industry.


The Baltic Exchange


瑞達船舶經紀公司 Rich Shiptr...百利 BRS柏拉圖 Platou上海海豐航運經紀有限公司航運界網站聯合船舶(INTLCO SHIPBROK...上海聯漢船務諮詢有限公司中國航空技術上海有限公司津洋 Joinocean偉馬 Greathorse海高 Seagos克拉克森 Clarkson宇軒 Vertical Horizon馬士基 Maersk高智 HIT奧普瑪 Optima豪羅賓遜 Howe Robinson菁英 Seamaster百力馬 Braemar辛浦森 SSY祥華 Chinica箭亞 Arrow達信 MarshSGCO 其中百利馬 豪羅賓遜 辛普森 箭亞比較大


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