Reader's Letter

A reader wrote to me


My readers work very hard to read my stories and share with me your stories. Nowadays reading my readers comments/messages/emails has become a full-time job to me. As much as I want to help you, I have my own life so I apologize that I cannot respond to every message. But look, I am doing my best =)

My first reaction to this message is that "are you sure he is your bf not just a date"? At least my understanding of a boyfriend is someone you have a relationship with and your relationship is known to both your friends and families. When I had a relationship with my first boyfriend, I talked to his parents and our relationship is known to all our friends.

My second reaction is that "how come you do not see a clue that he is dating someone else?" As a woman, I always feel that my sixth sense helps me detect something happening to the men I am seeing and it usually turn out to be true. So if you did not see anything suspicious, this might be a good lesson for you to learn.

My last reaction is that "I am happy for you that you are not the unfortunate girl who is gonna marry this jerk who is full of shit and lies". Now are you happy? The man who you see as bf is apparently dating another girl or girls and he finally shows his true color. You should be happy that you did not invest too much in the wrong man so that you could save your valuable time for the right man. Its a good thing, isnt it?



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