1、直接在模版中按照xhtml或html5 語法寫的form表單<form action="/your-name/" method="post">n <label for="your_name">Your name: </label>n <input id="your_name" type="text" name="your_name" value="{{ current_name }}">n <input type="submit" value="OK">n</form>n
request.method == "GET" 時,render 模版,在瀏覽器中顯示錶單。nrequest.method == POST時,讀取表單中的數據,再和資料庫交互。n
2、繼承 Django Form class
from django import formsnnclass NameForm(forms.Form):n your_name = forms.CharField(label=Your name, max_length=100)n
<form action="/your-name/" method="post">n {% csrf_token %}n {{ form }}n <input type="submit" value="Submit" />n</form>n
views 需要如下寫。
from django.shortcuts import rendernfrom django.http import HttpResponseRedirectnnfrom .forms import NameFormnndef get_name(request):n # if this is a POST request we need to process the form datan if request.method == POST:n # create a form instance and populate it with data from the request:n form = NameForm(request.POST)n # check whether its valid:n if form.is_valid():n # process the data in form.cleaned_data as requiredn # ...n # redirect to a new URL:n return HttpResponseRedirect(/thanks/)nn # if a GET (or any other method) well create a blank formn else:n form = NameForm()nn return render(request, name.html, {form: form})n
3、以models 中定義的類來生成表單(Creating forms from models)
>>> from django.forms import ModelFormn>>> from myapp.models import Articlenn# Create the form class.n>>> class ArticleForm(ModelForm):n... class Meta:n... model = Articlen... fields = [pub_date, headline, content, reporter]nn# Creating a form to add an article.n>>> form = ArticleForm()nn# Creating a form to change an existing article.n>>> article = Article.objects.get(pk=1)n>>> form = ArticleForm(instance=article)n
※[15] Python循環語句(二)
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