How much do you like my dating stories?
I was shocked when I logged into my email box and saw this
It happened within 48 hours after I posted Content 目錄 . My readers clicked the link on Content 目錄 (102 articles) even though I did say clearly that "Please note it only gives you the overview of my blog and the link of each article is tied to my evernote which only I myself have access to".How many people are reading my column? I used to feel that it was quiet here and people on zhihu might not be very interested in reading something written in English. Some people signing up for my consulting services told me that they bookmarked my column instead of "關注「 my column so that they could always come and see updates by "a single click". Now I start to believe that there are many people reading my stories - the ones requesting access to my evernote notebook are the ones who happen to have evernote accounts and there are many other readers who dont have evernote accounts thus cant send the request.
Honestly, after I found that somebody "stole" my intellectual property and sold it on Amazon (refer to 只聽文章被偷,人也被偷了怎麼辦), I hesitated and became less willing to share something personal in public. Unfortunately, I dont want to take the risk of getting nothing but bad taste in my mouth (fancy way to say "bad mood") at the end of the day. Anyways, I will keep writing my column but leave the very personal and sensitive stories and topics on my personal evernote notebook. That being said, readers who are interested in my stories will need to subscribe my evernote notebook to read my new stories.
Life-time subscription to all the articles I have written and will write on my evernote notebook is priced at 50 USD or 300 RMB. I will continue to write my dating stories until I get married so you are guaranteed to have a lot to read.
If you pay US Dollar, please send me an email via for payment method.
If you pay RMB, you can easily scan the QR code attached below (alipay account: you***@
Please write me your evernote account email address after the payment is made so I could add you to the subscription.
Reading on evernote is very convenient and it has a very clear setting which helps you read web articles in a comfortable reading view. Also, all the articles can be downloaded to your mobile phone and pc within one second so you can read when you are on the train or somewhere with no WIFI connection. For those who are curious about how the evernote works, you can click Am I a "知乎大V「 ? (a evernote article shared publicly) to see how it looks. The picture below is a snapshot.