




Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia 01 to 17




看了 @孫天任 的回答,決定也來補充幾本壕書,每本都在100歐以上

Handbook of the Birds of the World



HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World, Volume 1: Non-Passerines



Handbook of the Mammals of the World


















各種志書都是按系統分類的啊。對於古生物而言,最常用的大概是《無脊椎古生物屬志》Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology


Introduction (A) and sub-metazoan Protista (B, C D)

? Part A. Introduction: Fossilization (Taphonomy), Biogeography, Biostratigraphy, xxiii + 569 pages, 169 figures, 1979. ISBN 08137 30015.

? Part B. Protoctista / Protista, Volume 1: Charophyta, Sub-volume 1, 2005. ISBN 08137 30023. ---- Parts B through D refer to mostly one-celled, nucleated forms of life, typically fossilized due to their siliceous tests. "Protista" and Protoctista" are nearly synonymous.

o (Part B. Protoctista / Protista, Volume 1: Chrysomonadida, Coccolithophorida, Charophyta, Diatomacea Pyrrhophyta. Sub-volume 2 --- in preparation.)

? Part C. Protista / Protoctista, Volume 2: Sarcodina, Chiefly "Thecamoebians" Foraminiferida, Sub-volumes 1 and 2, xxxi + 900 p., 653 fig., 1964. ISBN 08137 30031.

? Part D. Protista / Protoctista, Volume 3: Protozoa: Chiefly Radiolaria Tintinnina, xii + 195 p., 92 fig., 1954. ISBN 08137 3004X.

Archaeocyatha and Porifera (E)

? Part E. Archaeocyatha Porifera, xviii + 122 p., 89 fig., 1955. This original is out-of-print. ---- Part E refers to sponge-like animals, both calcareous and siliceous.

o Part E, Revised. Archaeocyatha, Volume 1, xxx + 158 p., 107 fig., 1972. ISBN 08137 31054.

o Part E, Revised. Porifera, Volume 2: Classes Demospongea, Lyssacinosa Hexactinellida, xxvii + 349 p., 135 fig., 10 tables. 2003. ISBN 08137 31305.

o Part E, Revised. Porifera, Volume 3: Classes Demospongea, Hexactinellida, Heteractinida Calcarea, xxxi + 872 p., 506 fig., 1 table, 2004. ISBN 08137 31313.

? (Part E, Revised. Porifera --- additional volumes in preparation)

Cnidaria or Coelenterata (F)

? Part F. Coelenterata / Cnidaria, xvii + 498 p., 358 fig., 1956. This original is out-of-print. --- Part F refers to the corals and other cnidarians. "Coelenterata" and "Cnidaria" are almost synonyms.

o Part F. Coelenterata / Cnidaria, Supplement 1: Rugosa Tabulata corals, xl + 762 p., 462 fig., 1981. ISBN 08137 30295.

? (Part F, Revised. Cnidaria / Coelenterata: Scleractinia corals --- volume in preparation)

Bryozoa (G)

? Part G. Bryozoa, xii + 253 p., 175 fig., 1953. This original is out-of-print. --- Part G refers to the marine moss animals.

o Part G, Revised. Bryozoa, Volume 1: Introduction, Order Cystoporata Order Cryptostomata, xxvi + 625 p., 295 fig., 1983. ISBN 08137 31070.

? (Part G, Revised. Bryozoa --- additional volumes in preparation)

Brachiopoda (H)

? Part H. Brachiopoda, xxxii + 927 p., 746 fig., 1965. This original is out-of-print. --- Part H refers to the mostly-extinct lampshells.

o Part H, Revised. Brachiopoda, Volume 1: Introduction, xx + 539 p., 417 fig., 40 tables, 1997. ISBN 08137 31089.

o Part H, Revised. Brachiopoda, Volumes 2 and 3: Sub-phyla Linguliformea, Craniiformea, Rhynchonelliformea (1st part: Classes Chileta, Obolellata, Kutorginata, Strophomenta Rhynochonellata), xxx + 919 p., 616 fig., 17 tables, 2000. ISBN 08137 31089 (same as above). --- For two closely-related internal Wikipedia links, see Inarticulata for the craniiform brachiopods, and Articulata for the rhynchonelliform brachs.

o Part H, Revised. Brachiopoda, Volume 4: Sub-phylum Rhynchonelliformea (2nd part: Orders Pentamerida, Rhynchonellida, Atrypida Athrydida), xxxix + 768 pp., 484 fig., 3 tables, 2002 / 2005. ISBN 08137 31089 (same as previous two volumes).

o Part H, Revised. Brachiopoda, Volume 5: Sub-phylum Rhynchonelliformea (3rd part: Orders Spiriferida, Spiriferinida, Thecideida, Terebratulida Uncertain), 2006. ISBN 08137 31356.

Mollusca (I, J, K, L, M N)

? Part I. Mollusca 1: Mollusca General Features, Scaphopoda, Amphineura, Monoplacophora, Gastropoda General Features, Archaeogastropoda, Mainly Paleozoic Caenogastropoda and Opisthobranchia), xxiii + 351 p., 216 fig., 1960. This original is out-of-print. --- Parts I and J refer to the more primitive mollusks and the snails.

? (Part J, Mollusca 2: Paleozoic Gastropoda --- in preparation)

? Part K. Mollusca 3: Cephalopoda General Features, Endoceratoidea, Actinoceratoidea, Nautiloidea, Bactritoidea, xxviii + 519 p., 361 fig., 1964. ISBN 08137 30112. --- Part K refers to the nautilus-related mollusks. Also, for a pertinent internal Wikipedia link, see the genus Endoceras for the endoceratoids.

o (Part K, Revised. Mollusca 3: Nautiloidea --- volume in preparation)

? Part L. Mollusca 4: Ammonoidea, xxii + 490 p., 558 fig., 1957. This original is out-of-print. --- Part L refers to the group including the extinct ammonites and goniatites.

o Part L, Revised. Mollusca 4: Cretaceous Ammonoidea, xx + 362 p., 216 fig., 1995 / 1996. ISBN 08137 31127.

? (Part L, Revised. Mollusca 4: Paleozoic to Jurassic Ammonoidea --- additional volumes in preparation)

? (Part M. Mollusca 5: Coleoidea --- in preparation) --- Part M includes the squids, cuttlefish, and extinct belemnoids.

? Part N. Mollusca 6: Bivalvia, Volumes 1 and 2 (of 3), xxxvii + 952 p., 613 fig., 1969. ISBN 08137 30147. --- Part N refers to the clams, oysters, scallops, mussels and other commonly-fossilized pelecypods.

o Part N. Mollusca 6: Bivalvia, Volume 3: Oysters, iv + 272 p., 153 fig., 1971. ISBN 08137 30260.

Arthropoda (O, P, Q R)

? Part O. Arthropoda 1: Arthropoda General Features, Protarthropoda, Euarthropoda General Features, Trilobitomorpha, xix + 560 p., 415 fig., 1959. This original is out-of-print. --- Part O refers to the basal velvet worms (Onychophora) , primitive water bears (Tardigrada), and the often-fossilized, long-extinct trilobites.

o Part O, Revised. Arthropoda 1: Trilobita: Introduction, Order Agnostida Order Redlichiida, xxiv + 530 p., 309 fig., 1997. ISBN 08137 31151.

? (Part O, Revised. Arthropoda 1: Trilobita --- additional volumes in preparation).

? Part P. Arthropoda 2: Chelicerata, Pycnogonida Palaeoisopus, xvii + 181 p., 123 fig., 1955 / 1956. ISBN 08137 30163. --- Part P refers to the extinct giant sea scorpions, the horseshoe crabs, and the sea spiders.

? Part Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea Ostracoda, xxiii + 442 p., 334 fig., 1961. ISBN 08137 30171. --- Parts Q and R refer to the true crabs, lobsters, often-fossilized seed shrimp (ostracods), myriapods (millipedes and centipedes), and the rarely-fossilized insects (hexapods).

o (Part Q, Revised. Arthropoda 3 --- in preparation)

? Part R. Arthropoda 4, Volumes 1 and 2: Crustacea (exclusive of Ostracoda), Myriapoda, Hexapoda, xxxvi + 651 p., 397 fig., 1969. This volume is out-of-print.

? Part R. Arthropoda 4, Volumes 3 and 4: Hexapoda, xxii + 655 p., 265 fig., 1992. This volume is out-of-print.

o (Part R, Revised. Arthropoda 4 --- in preparation)

Echinodermata (S, T U)

? Part S. Echinodermata 1: Echinodermata General Features, Homalozoa, Crinozoa (exclusive of Crinoidea), Volumes 1 and 2, xxx + 650 p., 400 fig., 1967 / 1968. This volume is out-of-print. ---- Part S refers to long-extinct, more-primitive, sessile echinoderms.

? Part T. Echinodermata 2: Crinoidea, Volumes 1 to 3, xxxviii + 1,027 p., 619 fig., 1978. This volume is out-of-print. ----Part T refers to the largely-extinct sea lily group.

? Part T. Echinodermata 2: Crinoidea Fascicle, References Index to Volumes 1 to 3, i + 90 p., 1978. This volume is out-of-print.

o (Part T, Revised. Echinodermata 2: Crinoidea --- in preparation)

? Part U. Echinodermata 3: Asterozoans Echinozoans, xxx + 695 p., 534 fig., 1966. ISBN 08137 30228. ---- Part U refers to groups including the sea stars and the sea urchins. For two closely-related internal Wikipedia links, see Asteroidea for the asterozoans, and Echinoidea for the echinozoans.

Graptolithina (V)

? Part V. Graptolithina, xvii + 101 p., 72 fig., 1955. This original is out-of-print. --- Part V refers to the extinct graptolites, as well as to other hemichordates.

o Part V, Revised. Graptolithina: with sections on Enteropneusta Pterobranchia, xxxii + 163 p., 109 fig., 1970 / 1971. ISBN 08137 31232.

? (Part V, Revised. Graptolithina -- in preparation)

Miscellanea and Conodonta (W)

? Part W. Miscellanea: Conodonts, Conoidal shells of uncertain affinities, Worms, Trace Fossils, problematica, xxv + 259 p., 153 fig., 1962. ISBN 08137 30244. --- The enigmatic conodonts may turn out to be primal vertebrates.

o Part W, Revised. Miscellanea, Supplement 1: Trace Fossils and problematica, xxi + 269 p., 110 fig., 1975. This volume is out-of-print.

? (Part W, Revised. Trace Fossils --- in preparation)

o Part W, Revised. Miscellanea, Supplement 2: Conodonta, xxviii + 202 p., frontis., 122 fig., 1981. ISBN 08137 30287.






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