打發蛋白時加糖的時間及意義[科學]+[技術]問題 ?


1. 為什麼要在打發蛋白一定階段後才能加糖? 一開始加糖打發蛋白根本打發不起來。有什麼科學依據么?

2. 分次加糖的作用?

Sugar both hinders and helps foam making. Added early in the process, it delays foaming, and it reduces the foam』s ultimate volume and lightness. The delay comes from sugar』s interference with the unfolding and bonding of the proteins. And the reduction in volume and lightness is caused by the syrupy sugar-egg mixture being harder to spread into thin bubble walls. Slow foaming is a real disadvantage when the whites are whipped by hand — at standard soft-meringue levels, it doubles the work — but less so if you』re using a stand mixer.

The helpful thing about sugar is that it improves the foam』s stability. By making the liquid thick and cohesive, sugar greatly slows drainage from the bubble walls and coarsening of texture. In the oven, the dissolved sugar hangs onto the water molecules and so delays their evaporation in the high heat until after ovalbumin has had time to coagulate and reinforce the raw foam. And it eventually contributes reinforcement of its own in the form of fine but solid, cotton-candylike strands of dry sugar.

Sugar is usually incorporated into the egg whites after the foam has begun to form, when many proteins are already unfolded. For some purposes, cooks will mix sugar and whites at the outset, in order to obtain a very firm, dense foam.

"On food and cooking" - Harold McGee










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